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出发场 departure yard


更多 “出发场 departure yard” 相关考题
考题 出发场

考题 办理列车到达和出发作业的车场是()。A、到达场B、出发场C、到发场D、调车场

考题 到发场 receiving and departure yard

考题 直通场 through yard

考题 复式梯线车场适合()。A、调车场B、到达场C、出发场D、货场

考题 交接场 dilivered and received car yard

考题 堆场 storage yard

考题 单向二级四场混合式编组站,将尾部牵出线与出发场间联络线在出发场前面一段设计成()坡,加速转场作业以节省转线时间。

考题 站场路基高程 elevation of yard subgrade

考题 反发 opposite departure

考题 编发场 marshalling-departure yard

考题 站场路基 yard subgrade

考题 环发 circular departure

考题 交换车场 transferred yard

考题 车场 yard

考题 曲线外轨、()以外的线路,严禁使用铁鞋制动。A、编组场B、调车场C、到达场D、出发场

考题 进场和离场为同一条航线。()A、Approach and Leave are on the same route.B、Arrival and Departure are on the same route.C、Approach and Departure are on the same route.

考题 单选题The Departure Report,required by vessels participating in AMVER,must be sent().A as soon as practicable on leaving portB prior to departureC within 24 hours of departureD within 12 hours of departure

考题 名词解释题编发场 marshalling-departure yard

考题 名词解释题站场路基 yard subgrade

考题 名词解释题出发场 departure yard

考题 名词解释题站场路基高程 elevation of yard subgrade

考题 名词解释题交接场 dilivered and received car yard

考题 名词解释题到发场 receiving and departure yard

考题 名词解释题出发场

考题 单选题办理列车到达和出发作业的车场是()。A 到达场B 出发场C 到发场D 调车场

考题 名词解释题直通场 through yard