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更多 “问答题SLIP:” 相关考题
考题 使用ADSL,拨号上网,需要在用户端安装——协议。A.PPPB.PPPoEC.PPTPD.SLIP

考题 PPP是另一个实现点对点连接通信的方法,可以替代SLIP。有关SLIP和PPP的陈述不正确的是()A、SLIP是点到点连接的B、PPP是电话拨号上网的,SLIP不是C、PPP在点到点设备上支持多协议数据的传输D、SLIP和PPP在点到点连接时,分配一个IP地址,断开时该IP地址可以给另一拨号用户

考题 听力原文:W: How do you pay for your purchases with a credit card?M: Usually I sign a sales slip in the presence of the seller, and the signature is then compared to the signature on the card.Q: Where should the man sign when he pays for his goods with a credit card?(20)A.On his card.B.On the goods.C.On a sales slip.D.On the invoice.

考题 个人用户通过SLIP/PPP接入Internet时,用户需要准备的条件是一个MODEM、一根电话线、SLIP/PPP软件与______。A.向ISP校园网网管中心申请一个用户账号B.网卡C.TCP/IPD.IP地址

考题 针对以下程序段,对于变量c的取值,至少需要(61)个测试用例才能够满足语句覆盖的要求。c=((u8_t*)q->payload)[i];switch(c){case SLIP_END: sio_send(SLIP_ESC,netif->state); sio_send(SLIP_ESC_END,netif->state); break;case SLIP_ESC: sio_send(SLIP_ESC,netif->state); sio_send(SLIP_ESC_ESC,netif->state); break;default: sio_send(c,netif->state); break; }A.4B.3C.2D.1

考题 WhichPPPsubprotocolnegotiatesauthenticationoptions?() A.NCPB.LCPC.ISDND.DLCIE.SLIP

考题 SLIP:

考题 SLIP和PPP都是通过普通电话线连接的协议,比较SLIP和PPP两个协议,则()。A、SLIP比PPP要快B、SLIP比PPP要新C、PPP比SLIP要快D、PPP与SLIP一样

考题 平移断层(strike-slip fault)

考题 局域网通信协议一般采用()协议。A、HTTPB、PPPC、TCP/IPD、SLIP

考题 PPP也是一个实现点对点连接通信的方法,可以替代SLIP。下列关于SLIP和PPP的叙述中不正确的是()。A、SLIP是串行线路IP协议B、采用PPP方式入网的用户是通过电话拨号上网的,SLIP不是C、PPP在点到点设备上支持多协议数据的传输D、SLIP和PPP在点到点连接时,分配一个IP地址,断开时该IP地址可以给另一拨号用户

考题 在因特网中必须使用的通信协议是()A、SLIP/PPPB、SMTP/POPC、HTTPD、TCP/IP

考题 采用PPP/SLIP方式拨号入网的用户,ISP分配IP地址的种类有()、动态IP地址之分。

考题 交分道岔 slip switch

考题 Which PPP subprotocol negotiates authentication options?()A、NCPB、LCPC、ISDND、DLCIE、SLIP

考题 以下说法错误的是()?A、SLIP协议是一种没有协商过程的协议。B、SLIP支持同步和异步模式。C、SLIP只支持IP协议。D、以上说法均不对

考题 Which of the following lines will be added to the file /usr/lib/uucp/Devices on the SLIP server machine for a SLIP connection on tty1?()A、direct 9600 - tty1B、direct tty1 - 9600C、Direct tty1 - 9600D、Direct /dev/tty1 - 9600

考题 以独立主机方式拨号上网(远程终端方式),用户需要在自己的计算机上装入()协议的通信软件。A、SMTP/PPPB、SLIP/PPPC、SMTP/POPD、SLIP/SNMP

考题 名词解释题平移断层(strike-slip fault)

考题 单选题You have a large,broken-down vessel in tow with a wire rope and anchor cable towline. Both vessels have made provision for slipping the tow in an emergency; however,unless there are special circumstances().A the towing vessel should slip firstB the vessel towed should slip firstC they should slip simultaneouslyD either vessel may slip first

考题 单选题_____ such a good chance, how could she let it slip away?A Having givenB GivingC Having been givenD Give

考题 单选题SLIP和PPP都是通过普通电话线连接的协议,比较SLIP和PPP两个协议,则()。A SLIP比PPP要快B SLIP比PPP要新C PPP比SLIP要快D PPP与SLIP一样

考题 单选题Which of the following lines will be added to the file /usr/lib/uucp/Devices on the SLIP client machine for a SLIP connection on tty1?()A direct 9600 - /dev/tty1B Direct tty1 - 9600C Direct /dev/tty1 - 9600D direct tty1 - 9600

考题 单选题Which of the following is a slip of tongue? _____A white coffeeB a bill of fareC red sugarD open secret

考题 名词解释题交分道岔 slip switch

考题 单选题For SLIP to work, what should the "Enable Login" value be set to on both systems?()A EnableB DisableC ShareD Delay

考题 填空题Internet的接入方式SLIP/PPP方式和()方式。