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Researchers think that it is ______.

safe to eat fresh fish


dangerous to get close to the algae


safe to be near the algae


dangerous to expose the algae


细节题。第四段第二句提到“Researchers think…anyone with frequent exposure to the creature could be in peril”,可知研究人员认为频繁接触这种生物可能会很危险,其中frequent exposure to the creature与选项B中的get close to the algae表达意思相同。
更多 “单选题Researchers think that it is ______.A safe to eat fresh fishB dangerous to get close to the algaeC safe to be near the algaeD dangerous to expose the algae” 相关考题
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考题 单选题Researchers think that it is ______.A safe to eat fresh fishB dangerous to get close to the algaeC safe to be near the algaeD dangerous to expose the algae

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考题 单选题A self-contained breathing apparatus is used to().A make underwater repairs to bargesB determine if the air in a tank is safe for menC enter areas that may contain dangerous fumes or lack oxygenD resuacitate an unconscious person

考题 单选题It is dangerous for vessels without the operational radar()the estuary.A to getB to approachC to proceedD to close