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更多 “将/export/home/omc/conf目录拷贝到/export/home/omc/user/目录下的命令是___()” 相关考题
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考题 将/home/stud1/wang目录做归档压缩,压缩后生成wang.tar.gz文件,并将此文件保存到/home目录下,实现此任务的tar命令格式 tar zcvf /home/wang.tar.gz /home/stud1/wang 。

考题 An administrator created a .env file in a user‘s home directory to configure a number of custom environment variables for a local application. However, after the user logs out and then logs back into the system, the custom variables are not being set.What is the most likely reason that the custom .env file is being ignored?()A.A shell other than ksh is being used by the user.B.The line ‘export ENV=$HOME/.env‘ is missing from /etc/profile.C.The line ‘export ENV=$HOME/.env‘ is missing from the user‘s .profile.D.The env_profile attribute is not defined for the user within /etc/security/user.

考题 在Linux系统中,输入(51)命令会从/home/user1的当前目录中进入/etc目录下。A.cd etcB.cd./etcC.cd./etcD.cd

考题 在linux系统中,查找/home/目录下文件名以test开头的文件,以下正确的命令是()。A、find /home -name test*B、find -name test* /homeC、find test* /homeD、find -n test* /home

考题 M2000V2的license必须放置哪个目录下()。A、/opt/OMC/etc/conf或/export/home/omc/var/confB、/opt/OMCC、/opt/OMC/binD、/opt/OMC/var

考题 M2000V2服务器侧的Trace文件保存在()。A、/export/home/omc/varB、/export/home/omc/var/logsC、/export/home/omc/var/logD、/export/home/omc/var/trace

考题 OMCR服务器中,OMCRsever进程日志文件和mp打印文件分别存放在哪个目录中()A、/export/home/omc/tmpB、/export/home/omc/tmp/logC、/export/home/omc/tmp/ftpD、/export/home/omc/tmp/mplog

考题 UNIX的环境下,已知/tellin/sms目录是/tellinshare/sms目录下的符号连接,当前目录是/tellin/sms,现在执行命令cd..,请问执行完命令后,当前目录是()。A、/home1/tellinB、/tellinC、/tellinshareD、/home1/tellinshare

考题 将/home/stud1/wang目录做归档压缩,压缩后生成wang.tar.gz文件,并将此文件保存到/home目录下,实现此任务的tar命令格式是?

考题 将/home/stu目录下所有的.gz压缩文件解压缩,包括子目录,命令是()。

考题 写出完成下列功能的UNIX命令。将当前目录下文件wb1,wb2拷贝到子目录/home下。

考题 在bep1上执行rcp c2vpmn.slp bep2:cin/etc/.是将文件()拷贝到主机()的相同帐户$HOME目录下的()目录。

考题 An administrator created a .env file in a user’s home directory to configure a number of custom environment variables for a local application. However, after the user logs out and then logs back into the system, the custom variables are not being set What is the most likely reason that the custom .env file is being ignored?()A、A shell other than ksh is being used by the user.B、The line ’export ENV=$HOME/.env’ is missing from /etc/profile.C、The line ’export ENV=$HOME/.env’ is missing from the user’s .profile.D、The env_profile attribute is not defined for the user within /etc/security/user.

考题 将/home/ixdba目录做归档压缩,压缩后生成ixdba.tar.bz2文件,并将此文件保存到/home目录下,实现此任务的tar命令格式()。

考题 复制文件/etc/syconfig/vsftpd.conf到/home/happy目录下,使用命令?

考题 问答题复制文件/etc/syconfig/vsftpd.conf到/home/happy目录下,使用命令?

考题 单选题The /export/home file system is running out of space on c0t0d0s7. You added a new disk to the system and it is named c1t1d0. You need to move the /export/home file system to slice 7 on the new disk.  Which command is used to move the data from /export/home to the new disk after booting the server to the single-user milestone? ()A AB BC CD D

考题 填空题将/home/stu目录下所有的.gz压缩文件解压缩,包括子目录,命令是()。

考题 问答题写出完成下列功能的UNIX命令。将当前目录下文件wb1,wb2拷贝到子目录/home下。

考题 单选题An administrator created a .env file in a user’s home directory to configure a number of custom environment variables for a local application. However, after the user logs out and then logs back into the system, the custom variables are not being set What is the most likely reason that the custom .env file is being ignored?()A A shell other than ksh is being used by the user.B The line ’export ENV=$HOME/.env’ is missing from /etc/profile.C The line ’export ENV=$HOME/.env’ is missing from the user’s .profile.D The env_profile attribute is not defined for the user within /etc/security/user.

考题 填空题将/export/home/omc/conf目录拷贝到/export/home/omc/user/目录下的命令是___()

考题 填空题在bep1上执行rcp c2vpmn.slp bep2:cin/etc/.是将文件()拷贝到主机()的相同帐户$HOME目录下的()目录。

考题 填空题将/home/ixdba目录做归档压缩,压缩后生成ixdba.tar.bz2文件,并将此文件保存到/home目录下,实现此任务的tar命令格式()。

考题 问答题将/home/stud1/wang目录做归档压缩,压缩后生成wang.tar.gz文件,并将此文件保存到/home目录下,实现此任务的tar命令格式是?

考题 单选题UNIX的环境下,已知/tellin/sms目录是/tellinshare/sms目录下的符号连接,当前目录是/tellin/sms,现在执行命令cd..,请问执行完命令后,当前目录是()。A /home1/tellinB /tellinC /tellinshareD /home1/tellinshare