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  • B、B .SET DATE TO ANSI           


更多 “如果要显示"2006年10月20日”这种日期格式,应当执行的命令是()。A、A .SET DATE YY-MM-DDB、B .SET DATE TO ANSIC、C .SET DATE LONGD、D.SET DATE TO YMD” 相关考题
考题 依次执行以下命令后的输出结果是SET DATE TO YMDSEY CENTURY ONSET CENTURY TO 19 ROLLOVER 10SET MARK TO “.”? CTOD (“49-05-01”)A)49.05.01 B)1949.05.01 C)2049.05.01 D)出错

考题 依次执行以下命令后的输出结果是______。 SET DATE TO YMD SET CENTURY ON SET CENTURY TO 19 ROLLOVER 10 SET MARK TO"." ?CTOD("49-05-01")A.49.05.01B.1949.05.01C.2049.05.01D.出错

考题 设置严格的日期格式的命令是______。A.set date ansiB.set strictdate to 0C.set century onD.set strictdate to 1

考题 在SELECT-SQL命令的查询中,筛选条件的“=”运算符的比较方式(精确匹配和非精确匹配)取决于A.SET DATE的设置B.SET ANSI的设置C.SET TALK的设置D.SET FILTER的设置

考题 在VFP的命令窗口中进行日期的设置,要求以MM-DD-YY形式显示日期“11-15- 05”,应使用命令(57)。A.SET DATE TO MDY ? DATE()显示"11-15-05"B.SET DATE TO MDY DATE( ) ,显示" 11 - 15 -05"C.SET DATE TO MDY ? DATE( )显示" 11 - 15 -05"D.SET DATE TO MDY ? DATE( )显示" 11 - 15 - 05"

考题 在Visual FoxPro中,在执行了SET DATE AMERICAN之后:不能显示4位年份的命令是( )。A.?YEAR(DATE())B.?LEFT(DTOC(DATE()),4)C.?LEFT(口TOC(DATE(),1),4)D.?SUBSTR(DTOC(DATE(),1),1,4)

考题 依次执行以下命令后的输出结果是SET DATE TO YMDSET CENTURY ONSET CENTURY TO 19 ROLLOVER 10SET MARK TO “.”?CTOD(“49-05-01”)A.49.05.01B.1949.05.01C.2049.05.01D.出错

考题 Visual FoxPro中,执行了SET DATE AMERICAN后,不能显示4位年份的命令是( )A.?YEAR(DATE) Visual FoxPro中,执行了SET DATE AMERICAN后,不能显示4位年份的命令是( )A.?YEAR(DATE)B.?LEFT(DTOC(DATE),4)C.?LEFT(DTOC(DATE,1),4)D.?SUBSTR(DTOC(DATE,1),1,4)


考题 依次执行以下命令后的输出结果是( )。 SET DATE TO YMD SET CENTURY ON SET CENTURY T0 19 ROLLOVER 10 SET MARK T0”.” ?CTOD(”49-05-01”)A. 49.05.01B. 1949.05.O1C. 2049.05.0lD. 出错

考题 职工数据库有D型字段“出生日期”,要计算职工的整数实足年龄,应当使用命令______。A.?DATE()-出生日期/365B.?(DATE()-出生日期)1365C.?INT((DATE()-出生日期)/365)D.?ROUND((DATE()-出生日期)/365)

考题 Which operational mode command can be used to synchronize the local system time with an NTP server?() A. set ntp time set clock ntp set time set date ntp

考题 Which command would correctly set a router‘s date and time?() A.AB.BC.CD.D

考题 The following triggers were defined for table TAB1 in the order shown:CREATE TRIGGER trig_a AFTER UPDATE ON tab1 FOR EACH ROW UPDATE sale_tab SET sale_date = CURRENT DATE; CREATE TRIGGER trig_b AFTER UPDATE ON tab1 FOR EACH STATEMENT UPDATE invoice_tab SET invoice_date = CURRENT DATE; CREATE TRIGGER trig_c AFTER UPDATE ON tab1 FOR EACH ROW UPDATE shipping_tab SET ship_date = CURRENT DATE; CREATE TRIGGER trig_d AFTER UPDATE ON tab1 FOR EACH STATEMENT UPDATE billing_tab SETbilling_date = CURRENT DATE;If an event occurs that causes all of them to activate, which trigger will be activated first?()A.TRIG_AB.TRIG_BC.TRIG_CD.TRIG_D

考题 在命令窗口中执行下面命令序列,最后一条命令的输出结果是( )。SET CENTURY ONSET MARK T0〝?〞SET DATE TO YMD?{^2013-11-30)A.2013-11-30B.13-11-30C.2013/11/30D.2013? 11? 30

考题 为使日期型数据库能够显示世纪(即年为4位),应该使用的命令为( )。A.SET MARK ONB.SET DATE ONC.SET CENTURY OND.SET STRICTDATE ON

考题 假定系统日期是1998年12月20日,有如下命令: SET DATE T0 MDY NJ=DTOC(DATE()) ?RIGHT(NJ,2) 执行该命令后,NJ的值是( )。A.1998B.98C.981220D.1220

考题 执行下列命令后,在Visual FoxPr0窗口中显示的结果是__________。SET DATE TOYMD?RIGHT(DTOC({2008-01-01}),2)-”01”

考题 设置严格的日期格式的命令是()A、set date ansiB、set strictdate to 0C、set century onD、set strictdate to 1

考题 You create a Web Form that contains a text box named txtDate. You want the text box to allow users to enter any valid date. You need to use an ASP.NET validation control to ensure that only valid date values are submitted to the server. What should you do? ()A、Add a CompareValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its Operator property to DataTypeCheck.B、Add a RangeValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its MinimumValue property to 01/01/1900 and its MaximumValue to the current date.C、Add a CustomValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Write a function in the partial class that verifies the values as dates and returns a Boolean variable. Set the CustomValidators ClientValidationFunction to the name of your function.D、Add a RegularExpressionValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Setthe ValidationExpression property to ensure that the users input follows the format of nn-nn-nnnn, where n represents a number from 0 through 9.

考题 What is the name of the User Interface (UI) widget that is just a standard edit box that is linked to a calendar with the pop-up property set?()A、Date-Time PickerB、Calendar PickerC、Date PickerD、Date Selector

考题 Which operational mode command can be used to synchronize the local system time with an NTP server?()A、set ntp time、set clock ntp、set time、set date ntp

考题 Which operational mode command can be used to synchronize the local system with an NTP server?()A、set ntp time、set clock ntp、set time、set date ntp

考题 You create a Web Form that contains a text box named txtDate. You want the text box to allow users to enter any valid date. You need to use an ASP.NET validation control to ensure that only valid date values are submitted to the server. What should you do?()A、Add a CompareValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its Operator property to DataTypeCheck.B、Add a RangeValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its MinimumValue property to 01/01/1900 and its MaximumValue to the current date.C、Add a CustomValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Write a function in the partial class that verifies the values as dates and returns a Boolean variable. Set the CustomValidators ClientValidationFunction to the name of your function.D、Add a RegularExpressionValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set the ValidationExpression property to ensure that the users input follows the format of nn-nn-nnnn, where n represents a number from 0 through 9.

考题 单选题You create a Web Form that contains a text box named txtDate. You want the text box to allow users to enter any valid date. You need to use an ASP.NET validation control to ensure that only valid date values are submitted to the server. What should you do? ()A Add a CompareValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its Operator property to DataTypeCheck.B Add a RangeValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its MinimumValue property to 01/01/1900 and its MaximumValue to the current date.C Add a CustomValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Write a function in the partial class that verifies the values as dates and returns a Boolean variable. Set the CustomValidators ClientValidationFunction to the name of your function.D Add a RegularExpressionValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set the ValidationExpression property to ensure that the users input follows the format of nn-nn-nnnn, where n represents a number from 0 through 9.

考题 单选题You create a Web Form that contains a text box named txtDate. You want the text box to allow users to enter any valid date. You need to use an ASP.NET validation control to ensure that only valid date values are submitted to the server. What should you do? ()A Add a CompareValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its Operator property to DataTypeCheck.B Add a RangeValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its MinimumValue property to 01/01/1900 and its MaximumValue to the current date.C Add a CustomValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Write a function in the partial class that verifies the values as dates and returns a Boolean variable. Set the CustomValidators ClientValidationFunction to the name of your function.D Add a RegularExpressionValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Setthe ValidationExpression property to ensure that the users input follows the format of nn-nn-nnnn, where n represents a number from 0 through 9.

考题 单选题如果要显示"2006年10月20日”这种日期格式,应当执行的命令是()。A A .SET DATE YY-MM-DDB B .SET DATE TO ANSIC C .SET DATE LONGD D.SET DATE TO YMD