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“I am surprised that the administration approved the protest march.”“I am, too. It usually frowns _____ such demonstration.”









frown on something对某事不满,不赞成。frown at someone对某人不满,不赞成。
更多 “单选题“I am surprised that the administration approved the protest march.”“I am, too. It usually frowns _____ such demonstration.”A atB forC onD with” 相关考题
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考题 下列程序的输出结果为( )。 public class Reentrant { public synchronized void a() { b(); System.out.println("here I am,in a()"); } public synchronized void b() { System.out.println("here I am,in b()"); } public static void main(String args[]) { Reentrant r=new Reentrant(); r.a(); } }A.here I am,in a()/here I am,in b()B.here I am,in b()/here I am,in a()C.here I am,in a()D.here I am,in b()

考题 下列程序的输出结果为( )。 public class Reentrant { public synchronized void a() { b(); System.out.println("here I am, in a()"); } public synchronized void b() { System.out.println("here I am, in b()"); } public static void main(String args[ ]) { Reentrant r=new Reentrant(); r.a(); } }A.here I am, in a()/here I am, in b()B.hereI am, in b()/here I am, in a()C.here I am, in a()D.here I am, in b()

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考题 单选题()fear of the damages and losses,I hereby note my protest.A ToB AgainstC ForD With

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考题 单选题Each ship shall carry on board a shop security plan approved by ()A the chief engineer officerB the master of the shipC the manager of the companyD the Administration

考题 单选题I shall be surprised if he does this the same way()I do.A asB whichC likeD what

考题 单选题—I’m not going swimming this afternoon.—______ I have to help my mother do some cleaning.A So am I.B So I am.C Neither am I.D Neither I am.