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If I _____ the exam, he would be astonished.

did pass




were to pass


had passed


考查错综虚拟语气句。从句为与过去事实相反的虚拟语气(had done),主句为与现在事实相反的虚拟语气(would/should/could/might do)。
更多 “单选题If I _____ the exam, he would be astonished.A did passB passC were to passD had passed” 相关考题
考题 Hardly ______ the door when he rushed into the office. A.I openedB. did I openC. I had openedD. had I opened

考题 _______yesterday, you would have met Professor Jones.But now he has left for London. A.Did you comeB.Had you comeC.Should you comeD.Were you to come

考题 Only when I began to do it ____ that I had made a mistake.A I realized B I had realized C did I realize D would I realize

考题 I wish I ______ you yesterday.A. seenB. did seeC. had seenD. were to see

考题 Not until______ the whole thing to him ______that he was wrong.A. had I explained, he realizedB. had I explained, that he realizedC. I had explained, that he realizedD. I had explained, did he realize

考题 If you _______ hard enough, you _______ the exam. A.study, will passB.have studied, will passC.are studying, will passD.study, pass

考题 If I had studies harder, I _______ the exam. A.will have passedB.would have passedC.passedD.would pass

考题 I _______ him study hard until he passes the exam. A.askB.madeC.letD.had

考题 My brother lived at home before he got married, and so ___. A.did IB.had IC.I hadD.I did

考题 —They must have thought you were terribly rude to have brought your host some food.— () . A.I would be happy to bring some.B.I remember one time a friend of mine from Switzerland had us over for dinner.C.I'm sure they did, but they were too polite to say anything.

考题 He_____to hear that he had passed the exam. A、relievedB、was relievedC、relievesD、was relieving

考题 Had he studied hard, he___ the exam. A、would passB、could passC、had passedD、.would have passed

考题 If he had worked hard____.A. he might have passed the final examB. he might pass the final examC. he has passed the final examD. he passed the final exam

考题 My husband lived at home before we were married, and so______.A、did IB、had IC、I hadD、I did

考题 As ________, he did not show up at the party.A、was expectedB、would be expectedC、had been expectedD、expected

考题 () I would go there myself. A、were I youB、I were youC、If I had been youD、Had I been you

考题 __________, I would take an umbrella with me.A、Had I been youB、I were youC、Were I youD、I had been you

考题 A) I had workedB) did I workC) was I workingD) would I work

考题 Not until the game had begun at the sports ground.A.should he have arrived B.would he have arrived C.did he arrive D.had he arrived

考题 Not until the game had begun__________at the sports ground.A.he arrived B.he didn't arrive C.did he arrive D.would he arrive

考题 So badly__________in the accident that he had to stay in the hospital for a month.A.did he injure B.he did injure C.was he injured D.were he injured

考题 ( )us the information,we would have been ambushed. A.Had he not given B.If he did not give C.Should he not give D.Were he not to give

考题 Not until the game had begun( )at the sports ground. A.had he arrived B.would he have arrived C.did he arrive D.should he have arrived

考题 蓝鲸PaaS平台的初次登录密码是由globals.env里哪个配置设置?()A、MYSQL_PASSB、PAAS_ADMIN_PASSC、ZK_PASSD、MONGODB_PASS

考题 Why he did it will remain a()for ever.A、strangeB、passC、publicD、puzzle

考题 We were all surprised when he made it clear that he()office soon.A、leavesB、would leaveC、leftD、had left

考题 单选题If I _____ the exam, he would be astonished.A did passB passC were to passD had passed

考题 单选题—I thought you were going to call on me last night.  —Sorry, I would have, ______A but I had to finish my homeworkB but 1 would call you as soon as possibleC I thought you were thereD you would have taken me there