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更多 “单选题_____A ideaB creatureC attitudeD person” 相关考题
考题 My father seemed to be in no ()to celebrate. A、moodB、emotionC、attitudeD、feeling

考题 My mother seemed to be in no () with my poor school report. A、moodB、contactC、attitudeD、feeling

考题 When I was in the army I received a kind of _______ test which all soldiers took. A. appraiseB. aptC. attitudeD. aptitude

考题 - May I help you, madam? - (). A、Sorry, I have no ideaB、Yes, I'd like 2 kilos of orangesC、You'd better give me a hand

考题 44______.A.senseB.valueC.attitudeD.idea

考题 PGP一个基于下列哪个公钥加密体系的邮件加密软件( )。 A、IDEAB、DESC、KerberosD、RSA

考题 _________ I am! I've forgotten to post your letter.A. What forgetful a creatureB. How forgetful a creatureC. What a forgetful creatureD. How a forgetful creature

考题 A: What about going for a walk? B: ______________. A、Why not? A good ideaB、That’s all rightC、So, do ID、Walking is good to you

考题 Night classes are _____.A、a good ideaB、good ideasC、good ideaD、the good idea

考题 Myfatherseemedtobeinno__________tolookatmyschoolreport.A)moodB)emotionC)attitudeD)feeling

考题 (43)A.IDEAB.RASC.DESD.Dlffie-Hellman

考题 From the text we can conclude that the author ________.A. is supportive of Mr. ScrushyB. favors Ms. Lewis's sideC. takes a detached attitudeD. is sympathetic

考题 Aboard damaged vessels, the MOST important consideration is preserving ______.A.bilge pumping capacityB.reserve buoyancyC.level attitudeD.Instability

考题 The principles for good lesson planning are in terms of variety, flexibility, _ and linkage.A.type B.learnability C.attitude D.language

考题 My father seemed to be in no__________to look at my school report.A.mood B.emotion C.attitude D.feeling

考题 下列协议中,不用于数据加密的是( )。 A. IDEA B. Differ-hellman C. AES D. RC4

考题 在SET协议中,默认使用( )对称加密算法。 A. IDEA B. RC5 C. 三重DES D. DES

考题 (4)不属于对称加密算法。 A.IDEA B.DES C.RC5 D.RSA

考题 What about having a drink?()A、Good ideaB、Help yourselfC、Go ahead, pleaseD、Me, too

考题 ()不属于对称加密算法A、IDEAB、DESC、RCSD、RSA

考题 IPSEC VPN中,以下哪个算法可以实现对消息源进行认证()A、IDEAB、AESC、3DESD、SHA1

考题 下列算法中属于非对称密码算法的是:()。A、IDEAB、RSAC、DESD、3DES

考题 单选题The“person in the phrase ”to designate a person or persons ashore having direct access to the highest level of management” refers to ().A the manager of the shipping companyB the master of the shipC the designated person on board shipD the designated person ashore

考题 单选题Money()as it goes from person to person.A speaksB scattersC circulatesD distributes

考题 单选题The need for sleep varies ____ from person to person.A conservativelyB alternativelyC considerablyD influentially

考题 单选题The radiotelephone required by the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act is for the exclusive use of ().A the Master or person in charge of the vesselB a person designated by the MasterC a person on board to pilot the vesselD All of the above

考题 单选题According to the context we can guess that a genius is _____ while an idiot is _____.A a normal person . . . a funny personB a strong person . . . a weak personC a highly intelligent person . . . a foolish or weak-minded personD a famous person . . . an ordinary person

考题 单选题What kind of person does the grandfather think is the noblest?A A person who has pity on others.B A person who has a large heart.C A person who is brave to save people.D A person who is cheerful to finish a task.