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更多 “名词解释题CREST综合症” 相关考题
考题 下列由染色体畸变引起的智力迟滞是:() A、弗伶综合症B、特纳综合症C、唐氏综合症D、猫叫综合症

考题 Air gap is the vertical distance between the bottom of the hull and the ______.A.Still water levelB.Wave crestC.Wave crest plus the charted water depth and tidal correctionsD.Wave crest plus the charted water depth and tidal correction and storm surge

考题 牙槽嵴顶alveolar bone crest

考题 CREST综合征是指什么?

考题 下列不属于弥漫性结缔组织病的是()。A、风湿性关节炎B、SLEC、结节性多动脉炎D、CREST综合症

考题 先天愚型的智力迟滞又叫()A、猫叫综合症B、唐氏综合症C、特纳综合症D、弗伶综合症

考题 峰顶平台 platform of hump crest

考题 什么是CREST综合征?

考题 先天卵巢发育不全综合症又叫()A、克林弗尔特综合症B、唐氏综合症C、特纳综合症D、弗伶综合症

考题 简述CREST综合征的临床特点。

考题 峰顶 hump crest

考题 急性脑病综合征又称:()A、痴呆综合征B、遗忘综合症C、慢性脑病综合症D、谵妄综合症E、Capgras综合症

考题 有些硬皮病患者皮肤出现()()()()和()症状,称为CREST综合征。

考题 名词解释题峰顶平台 platform of hump crest

考题 单选题Air gap is the vertical distance between the bottom of the hull and the().A still water levelB wave crestC wave crest plus the charted water depth and tidal correctionsD wave crest plus the charted water depth and tidal correction and storm surge

考题 单选题CREST综合症的表现中无()。A 皮肤钙沉着B 雷诺现象C 肾脏受累D 指硬皮症E 毛细血管扩张

考题 单选题The length of a wave is the length().A of the wave's crestB of the wave's troughC measured from crest to troughD measured from crest to crest

考题 单选题先天卵巢发育不全综合症又叫()A 克林弗尔特综合症B 唐氏综合症C 特纳综合症D 弗伶综合症

考题 单选题The condition where a ship on the end of a tow line is riding a wave crest at the same time as its tug rides a wave crest is known as riding in().A synchronismB harmonyC checkD step

考题 单选题先天愚型的智力迟滞又叫()A 猫叫综合症B 唐氏综合症C 特纳综合症D 弗伶综合症

考题 问答题简述CREST综合征的临床特点。

考题 单选题When towing in an open seaway,it is important to use a towing line().A made only of wire rope,due to possible weather conditionsB that will have the tow on a crest while your vessel is in a troughC that will have the tow on a crest while your vessel is on a crestD with little dip to gain maximum control of the tow

考题 单选题CREST综合症的标志性抗体是()。A 抗Scl-70抗体B 抗着丝点抗体C 抗Sm抗体D 抗Ro/SS-A抗体或抗La/SS-B抗体E 抗Jo-1抗体

考题 问答题CREST综合征是指什么?