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Sideways movement of the mast is resisted by the().









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更多 “单选题Sideways movement of the mast is resisted by the().A shroudsB halyardsC sheetsD forestay” 相关考题
考题 When a sentence changes from a statement to a general/ special question, which movement is struc-turally required A NP–movement/WH-movementB NP–movement/Aux-movementC AUX-movement/WH–movementD WH–movement/AUX-movement

考题 It shows mourning when you lower_____(半旗).A.half-mastB.dip the mastC.flag lineD.flag mast

考题 在油船上,------因素影响油气排放。A.风向和风力;卸货速度;P/V阀或惰气桅(MAST RISER)的高度和位置B.风向和风力;装货速度;P/V阀或惰气桅(MAST RISER)的高度和位置C.风向和风力;装货速度;P/V阀或惰气桅(MAST RISER)的数量和状态

考题 ______ day,pilot flag should be displayed from main mast.A.FromB.ByC.onD.With

考题 The bottom of the mast rests on a part of the keel called the mast ______.A.footB.heelC.stepD.sole

考题 Sideways movement of the mast is resisted by the ______.A.shroudsB.halyardsC.sheetsD.forestay

考题 Which fitting is used to connect the boom to the mast?A.Clevis pinB.Gunter-lugC.GooseneckD.Transom

考题 Current refers to the ______.A.vertical movement of the waterB.horizontal movement of the waterC.density changes in the waterD.None of the above

考题 These attempts are usually resisted by powerful people who( )from the status quo(社会现状),and it is often difficult for social movement participants to use the accepted and legal means of producing social change(such as the courts and political institutions).A.acquire B.profit C.prohibit D.succeed

考题 __________ was a protest movement by American youth that arose in the late 1960s.A.Free Speech Movement B.The Women's Movement C.Anti-War Movement D.Counter Culture Movement

考题 桅灯()A、search lightB、signal lightC、side lightD、mast light

考题 Pound was the leader of a now movement in poetry which he called the "()" movement.

考题 单选题What describes a flood current().A Horizontal movement of the water toward the land after high tideB Horizontal movement of the water toward the land after low tideC Horizontal movement of the water away from the land following high tideD Horizontal movement of the water away from the land following low tide

考题 单选题How should you try to right a capsized small sailing vessel?()A Position all personnel at the stern and rock the vessel uprightB Position all personnel around the mast and lift the vessel uprightC Lock the centerboard in the down position,stand on the centerboard,and pull on a shroud or a halyardD Put the centerboard in the up position and have all personnel haul in on the line attached to the mast

考题 单选题A mooring line that prevents a vessel from moving sideways away from the dock is a().A bow lineB breast lineC stern lineD spring line

考题 单选题MV ATLANTIC 0200UTC POSN 33.55N 127.22E COURSE 088 DEGS SPEED 12.5 KTS SAILOR FELL FROM MAST SERIOULY WOUNDED AT HEAD. This cable says that().A the wounded had nothing wrong with his headB the injury was not serousC the injury happened at the mast headD a sailor injured at his head

考题 单选题The bottom of the mast rests on a part of the keel called the mast().A footB heelC stepD sole

考题 单选题Current refers to the().A vertical movement of the waterB horizontal movement of the waterC density changes in the waterD None of the above

考题 单选题()of mast paint shall we put on?A What coatsB How much coatC How many coatsD Where coats

考题 单选题A shroud is().A any wire running fore-and-aft on a shipB any wire with a fiber coreC a heavy wire extending from the trunk of the mast to the head of the boomD a heavy wire extending from the mast,atwartships to the deck,to support the mast

考题 单选题The hinge fitting used to attach the boom to the mast is the().A gooseneckB stepC swivelD pintle

考题 单选题()day,pilot flag should be displayed from main mast.A FromB ByC onD With

考题 单选题The ()(烟囱和大桅) stand on deck like a guard.A funnel and mastB weather deckC gangway chainD derrick and mast

考题 单选题() usually helps to induce air movement to assist combustion.A Cylinder coverB Main bearingC The exhaust valveD The piston movement

考题 单选题There is a ()(桅灯) on the mast.A mast lightB side lightC search lightD signal light

考题 单选题Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the passage?A Renaming is a major movement in US higher education.B The reasons of renaming are closely related to the image as academics.C Only Dartmouth College has resisted the temptation of renaming.D It is found that two-thirds of the prospective students planned to enroll in a public or private university.

考题 单选题What fitting on the mast works in conjunction with the shrouds to control side bend of the mast?()A ChainplateB HoundC CrowfootD Spreader