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National parks were established ______.

to show respect to former presidents


to raise public awareness about climate change


to preserve areas of natural beauty


to create job opportunities


细节理解题。由原文第一段中的“...the goal was to set aside a place where Americans could enjoy the beauty of nature for years to come.”可知,建立国家公园的目的是留出一个供美国人将来欣赏自然美景的地方,即为了保护自然景观。因此C项正确。
更多 “单选题National parks were established ______.A to show respect to former presidentsB to raise public awareness about climate changeC to preserve areas of natural beautyD to create job opportunities” 相关考题
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考题 共用题干 第一篇The National Park ServiceAmerica's national parks are like old friends.You may not see them for years at a time, but just knowing they're out there makes you feel better.Hearing the names of these famous old friends一Yosemite,Yellowstone,Grand Canyon一revives memories of visits past and promotes dreams of those still to come.From Acadia to Zion,369 national parks are part of a continually evolving system.Ancient fossil(化石的)beds, Revolutionary War battlefields, magnificent mountain ranges,and monuments to heroic men and women who molded this country are all a part ofour National Park System(N.P.S.).The care and preservation for future generations ofthese special places is entrusted(托管)to the National Park Service.Uniformed Rangers, the most visible representatives of the Service,not only offer park visitors a friendly wave,a helpful answer,or a thought-provoking history lesson,but also are skilled rescuers, firefighters , and dedicated resource protection professionals(专业人员).The National Park Service ranks also include architects,historians,archaeologists,biologists,and a host of other experts who preserve and protect everything from George Washington's teeth to Thomas Edison's wax recordings.Modern society has brought the National Park Service both massive challenges and enormous opportunities.Satellite and computer technologies are expanding the educationalpossibilities of a national park beyond its physical boundaries.Cities struggling to revivetheir urban cores are turning to the Park Service for expert assistance to preserve their cultural heritage,create pocket parks and green spaces,and re-energize local economies.Growing communities thirsty for recreational outlets are also working with the NPS to turn abandoned railroad tracks into bike and hiking trails,as well as giving unused federal property new life as recreation centers.To help meet these challenges and take advantage of these opportunities,the National Park Service has formed partnerships一some dating back 1 00 years,some only monthsold一with other agencies,state and local governments,corporations,American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives,Park Friends groups,cooperating associations,private organizations and community groups.The National Park Service does all of the following EXCEPTA:offerhelptovisitors.B:moldthecountry.C:keep people better informed of the National Park System.D:help preserve the cultural heritage.

考题 共用题干 第一篇The National Park ServiceAmerica's national parks are like old friends.You may not see them for years at a time, but just knowing they're out there makes you feel better.Hearing the names of these famous old friends一Yosemite,Yellowstone,Grand Canyon一revives memories of visits past and promotes dreams of those still to come.From Acadia to Zion,369 national parks are part of a continually evolving system.Ancient fossil(化石的)beds, Revolutionary War battlefields, magnificent mountain ranges,and monuments to heroic men and women who molded this country are all a part ofour National Park System(N.P.S.).The care and preservation for future generations ofthese special places is entrusted(托管)to the National Park Service.Uniformed Rangers, the most visible representatives of the Service,not only offer park visitors a friendly wave,a helpful answer,or a thought-provoking history lesson,but also are skilled rescuers, firefighters , and dedicated resource protection professionals(专业人员).The National Park Service ranks also include architects,historians,archaeologists,biologists,and a host of other experts who preserve and protect everything from George Washington's teeth to Thomas Edison's wax recordings.Modern society has brought the National Park Service both massive challenges and enormous opportunities.Satellite and computer technologies are expanding the educationalpossibilities of a national park beyond its physical boundaries.Cities struggling to revivetheir urban cores are turning to the Park Service for expert assistance to preserve their cultural heritage,create pocket parks and green spaces,and re-energize local economies.Growing communities thirsty for recreational outlets are also working with the NPS to turn abandoned railroad tracks into bike and hiking trails,as well as giving unused federal property new life as recreation centers.To help meet these challenges and take advantage of these opportunities,the National Park Service has formed partnerships一some dating back 1 00 years,some only monthsold一with other agencies,state and local governments,corporations,American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives,Park Friends groups,cooperating associations,private organizations and community groups.What is this passage about?A:The protection of parks.B:The National Park service.C:Challenges and opportunities.D:Recreational activities.

考题 共用题干 第一篇The National Park ServiceAmerica's national parks are like old friends.You may not see them for years at a time, but just knowing they're out there makes you feel better.Hearing the names of these famous old friends一Yosemite,Yellowstone,Grand Canyon一revives memories of visits past and promotes dreams of those still to come.From Acadia to Zion,369 national parks are part of a continually evolving system.Ancient fossil(化石的)beds, Revolutionary War battlefields, magnificent mountain ranges,and monuments to heroic men and women who molded this country are all a part ofour National Park System(N.P.S.).The care and preservation for future generations ofthese special places is entrusted(托管)to the National Park Service.Uniformed Rangers, the most visible representatives of the Service,not only offer park visitors a friendly wave,a helpful answer,or a thought-provoking history lesson,but also are skilled rescuers, firefighters , and dedicated resource protection professionals(专业人员).The National Park Service ranks also include architects,historians,archaeologists,biologists,and a host of other experts who preserve and protect everything from George Washington's teeth to Thomas Edison's wax recordings.Modern society has brought the National Park Service both massive challenges and enormous opportunities.Satellite and computer technologies are expanding the educationalpossibilities of a national park beyond its physical boundaries.Cities struggling to revivetheir urban cores are turning to the Park Service for expert assistance to preserve their cultural heritage,create pocket parks and green spaces,and re-energize local economies.Growing communities thirsty for recreational outlets are also working with the NPS to turn abandoned railroad tracks into bike and hiking trails,as well as giving unused federal property new life as recreation centers.To help meet these challenges and take advantage of these opportunities,the National Park Service has formed partnerships一some dating back 1 00 years,some only monthsold一with other agencies,state and local governments,corporations,American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives,Park Friends groups,cooperating associations,private organizations and community groups.Which of the following statements about uniformed rangers is true?A:They take tourists to parks.B:They are professors of history.C:They set up new national parks.D:They protect the National Park System.

考题 共用题干 第一篇The National Park ServiceAmerica's national parks are like old friends.You may not see them for years at a time, but just knowing they're out there makes you feel better.Hearing the names of these famous old friends一Yosemite,Yellowstone,Grand Canyon一revives memories of visits past and promotes dreams of those still to come.From Acadia to Zion,369 national parks are part of a continually evolving system.Ancient fossil(化石的)beds, Revolutionary War battlefields, magnificent mountain ranges,and monuments to heroic men and women who molded this country are all a part ofour National Park System(N.P.S.).The care and preservation for future generations ofthese special places is entrusted(托管)to the National Park Service.Uniformed Rangers, the most visible representatives of the Service,not only offer park visitors a friendly wave,a helpful answer,or a thought-provoking history lesson,but also are skilled rescuers, firefighters , and dedicated resource protection professionals(专业人员).The National Park Service ranks also include architects,historians,archaeologists,biologists,and a host of other experts who preserve and protect everything from George Washington's teeth to Thomas Edison's wax recordings.Modern society has brought the National Park Service both massive challenges and enormous opportunities.Satellite and computer technologies are expanding the educationalpossibilities of a national park beyond its physical boundaries.Cities struggling to revivetheir urban cores are turning to the Park Service for expert assistance to preserve their cultural heritage,create pocket parks and green spaces,and re-energize local economies.Growing communities thirsty for recreational outlets are also working with the NPS to turn abandoned railroad tracks into bike and hiking trails,as well as giving unused federal property new life as recreation centers.To help meet these challenges and take advantage of these opportunities,the National Park Service has formed partnerships一some dating back 1 00 years,some only monthsold一with other agencies,state and local governments,corporations,American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives,Park Friends groups,cooperating associations,private organizations and community groups.What will the paragraph following this passage most probably discuss?A:The pocket parks in America.B:The training of rangers.C:The work that has been done by the partners.D:The preservation of natural resources in America.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Protection of WildlifeDemands for stronger protection for wildlife in Britain sometimes hide the fact that similar needs are felt in the rest Europe.Studies by the Council of Europe,of which 21 countries are members, have shown that 1 percent of reptile species and 24 percent of butterflies are in danger of dying out.European concern for wildlife was outlined by Dr. Peter Baum,an expert in the environment and nature resources division of the Council,when he spoke at a conference arranged by the administrators of a British national park.The park is one of the few areas in Europe to hold the Council's diploma for nature reserves of the highest quality,and Dr. Baum had come to present it to the park once again.He was afraid that public opinion was turning against national parks,and that those set up in the 1960s and 1970s could not be set up today. But Dr. Baum clearly remained a strong supporter of the view that natural environments needed to be allowed to survive in peace in their own right.No area could be expected to survive both as a true nature reserve and as tourist attraction,hewent on.The short view that reserves had to serve immediate human demands for outdoor recreation should be replaced by full acceptance of their importance as places to preserve nature for the future."We forget that they are the guarantee of life systems,on which any built-up area ultimately depends,"Dr. Baum went on,"We could manage without most industrial products,but we could not manage without nature.However,our natural environment areas,which are the original parts of our countryside,have shrunk to become mere islands in a spoiled and highly polluted land mass."Although it is difficult nowadays to convince the public of the importance of nature reserves,Dr. Baum felt thatA:people would support moves to create more environment areasB:people would carry on supporting those national parks in existenceC:existing national parks would need to be more independent to surviveD:certain areas of countryside should be left undisturbed by man

考题 American government forbade Huawei and ZTE to invest in USA,because it thought( ) A.they made clumsy forays,and enemies B.they came for oil,agricultural land and other resources C.many deals were politicized and some were corrupt D.they might hurt American national security

考题 In England no females were allowed to vote in national elections before()A1918B1920C1928D1945

考题 The National Health Service was established in the United Kingdom in()A1946B1947C1948D1949

考题 The National Health Service was established in the United Kingdom in()A、1946B、1947C、1948D、1949

考题 In England no females were allowed to vote in national elections before()A、1918B、1920C、1928D、1945

考题 How is a Martini Layer 2 MPLS VPN established?()A、established using LDPB、established using BGPC、established using RSVPD、established using IP

考题 单选题In England no females were allowed to vote in national elections before()A 1918B 1920C 1928D 1945

考题 问答题A Nation of Immigrants Composed Mainly of the White People  The United States of America has long been known as a nation of immigrants and a “melting pot”, because the great majority of its people are immigrants and descendants of settlers who came from all over the world to make their homes in the new land, seeking their dream in America. The  first immigrants in American history came from England and the Netherlands. Now the descendants of European immigrants make up 80.3% of the American population of about 250 million.  English colonization in North America in the sixteenth century repeatedly failed. It was not until 1607 that the first English permanent settlement in America was establish. The first wave of colonizing activity, which began in 1606 and lasted until 1637, planted three groups of English colonies: Virginia and Maryland on the Chesapeake, the Puritan commonwealths of New England, and the British West Indies, and also the Dutch colony of New Netherlands, which became New York. Some other European countries also established their colonies along North America’s Atlantic coastline. In 1713, the population of the twelve continental colonies was nearly 360,000, a fourfold increase. Quite a lot of them were German and Scots-Irish. Discontented Germans came to English America because the German states had no overseas possessions, and no colonies except those of the English would admit foreigners. Most Germans entered America at Philadelphia, whence they spread out fanwise into the back-country and became the most prosperous farmers in North America. The English-speaking Scots-Irish came from Ulster. They were largely descendents of the Scots who had colonized Northern Ireland when the English were first setting Virginia. After 1713 the pressure of the native Catholic Irish and the restrictive legislation of the British. Parliament forced them to emigrate in drove. As land was dear in the eastern colonies, these fighting Celts drifted to the frontier. A considerable number of southern Irish, mostly Protestants but including Catholic families came at the same time. They were mostly men of property who invested in land and remained in the older-settled regions.  Britain gradually established its dominance over North America’s Atlantic coast. It successfully planted 13 colonies by edging out other colonial powers and by driving off the native Indians. Though the first English permanent settlement in America was established in Jamestown in1607, modem America was established in Jamestown in 1607, modem Americans choose to look back to the Pilgrim Father, a group of Puritans who came from England in 1620 for a symbol of the origin of their new country. They were followed by other Englishmen. They were generally known as the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP), who played the leading role in winning America’s independence. Their mother tongue, English, became the official language of the new nation. Today about 33% of Americans are of British origin. They control most of the national wealth and political power. The other white Americans, whose forefathers were from other European countries, are not so influential as the WASPs. All these white European immigrants and their descendants together constitute the majority of the American population.  After the American Civil War, a large number of the “new immigrations” came to the United States of America. Even during the Civil War some 800,000 immigrants had entered the United States, and in the ten years after the ending of the war, some 3.25 million immigrants flooded into the cities and the farms of the North and the West. In the single generation from 1880 to 1910 a tidal wave of immigration spilled almost 18 million persons on American shores. Unlike the old immigrations, who were “pushed out” of West Europe by religious persecution or impoverishment, the new immigrations were “pulled to” the United States by the prospect of good jobs and happy life. Most of them were unskilled. The large influx of the new immigrations resulted in the adoption of the Immigration Quota Law by the American government.  A lot of Chinese coolies were brought into America after the discovery of gold in California. and for the construction of the Central Pacific Railroad. The Chinese-Americans made a great contribution to the development of the American West. But, Chinese-Americans and other Asian-Americans never constitute a majority of the American population. The United States has always been a nation of immigrants composed mainly of the white people.  Immigrants from different nations all over the world joined together to make one nation, the American. They speak almost the same kind of English with far less class or regional variety than in Great Britain. They have the same way of life, similar habits and manners. They have established a new universal national culture. With only a few exceptions, the national origins have well been mixed. In this sense, the United States of America has been known as a “melting pot”.

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is NOT true about the postal service?A American abortionists were not happy about it.B The stamp was invented in Britain.C It helped the independence of America.D In the 1840s it was the major means of national communications in Britain.

考题 单选题When Google and Facebook were established, the founders were still _____.A in high schoolB in the armyC in primary schoolD at college

考题 单选题The National Health Service was established in the United Kingdom in()A 1946B 1947C 1948D 1949

考题 单选题Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A Which U.S. National Park Has the Most Visitors?B Should National Parks Allow the Use of Cell Phones?C What Did Yellowstone Do to Enrich Park Visitors’ Experience?D Can Technology Transform the Way People Experience Nature?

考题 单选题Obama has established or enlarged_____national monuments during his two terms.A 19B 20C 26D 30

考题 单选题A great number of national parks have been set up to________ endangered species from extinction.A conserveB preserveC reserveD observe

考题 单选题National parks were established_______.A to show respect to former presidentsB to raise public awareness a out climate changeC to preserve areas of natural beautyD to create job opportunities

考题 单选题Yellow Stone National Park is one of the older parks in the U.S.It was established by Congress in 1872.A one ofB olderC was establishedD Congress