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The room is dim and quiet.



更多 “ The room is dim and quiet.A:tiny B:pleasant C:dark D:agreeable” 相关考题
考题 Thomas is afraid of the dark, () he sleeps with a light on in his room. A、thereforeB、becauseC、howeverD、then

考题 What is Wilmington like now?A.It's a prosperous city.B.It has many veterans of war.C.Its pretty buildings have been torn down.D.It is no longer an agreeable place.

考题 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. One can know his friends better from their color preference.B. Workers can work better in a room with bright colors.C. The person who prefers dark colors can not be successful.D. We can change our mood by changing our clothes.

考题 下面数组说明语句错误的是______。A.Dim b(-10)As DoubleB.Dim c(8, 3)As ByteC.Dim d(-10 To-1)As BooleanD.Dim e(-99 To-5, -3 To 0)

考题 If you don't have anything ________ to say I'd rather you kept quiet.A constructiveB effectiveC investigatorsD inspectors

考题 Your proposal()transact business()this Bank is agreeable .A. and ; withB. to ; withC. to ;forD. for ;with

考题 Because of the strong sun, Mrs. White’s new dinning-room curtains ______ from dark blue to gray within a year.A、disappearedB、fadedC、paledD、grew

考题 We are() to listen to her () voice. It s () to listen hear her sing. A、pleased; pleasing; pleaureB、pleased; pleasant; a pleasureC、pleasing; pleased; a pleasureD、pleasing; pleasant; pleasure

考题 下列数组定义语句错误的是A.k%=10 Dim Arr(k)B.Const k%=10 Dim Arr(k)C.Dim Arrl(10) As Integer Dim Arr2(10)D.Dim Arrl(1 To 10) Dim Arr2(1 To 10,2 To 11)

考题 以下关于变量的类型说明符的使用中,正确的是______。A.Dim a:a%=8000B.Dim a:a=1000%C.Dim a:a="OK"D.Dim a:a=True

考题 Which of the following is the MOST important factor when considering environmental factors?() A. Server room access should be limited to authorized personnel.B. Servers should be kept in a warm and dark environment.C. Remove the floppy drives from the system.D. The server administrator should ensure adequate levels of cooling.

考题 以下关于变量类型说明符的使用正确的是 ( )A.Dim a%: a=90B.Dim a:a=2000%C.Dim a#:a="OK",D.Dim a:a=True

考题 变量定义语句Dim Index与下面的______等价。 ( )A.Dim Index As LongB.Dim Index As IntegerC.Dim Index As SingleD.Dim Index As Double

考题 What would you say to the hotel receptionist to get a double room?__________ A.Rent us a double room. B.Book us a double room. C.We'd like to have a double room. D.Let's have a double room.

考题 When Richard said, "You are much more agreeable and prettier now", Joan′ s face turned red at the unexpected _____________.A.contribution B.compliment C.comparison D.command

考题 ______ alone in the dark room, the little girl was so frightened as to cry loudly.A. Leaving B. Left C. Having left D. To be left

考题 At the University of Kansas art museum,scientists tested the effect of different colored walls on two groups of visitors to an exhibit of paintings.For the first group the room was painted white;for the second,dark brown.Movement of each group was followed by an electrical equipment under the carpet.The experiment showed that those who entered the dark brown walked more quickly,covered more area,and spent less time in the room than people in the white one.Dark brown made people more active,but the activity ended sooner.Not only the choice of colors but also the general appearance of a room affects those inside.Another experiment presented people with photographs of faces whose energy was to be commented.Three groups of people were used;each was shown the same photos,but each group was in an ordinary room—a nice office.The third was in a tastefully designed living room with carpeting.Results showed that the people in the beautiful room tend to give higher marks to the faces than those in the ugly room did.Other studies that students do better on tests taken in comfortable room than in ordinary-looking or ugly rooms. Which of the following is the best expression of the main idea of this passage A.People in beautiful rooms tend to give higher marks to photos of faces than people in ugly rooms B.The color and general appearance of a room have a deeper effect on the behavior of the people in it C.The University of Kansas has studied the effects of the color of room on people’s behavior D.Beautifully furnished,light-coloured rooms make people more comfortable than ugly,dark rooms

考题 引航员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。()A、The pilot room is next to the chart room.B、The pilot room is next to the wheelhouse .C、The pilot room next to the captain’s cabin.D、The pilot room next to the wheelhouse .

考题 下列语句定义一个变体数据的是()。A、Dim bB、dim cC、Dim a%D、Dim d$

考题 下面的数组定义语句正确的是()。A、Dim a[3]B、Dim a[3 to 4]C、Dim a(10 4)D、Dim a(3 to 6)

考题 定义定长字符串的方法是()。A、Dim str As stringB、Dim str As string*10C、Dim str$=10D、Dim str$

考题 Payment by D/Pshould be()to you.A、agreeB、agreedC、agreementD、agreeable

考题 Your terms of payment are()to us.A、agreeB、agreedC、agreementD、agreeable

考题 Which of the following is the MOST important factor when considering environmental factors?()A、Server room access should be limited to authorized personnel.B、Servers should be kept in a warm and dark environment.C、Remove the floppy drives from the system.D、The server administrator should ensure adequate levels of cooling.

考题 单选题Which of the following is the MOST important factor when considering environmental factors?()A Server room access should be limited to authorized personnel.B Servers should be kept in a warm and dark environment.C Remove the floppy drives from the system.D The server administrator should ensure adequate levels of cooling.

考题 单选题_____ he realized it was too late to return home.A No sooner it grew dark whenB It was not until dark thatC Scarcely it grew dark thanD While it grew dark that

考题 单选题Sulfuric acid is a().A clear syrupy liquid with no odorB colorless-to-brown liquid with a choking odor when hotC colorless liquid with a pleasant fruity odorD whitish liquid with a faint,pleasant odor