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A sweep oar is an oar that is().

generally shorter than the others and is used to steer with


is longer than the others and is used as the stroke oar


is raised in the bow of the boat for the steersman to steer by


longer than the others used for steering


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题A sweep oar is an oar that is().A generally shorter than the others and is used to steer withB is longer than the others and is used as the stroke oarC is raised in the bow of the boat for the steersman to steer byD longer than the others used for steering” 相关考题
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考题 扫描法(Sweep Representation) 名词解释

考题 根据变应原吸入后哮喘发生时间,可将其分为A.速发型哮喘反应(IAR)和双相型哮喘反应(OHR)B.速发型哮喘反应(IAR)和迟发型哮喘反应(LAR)C.速发型哮喘反应(IAR)、迟发型哮喘反应(LAR)和双相型哮喘反应(OAR)D.双相型哮喘反应(OAR)和迟发型哮喘反应(LAR)E.缓发型哮喘反应和双相型哮喘反应

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考题 What must the Master or person in charge of a ship enter in the logbook after conducting a boat drill?A.Which survival craft was used in the drillB.The number of each lifeboat not lowered during each drillC.Only the number of each motor propelled lifeboat that is loweredD.The length of time an oar propelled lifeboat is rowed


考题 The length of the steering oar in a lifeboat is ______.A.shorter than the rowing oarsB.the same length as the rowing oarsC.longer than the rowing oarsD.unrelated to the length of the rowing oars

考题 The steering oar in a lifeboat is usually referred to as the ______.A.bumpkin oarB.stroke oarC.sweep oarD.becket oar

考题 鼻咽癌海绵窦受累时应确定为()。A、GTVB、CTVC、PTVD、ITVE、OAR

考题 按煤的元素分析表示煤的成分,()正确。A、Mad+Cad+Had+Oad+Nad+Sc,ad=100%B、Car+Har+Oar+Nar+Sc,ar=100%C、Cdaf+Hdaf+Odaf+Sc,daf+Ndaf=100%D、Cd+Hd+Nd+Ad+Od=100%

考题 表面扫洗(surface sweep washing)

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考题 在X线立体定向放射治疗计划设计时,如果靶区周围有重要器官需要保护,利用Jell-0原理在()内去掉直接经过OAR到达病变的照射弧,改变重要器官和病变之间的剂量变化梯度。A、矢状面B、冠状面C、中心D、水平面E、横截面

考题 单选题When operating the air supply system in a covered lifeboat the().A fuel supply valve should be closedB hatches,doors,and oar ports should be closedC air cylinder shut-off valve should be closedD engine should be shut off

考题 单选题The steering oar in a lifeboat is usually referred to as the().A bumpkin oarB stroke oarC sweep oarD becket oar

考题 单选题The length of the steering oar in a lifeboat is().A shorter than the rowing oarsB the same length as the rowing oarsC longer than the rowing oarsD unrelated to the length of the rowing oars

考题 单选题称取20.000g硫酸铜(CuSO↓.5H↓OAR)加少许蒸馆水使之溶解,然后倒入刻度容量瓶中,加入1Oml浓硫酸,再用蒸馆水稀释至刻度,比裕液在650nm的吸光度应该是()。A 0.224士0.004B 0.324±0.002C 0.324土0.004D 0.224±0.002

考题 名词解释题表面扫洗(surface sweep washing)

考题 单选题What must the Master or person in charge of a ship enter in the logbook after conducting a boat drill? ()A Which survival craft was used in the drillB The number of each lifeboat not lowered during each drillC Only the number of each motor propelled lifeboat that is loweredD The length of time an oar propelled lifeboat is rowed

考题 单选题If the coxswain of your lifeboat gives the command HOLD WATER you should().A complete the stroke,raise your oar slightly,swinging the oar slightly forward,and place it in the boatB lift the oar in a vertical positionC complete the stroke and hold the oar out of the waterD dip the blade of your oar into the water vertically and hold it perpendicular to the keel line

考题 单选题An emergence sea anchor may be constructed by type of extinguisher?().A a boat bucketB an air tank filled with waterC an oar and canvas weighted downD All of the above

考题 单选题在X线立体定向放射治疗计划设计时,如果靶区周围有重要器官需要保护,利用Jell-0原理在()内去掉直接经过OAR到达病变的照射弧,改变重要器官和病变之间的剂量变化梯度。A 矢状面B 冠状面C 中心D 水平面E 横截面

考题 单选题A sweep oar is an oar that is().A generally shorter than the others and is used to steer withB is longer than the others and is used as the stroke oarC is raised in the bow of the boat for the steersman to steer byD longer than the others used for steering

考题 单选题If absolutely necessary,the best way to land on a beach in a motor lifeboat is to().A run as fast as the boat will go and keep the sea on the sternB secure the engine,put sea anchor over the bow,put out the oars,use sweep oar and back onto beachC go in under oars and put out the sea painterD put the sea broadside and let the boat drift ashore

考题 单选题Which item is NOT required to be marked with the vessel’s name?()A Hand-portable fire extinguisherB Life preserverC Immersion suitD Lifeboat oar

考题 单选题If the steersman of your lifeboat gives the command Way enough,you should().A complete the stroke,hold your oar out from the boat and level with the waterB dip the blade of your oar into the water and leave it thereC lift your oar to a vertical positionD complete the stroke,raise your oar slightly,swing it forward,and place it in the boat