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Which of the following sentences explains the primary goal of hormone replacement therapy?

The quantities and proportions of hormones produce change with age, so scientists have given a great deal of study to shifts in the endocrine system over time in the hopes of alleviating ailments associated with aging.


A combination of estrogen and progesterone has been prescribed for decades to women who want to reduce mood swings, sudden changes in body temperature, and other discomforts caused by lower natural levels of those hormones as they enter middle age.


HRT may also increase the likelihood that blood clots—dangerous because they could travel through the bloodstream and block major blood vessels—will form.


Because of the complicated effects growth hormone has on the body, such treatments are generally restricted to children who would be pathologically small in stature without it.


更多 “单选题Which of the following sentences explains the primary goal of hormone replacement therapy?A The quantities and proportions of hormones produce change with age, so scientists have given a great deal of study to shifts in the endocrine system over time in the hopes of alleviating ailments associated with aging.B A combination of estrogen and progesterone has been prescribed for decades to women who want to reduce mood swings, sudden changes in body temperature, and other discomforts caused by lower natural levels of those hormones as they enter middle age.C HRT may also increase the likelihood that blood clots—dangerous because they could travel through the bloodstream and block major blood vessels—will form.D Because of the complicated effects growth hormone has on the body, such treatments are generally restricted to children who would be pathologically small in stature without it.” 相关考题
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考题 Which of the following grammar activities is most communicative?A.Asking the students to read and correct the mistakes in the sentences. B.Asking the students to tell the differences between two pictures in groups. C.Asking the students to make sentences with the given words. D.Asking the students to complete the translation exercises.

考题 Which of the following activities can be used to check students' understanding of difficult sentences in the text? A.Paraphrasing. B.Blank-filling. C.Story-telling. D.Summarizing.

考题 Which of the following activities actually does not involve writing?A.Completion according to outlines. B.Completion with multiple choices. C.Completion according to topic sentences. D.Completion according to the brainstorming.

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考题 Which of the following exercises would a teacher most probably use if he/she wants to help students develop discourse competence?A.Paraphrasing sentences. B.Translating sentences. C.Unscrambling sentences. D.Transforming sentences.

考题 Which of the following exercises would a teacher most probably use if he/she wants to help students develop discourse competence?A.Paraphrasing sentences. B.Translating sentences. C.Unscrambling sentences. D.Transforming sentences.

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考题 单选题Which of the following exercises would a teacher most probably use if he/she wants to help students develop discourse competence?A Paraphrasing sentences.B Translating sentences.C Unscrambling sentences.D Transforming sentences.

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考题 单选题Which of the following is the primary consideration to scale VPNs?()A  packets per secondB  number of remote sitesC  throughput bandwidthD  number of tunnels

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考题 单选题Which of the following grammar activities is most communicative?A Asking the students to read and correct the mistakes in the sentences.B Asking the students to tell the differences between two pictures in groups.C Asking the students to make sentences with the given words.D Asking the students to complete the translation exercises.

考题 单选题Which of the following is a communicative task?A Reading aloud the dialogue on page 24.B Writing a party invitation to your friends.C Translating the first paragraph into Chinese.D Making sentences with the expressions given.

考题 单选题Which of the following activities can be used to check students’ understanding of difficult sentences in the text?A ParaphrasingB Blank-filligC Story-tellingD Summarizing

考题 单选题Which of the following cannot be used as a way to show the stress pattern of words, phrases, and sentences?A Facial expressions.B Gestures.C Voices.D The blackboard.