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更多 “名词解释题感觉sensation” 相关考题
考题 轻微刺激即引起强烈的感觉,此为( )。A.感觉过敏B.感觉过度C.感觉倒错D.感觉异常E.感觉缺失

考题 在清醒状况下,对刺激全无感觉。应当是A、感觉过敏B、感觉倒错C、感觉过度D、感觉减退E、感觉缺失

考题 根据感觉反映事物的属性,一般把感觉分为两大类A、机体感觉和平衡感觉B、皮肤感觉和肌肉运动感觉C、视觉和内脏感觉D、外部感觉和内部感觉E、听觉和内脏感觉

考题 深感觉不包括( )。A、内脏感觉B、骨膜感觉C、肌腱感觉D、肌肉感觉E、关节感觉

考题 What would be the best title for the passage?( )A.Drinking for Better Social Relationships.B.Experiments of Personality Ration.C.Developing Better Drinking Habits.D.Physical Sensation and Emotion.

考题 在清醒状况下,对刺激全无感觉,是( )。A、感觉减退B、感觉过敏C、感觉过度D、感觉倒错E、感觉缺失

考题 A moment's drilling by the dentist may make us nervous and upset. Many of us cannot stand pain.To avoid the pain of a drilling that may last perhaps a minute or two, we demand the "needle"— a shot of novocaine (奴佛卡因) -that deadens the nerves around the tooth.Now it' s true that the human body has developed its millions of nerves to be highly aware of what goes on both inside and outside of it. This helps us adjust to the world. Without our nerves—and our brain, which is a bundle of nerves— we wouldn't know what's happening. But we pay for our sensitivity. We can feel pain when the slightest thing is wrong with any part of our body. The history of torture is based on the human body being open to pain.But there is a way to handle pain. Look at the Indian fakir(行僧) who sits on a bed of nails. Fakirs can put a needle right through an arm, and feel no pain; This ability that some humans have developed to handle pain should give us ideas about how the mind can deal with pain.The big thing in withstanding pain is our attitude toward it. If the dentist says, "This will hurt a little, it helps us to accept the pain. By staying relaxed,' and by treating the pain as an interesting sensation, we' can handle the pain without falling apart. After all; although pain is an unpleasant sensation, it is still a sensation, and sensations are the stuff of life.26. The passage is mainly about______.A) how to stiffer painB) how to avoid painC) how to handle painD) how to stop pain

考题 举例说明感觉适应、感觉后象、感觉对比、感觉相互作用等感觉现象。

考题 They gave each other a big hug with( ),since they haven’t seen each other for 15 years. A.passion B.sensation C.sentiment D.emotion

考题 感觉阈限(sensation threshold)

考题 临床上通常把感觉分为特殊感觉和一般感觉。一般感觉包括()A、浅感觉B、深感觉C、复合感觉D、视觉E、听觉

考题 饥饿、饱胀和渴的感觉,窒息的感觉,疲劳的感觉等,属于人的?()A、平衡感觉B、运动感觉C、皮肤感觉D、内脏感觉

考题 揉面感(dough kneading sensation)

考题 躯体感觉包括()A、浅感觉,深感觉,复合感觉B、浅感觉,深感觉,内脏感觉C、浅感觉,深感觉,特殊感觉D、浅感觉,复合感觉,内脏感觉E、浅感觉,复合感觉,特殊感觉

考题 轻微的刺激引起强烈的感觉称为()A、感觉过度B、感觉过敏C、感觉异常D、感觉倒错E、感觉减退

考题 感觉可以分为()。A、外部感觉B、自然感觉C、内部感觉D、运动感觉

考题 名词解释题感觉阈限(sensation threshold)

考题 多选题感觉可以分为()。A外部感觉B自然感觉C内部感觉D运动感觉

考题 单选题躯体感觉包括()A 浅感觉,深感觉,复合感觉B 浅感觉,深感觉,内脏感觉C 浅感觉,深感觉,特殊感觉D 浅感觉,复合感觉,内脏感觉E 浅感觉,复合感觉,特殊感觉

考题 多选题临床上通常把感觉分为特殊感觉和一般感觉。一般感觉包括()A浅感觉B深感觉C复合感觉D视觉E听觉

考题 单选题非疼痛刺激诱发疼痛感觉是()。A 感觉过敏B 感觉倒错C 感觉过度D 感觉异常E 感觉减退

考题 单选题根据感觉反映事物的属性,一般把感觉分为两大类()。A 机体感觉和平衡感觉B 皮肤感觉和肌肉运动感觉C 视觉和内脏感觉D 外部感觉和内部感觉E 听觉和内脏感觉

考题 单选题饥饿、饱胀和渴的感觉,窒息的感觉,疲劳的感觉等,属于人的?()A 平衡感觉B 运动感觉C 皮肤感觉D 内脏感觉