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Payment by D/Pshould be()to you.

  • A、agree
  • B、agreed
  • C、agreement
  • D、agreeable


更多 “Payment by D/Pshould be()to you.A、agreeB、agreedC、agreementD、agreeable” 相关考题
考题 听力原文:M: What will happen if a draft is not presented for payment when due?W: If this is the case, all the signatories on the bill will be discharged except the acceptor.Q: What are the two people mainly talking about?(18)A.How to present the bill for payment.B.The presentation of bills for payment.C.The solution to the injured drawer.D.The payment of the cheque.

考题 Your proposal()transact business()this Bank is agreeable .A. and ; withB. to ; withC. to ;forD. for ;with

考题 Mr. Brown will get ()touch with you.A、intoB、inC、uponD、on

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考题 Under D/P, all the documents, and usually title to the goods, are released to the buyer upon ______.A.his acceptance of the draft for payment at a specified later dateB.his payment of the amount specified under reserveC.his partial payment of the bill amountD.his payment of the amount specified

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考题 The room is dim and quiet.A:tiny B:pleasant C:dark D:agreeable

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考题 peaceful solutions to other religious,ethnic and national conflicts around the world. 请在第_______处填上正确答案。A.country B.society C.agreement D.days

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考题 She will be pleased to meet you.A:angry B:happy C:sad D:unwilling

考题 I'll draft a letter for you.A:clarify B:formulate C:revise D:contribute

考题 I'm very glad to draft the letter for you.A:revise B:clarify C:formulate D:contribute

考题 She will be pleased to meet you.A:angry B:happy C:sad D:unwilling

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考题 Your terms of payment are()to us.A、agreeB、agreedC、agreementD、agreeable

考题 If business had been carried out to our satisfaction,we()to renew the Agency Agreement.A、had agreedB、already agreedC、shall agreeD、should have agreed

考题 We regret()to accept your terms of payment and therefore have to return the order to you.A、cannotB、being unableC、not ableD、not be able

考题 The WebSphere Commerce Payments architecture includes a Payment Servlet and a Payment Engine. The Payment Engine is the ONLY component that:()A、writes payment information to the databaseB、relays incoming HTTP requestsC、writes payment information to the HTTP serverD、maps authenticated users to merchant roles

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考题 单选题Payment by D/Pshould be()to you.A agreeB agreedC agreementD agreeable