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I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.()

Don't worry about it.


Congratulations! That's a difficult course.


Mr. Brown is very good.


Good luck to you!


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.()A Don't worry about it.B Congratulations! That's a difficult course.C Mr. Brown is very good.D Good luck to you!” 相关考题
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考题 完形填空When I was about twelve, I suddenly developed a great passion for writing poetry.I 21 all my other hobbies, such as collecting stamps, and spent all my spare time reading poetry and writing it.This habit of writing poetry 22 every possible occasion soon got me into trouble at school.23 a lesson did not interest me, I would take out my notebook and start writing poems in class.Of course I did this very cautiously, but it was not long 24 I got caught.One day while I was busy writing a poem during a geography lesson, I looked up to find the teacher standing over me, fuming with anger 25 I was not paying attention.He tore the poem up, with a warning 26 time in his class.All the same I was convinced that I had written a good poem, so that evening I wrote it out again 27 memory.Not long 28, I read about a poetry contest and I decided to send in my poem.Weeks later, long after I had given up hope, I got a letter 29 me I had won the first prize.Everyone at school was very impressed --- except the geography teacher, who watched me more carefully than ever.He was quite 30 that I was not going to write poetry in his lesson!21.A gave upB.developedC.FollowedD.forgot22.A.atB.onC.inD.with23.A.UnlessB.SinceC.IfD.Given24.A.afterB.agoC.whenD.before25.A.asB.becauseC.thereforeD.but26.A.not to wasteB.not wastingC.not wasteD.is not wasting27.A.withB.atC.fromD.on28.A.beforeB.afterC.agoD.since29.A.informB.informedC.informsD.informing30.A.determinedB.expectedC.impressedD.worried

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考题 Morning Maggie. Could you talk briefly about your career development?A、Good morning, Mr. Marx. I’m going to do a brief about my latest work and performance.B、Sure, Mr. Marx. Thanks for giving me this opportunity. I started as a clerk in this company ...C、Sorry, Mr. Marx, but I don’t like my boss at all I think he is too serious and critical

考题 ()?Yes, I will try my best.A、 Do you know about business taxB、 Can you give me a brief introduction about business taxC、What do you think about business tax

考题 I was worried about my driving test, hut I passed it.()A. Don't worry about it.B. Good luck to you.C. Congratulations!That's not easy.

考题 I was worried about my math, but Mr. White gave me an A. ()A. That's an easy course.B. Congratulations!C. Mr. White is very good.

考题 Do you have any suggestions about it?()A. No, I have no ideaB. Let me give you a handC. After I read it in detail, I will tell you my opinion

考题 Welcome back, Mr. Smith! How about your business trip in Japan?()A. Don't ask me.B. Oh, fantastic! Mr. Mark is so satisfied with our project.C. I don't like the Japanese food.

考题 III.阅读理解. (20分)ADentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer.One day ,my dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and asked me to sit in a chair to rest for a while. I tried to say something ,but my mouth was full of cotton-wool(药棉). He knew I collected stamps and asked me whether I got any new recently. He then asked me how my brother was and whether I liked my new job.As I could not speak ,l either nodded or made strange noises to answer these questions. At the same time ,l tr;ed hard to use my tonguec舌头) to find the hole(洞) in the place of my bad tooth. Suddenly I felt very worried because the bad tooth was still there ,but I could not say any- thing. At last the dentist pulled the cotton-wool out of my mouth ,and I was able to tell lum that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.( )21. Why did the dentist ask me to rest for a while?A. I felt tired.B. I felt painful.C. I just had a tooth pulled out.

考题 --I've got something weighing on my mind. Could you give me some advice? -- __________ . Tell me all about it and I 'll do what I can.A.Don't mention it B.No way C.No problem D.Forget it

考题 My daughter was leafing through some old photo albums the other day when she laughed and pulled out an old picture to show me. There I was a skinny 12 year old with thick, bushy, brown hair. l looked down at the picture and smiled. Only one thought was on my mind: "If only I knew then what I know now. If I knew then what I know now: I would have danced more, laughed more, and sang more no matter who was watching. I would have not cared a bit what other people thought of me. I would have cared a whole lot more, however, about what God thought of me. I would have been fearless in showing my love, sharing my joy, and living my life. Of all the four ideas, which won ' t the author agree with? A. One should not care what other people think of him/her. B. One should show his/her love bravely. C. One should only care what God thinks of him/her. D. One should do anything regardless of who is watching.

考题 A:Do you have any suggestions about it? B:()ANo, I have no ideaBLet me give you a handCAfter I read it in detail, will tell you my opinion

考题 I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.()ADon't worry about it.BCongratulations! That's a difficult course.CMr. Brown is very good.DGood luck to you!

考题 – What's the problem, Harry?-()A、I can’t remember where I left my glassesB、No problem at allC、Thank you for asking me about it

考题 A:Do you have any suggestions about it? B:()A、No, I have no ideaB、Let me give you a handC、After I read it in detail, will tell you my opinion

考题 I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.()A、Don't worry about it.B、Congratulations! That's a difficult course.C、Mr. Brown is very good.D、Good luck to you!

考题 单选题- Yes, I will try my best.()A Do you know about business taxB Can you give me a brief introduction about business taxC What do you think about business tax

考题 单选题What type of approach does the student apply to listening according to what he describes? _____“When I listen to English tapes, I am always worried about my limited vocabulary. I tend to figure out its actual meaning when coming across an unknown word, so that stop makes me miss the next part of the speech.”A detail-oriented approachB top-down approachC interactive approachD bottom-up approach

考题 单选题I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.()A Don't worry about it.B Congratulations! That's a difficult course.C Mr. Brown is very good.D Good luck to you!

考题 单选题—I lost my ticket, but ______ the travel agent gave me another one.A actuallyB firstlyC luckilyD exactly

考题 问答题Passage 7Questions 8 - 12  ● Read this advertisement for a set of training videos and instructional material.  ● Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.  ● For each gap 8 - 12 mark one letter A -G.  ● Do not mark any letter twice.  ● One answer has been given as an example.  54 Jermyn Street  London SW1Y6LX  3rd January 1993  Mr. James Levine  Sales Manager  Lincoln Mondary Winery  30 St. James’s Street  London SWIA 1HG  Dear Mr. Levine:  (0)______. I believe I could do a good job for the Lincoln Mondaly Wintery because of both my related work experience with Pawn Wine Incorporation and my marketing courses at London University. The courses in marketing management and retailing listed on the enclosed resume have given me a sound background in marketing(8)______.  Working as an assistant to the Sales Manager of Pawn Wine Incorporation, one of the two distributors for Lincoln Mondaly Wine in Southern England, gave me experience in dealing with people and increased my understanding of the business (9)______. For example, I organized Wine seminars for many of the larger wine factories in England. My responsibilities included finding accommodations for the seminars, working closely with specific wineries, contacting the prospective audience, preparing charts and speeches and giving presentations (10)______.I also arranged wine tasting for charitable and other organizations (11)______..  During my teenage years my stepfather worked as a sales manager for a wine import company, so I have been exposed to the business end of wine from a young age (12)______.I would really like to be a part of your company since it has the reputation of producing superior wines and for having a progressive attitude toward business methods.  Please telephone me at 213-555-6897 to arrange a mutually convenient time when I can further discuss with you my qualifications for your position of marketing assistant.  Yours faithfully,  James Woolsey  Example: D  A. This gave me additional experience in dealing with people and a chance to use some of the knowledge acquired in class and on the job.  B. For this kind of work, I have found my teaching background to be a valuable help.  C. Sometimes I feel that I have wine, not blood, running through my veins.  D. Thank you for contacting me about the position of marketing assistant that you have available at this time.  E. This specialized training, together with the knowledge obtained in working for my bachelor’s degree of Business Administration, should enable me to carry out your marketing procedures.  F. However, I believe I am qualified for this position of Marketing Assistant.  G. Mr. Edmund, the Sales Manager of Pawn Wine Incorporation, gave me varied assignments with appropriate responsibilities.

考题 单选题—Mr. Wilson, can I ask you some questions about your speech?—Certainly, feel ______ to ask me.A goodB calmC freeD happy

考题 单选题Mr. Zhang gave me many valuable presents, _______that I had never seen.A the oneB thoseC onesD one

考题 单选题At the job interview, Mr. Brown gave a good _____ of himself and finally got a job as a salesman.A opinionB ideaC cryD account

考题 单选题The medicine the doctor gave me()my headache.A reducedB improvedC releasedD relieved