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A self-contained breathing apparatus is used to().

make underwater repairs to barges


determine if the air in a tank is safe for men


enter areas that may contain dangerous fumes or lack oxygen


resuacitate an unconscious person


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更多 “单选题A self-contained breathing apparatus is used to().A make underwater repairs to bargesB determine if the air in a tank is safe for menC enter areas that may contain dangerous fumes or lack oxygenD resuacitate an unconscious person” 相关考题
考题 On a ship, the locker or space containing the self-contained breathing apparatus must _____.A.be located in close proximity to the main control stationB.be equipped with battery powered emergency lightingC.be marked SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUSD.All of the above

考题 Self-contained breathing apparatus is used to ______.A.make underwater repairs to bargesB.determine if the air in a tank is safe for menC.enter areas that may contain dangerous fumes or lack oxygenD.resuscitate an unconscious person

考题 What is the minimum period of time that the air supply for a self-contained breathing apparatus is required to last?________.A.10 minutesB.20 minutesC.30 minutesD.90 minutes

考题 According to SOLAS the breathing air apparatus that must be onboard shall have sufficient capacity for how many minutes of operation?____.A.20B.30C.45D.60

考题 You are in a tank wearing the self-contained breathing apparatus and you desire to return topside.How many tugs of the lifeline mean to take up the slack ________.A.OneB.TwoC.ThreeD.Four

考题 The bypass valve on a self-contained breathing device should be opened if ______.A.You are entering a space containing poisonous vaporsB.You are entering a space containing explosive gasesC.The regulator of the breathing apparatus malfunctionsD.The face piece of the breathing device is too tight

考题 The function of the bypass valve on the self-contained breathing apparatus is to ______.A.control the pressure of the oxygen as it enters the bodyB.allow the wearer to manually give himself oxygenC.release excess heat which would otherwise cause the bottle to explodeD.allow exhaled gases to pass outside the bottle

考题 Gas masks ______.A.should be worn while fighting a fireB.can be used in atmospheres deficient in oxygenC.filter contaminants from air that is to be breathedD.may be substituted for a self-contained breathing apparatus


考题 单选题The bypass valve on a self-contained breathing device should be opened if().A you are entering a space containing poisonous vaporsB you are entering a space containing explosive gasesC the regulator of the breathing apparatus malfunctionsD the face piece of the breathing device is too tight

考题 单选题Which item is NOT included in the fireman’s outfit on a cargo vessel?()A Fire axB FlashlightC rigid helmetD Fresh air breathing apparatus


考题 单选题The required fireman’s outfits required for ship’s are not to be used for any other purpose EXCEPT for the().A oxygen and explosion meter when it is used for detection of flare gasesB self-contained breathing apparatus,when used as protection from gas leaking from a refrigeration unitC boots and gloves that are made of rubber or electrically non-conductive material,if used when repairing electrical equipmentD lifeline,if used by personnel entering a compartment which might be deficient of oxygen

考题 单选题Gas masks().A should be worn while fighting a fireB can be used in atmospheres deficient in oxygenC filter contaminants from air that is to be breathedD may be substituted for a self-contained breathing apparatus

考题 单选题A self-contained breathing apparatus is used to().A make underwater repairs to bargesB determine if the air in a tank is safe for menC enter areas that may contain dangerous fumes or lack oxygenD resuscitate an unconscious person

考题 单选题Fire protection regulations for towing vessels require training in all of the following,EXCEPT().A putting on a fireman's outfit,if the vessel is so equippedB donning a self-contained breathing apparatus,if the vessel is so equippedC activating the general alarm and reporting inoperative alarm systems and fire-detection systemsD refilling and servicing all expended fire extinguishing equipment

考题 单选题On all vessels equipped with refrigeration units of over 20 cubic foot capacity, ().A a gas mask suitable for protection against each refrigerant used, or a self contained breathing apparatus must be providedB it is the sole responsibility of the chief engineer to ascertain that all members of the engineering department are familiar with the use of gas masks or breathing apparatusC spare charges shall be carried for at least 50% of each size and variety of gas masks and/or self contained breathing apparatusD all of the above

考题 单选题After putting on a self-contained breathing apparatus, you open the air supply and hear a continuous ringing of a bell.What does this mean?().A The unit is working properlyB The face mask is not sealed properlyC The air bottle needs to be refilledD The air supply hose has a leak

考题 单选题On cargo and miscellaneous vessels what is NOT a required part of the fireman’s outfit?()A Self-contained breathing apparatus with a lifeline attachedB Combustible gas indicatorC Rigid helmet,boots,and glovesD Flame safety lamp

考题 单选题The function of the bypass valve on the self-contained breathing apparatus is to().A control the pressure of the oxygen as it enters the bodyB allow the wearer to manually give himself oxygenC release excess heat which would otherwise cause the bottle to explodeD allow exhaled gases to pass outside the bottle

考题 单选题When entering a foam injected space () breathing apparatus.A put outB put onC take offD take in

考题 单选题The self-contained breathing device should not be used in which situation?()A Oxygen deficient spacesB Compartments containing poisonous vaporsC Fighting fires that produce heavy smokeD Underwater search

考题 单选题Which emergency equipment should you keep near the towing bitts().A A self-contained breathing apparatusB A boat hook and a spanner wrenchC A fire ax and/or cutting torchD A Stokes litter basket

考题 单选题Which emergency equipment should you keep near the towing bitts? ()A A self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)B A boat hook and a spanner wrenchC A fire ax and/or cutting torchD A Stokes litter basket

考题 单选题You are about to enter a compartment to investigate a suspected smoldering fireIf youre not wearing a self-contained breathing apparatus, you should test the compartments atmosphere to determine if there is/are ().A sufficient oxygen to sustain human lifeB an explosive mixture in the compartmentC a toxic atmosphere in the compartmentD All of the above

考题 单选题The basic training in fire prevention and fire fighting should include the practical elements which should allow the trainees to acquire the ability to ().A use self-contained breathing apparatusB use various types of portable fire extinguishersC effect a rescue in a smoke-filled space wearing breathing apparatusD All of the above

考题 单选题Why should you wear a self-contained breathing apparatus before entering the engine room after the fixed CO2 system has been discharged to combat a major fire?()A Because carbon dioxide dilutes the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere and may cause asphyxiationB Because carbon dioxide breaks down in a fire into carbon monoxide which may cause blood poisoning in the person breathing this gasC Because carbon dioxide is a colorless and odorless gas that becomes highly toxic in the presence of high temperatures and will quickly incapacitate a person exposed to this gasD This action is unnecessary as carbon dioxide is not poisonous nor toxic but is a relatively harmless gas

考题 单选题A ship must have a self-contained breathing apparatus to be used as protection from gas leaking from a refrigeration unit. To meet this requirement,you may use().A a gas mask certified by the Mine Safety and Health AdministrationB the same self-contained breathing apparatus required with the fireman's outfitC an oxygen breathing apparatus,provided that the device has been inspected within three yearsD a portable ventilation system that will provide a complete change of air every three minutes