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Earth would not have developed without the Sun.____


根据题干信息“developed without”可以定位到B段“Life on Earth could not exist without the Sun, and the planet itself would not have developed without it”,如果没有太阳,地球上的生命将不会存在,地球本身也不会发展到现在,太阳是地球存在发展的条件,题干中的“Earth”即指原文中的“the planet itself”,故匹配段落为B。
更多 “填空题Earth would not have developed without the Sun.____” 相关考题
考题 A greenhouse is a building made of glass which is used for keeping plants when the outside temperature is low. In a similar way there are several gases in the atmosphere which trap(捕捉)the heat produced by the sun and prevent it from escaping. These gases are known as"greenhouse gases",and the way in which they trap heat in the atmosphere is called the "greenhouse effect". This is not simply air pollution. Most of the main greenhouse gases exist naturally in small amounts in our atmosphere, and without them earth would be 30 degrees colder and human life would not exist. In other words, the greenhouse effect is a natural course which is to some degree helpful to us.The problem is that in the last century and a half, we have been putting too many of these gases into the earth's atmosphere by burning large quantities of coal and oil and by cutting down forests. The rapid increase in greenhouse gases is making the world warmer. The world's temperature has already gone up by half a degree this century, and the sea level has risen by 10 centimetres. If the amount of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)in the atmosphere doubles, there will probably be a rise in the earth's temperature of between 1 and 4 degrees. This may seem a small increase, but it would be enough to cause major changes in geography and agriculture. Large areas of the world would be flooded, and some areas would become dry and unable to produce crops. It is important, too, to consider that there may be a delay of about 30 years in the greenhouse effect. This means that we are probably experiencing only now the effect of the gases put into the atmosphere before the 1960s. Since then, our use of these gases has greatly increased.1. The"greenhouse effect"means _____.A. the way in which gases are used for keeping plants warmB. a natural course which is some degree helpful to usC. the way"greenhouse gases"trap heat on the earthD. the whole course in which greenhouse gases prevent heat2. If there were no greenhouse effect, _____.A. no plants would grow on our planetB. earth would be thirty degrees colderC. man could not live on the earthD. All of the above answers are correct3. Which of the following is NOT true? _____A. Burning too much coal and oil produces lots of greenhouse gases.B. It has become warmer on the earth now than in the past.C. Gases put into the atmosphere now will affect the earth years later.D. The temperature in a greenhouse is as high as that in the atmosphere.4. Suppose the earth's temperature rose by 3 degrees, _____.A. great harm would be done to mankindB. the sea level would go by 10 centimetresC. all the land in the world would be floodedD. crops would be unable to grow on the earth5. This passage mainly deals with _____.A. the concept(概念)and harm of greenhouse effectB. the relation between greenhouse gases and manC. the concept and change of greenhouse effectD. the effect of the rise of the earth's temperature

考题 John told us that by the end of the year they _____ together for thirty years.A. would have been livingB. would have livedC. would have been livedD. will have been living

考题 But()these difficulties ,there is little doubt that the delivery term would have been observed .A. forB. withC. becauseD. without

考题 It has been proven that on the Earth, the closer one stays to the Earth, the more slowly time would seem to go.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 The air surrounding us is important to everyone. Without air, we could not (1) Everyone understands that. But air is necessary(2)many other ways that are not always so obvious or widely known. For example, if we did not have air, (3) would be no sound. Sound travels through air. Where there is no air, there is no sound. (4)air, there would be no fire. There would be no automobiles, (5) motors need air in order to operate. Without air there would be no wind or clouds. There would be no (6), as we know it. The night time would be very(7), the days very hot. We would be forced to seek shelter from the sun, (8)there would be no atmosphere to protect us from the sun’s deadly rays. The atmosphere is all the air surrounding the (9) . Atmosphere pressure is the weight of all that air against the (10)of the earth. If we did not have atmospheric pressure, we could not have automobile tires. The tires would swell or burst if they did not have the pressure of the atmosphere against their surface.1、 A. living B. lively C. exist D. alive2、 A. under B. of C. on D. in3、 A. there B. they C. it D. we4、 A. Despite B. With C. As D. Without5、 A. however B. but C. since D. and6、 A. air B. weather C. breeze D. climate7、 A. warm B. cool C. cold D. hot8、 A. as B. so C. that D. so that9、 A. floor B. ground C. land D. earth10、 A. top B. surface C. face D. coverage

考题 Without your ________ he would never have been able to do it. A.courageousB.encouragementC.encourageD.encouraging

考题 Without petroleum human life ____quite different today.A、isB、will beC、would have beenD、would be

考题 --The situation was in a mess. --What a pity!It__________ in a dramatically different way. A.should develop B.would develop C.must have developed D.could have developed

考题 Without your help, we would not __________ the work in time. A.have completed B.had completed C.completed D.completing

考题 共用题干 第二篇Human and the EarthIn terms of the evolution of life on Earth,human beings have just arrived.Despite their shori time on Earth,however,people have brought about enormous changes to the surface of the planet一changes far out of proportion to the interval of time they have occupied it.People have more control over their surroundings than any other species on Earth.With the combination of intelligence and manual skill(allowing us to make and use tools),people have found ways to use plant and animal resources,mineral ores,fuels,and many other materials and resources from the Earth.As the number of people on Earth increases,it becomes increasingly difficult for the population to survive on the resources of the land.The amount of land is limited.Although agricultural production can be increased by use of machinery such as tractors and the addition of fertilizer,the land ultimately can produce only so much food and no more.As the human population grows,people consume more.Clearly,some locations on Earth already have too many people;in many of these areas,future increases will surely bring about more poverty and suffering. Yet people in rich nations use proportionally far more of the available resources than people in poorer nations.As they consume these resources without restraint,they also waste large amounts of them.People are only a very small fraction of all the living things on the planet.Yet their numbers create a drain on resources that can't be renewed.For example,the amount of water on Earth is limited,this water is cleaned through natural processes.However,the natural processes for filtering water can clean only a certain amount of water by removing the pollution.Likewise,a limited amount of petroleum can be found under the Earth's surface.Petroleum is a valuable resource.Should people use it up to manufacture petrol for automobiles?As people work to control the planet and make life comfortable,are they using up resources that are needed for their survival?Who use more available resources according to the passage?A:Rich people on Earth. B:Poor people on Earth.C:People in developed countries. D:People in developing countries.

考题 Without electricity,human life__quite different today.A.is B.will be C.would have been D.would be

考题 共用题干 So Many"Earths"The Milky Way(银河)contains billions of Earth-sized planets that could support life.That's the finding of a new study.It draws on data that came from NASA's top planet-hunting telescope.A mechanical failure recently put that Kepler space telescope out of service.Kepler had played a big role in creating a census of planets orbiting some 170,000 stars.Its data have been helping astronomers predict how common planets are in our galaxy.The telescope focused on hunting planets that might have conditions similar to those on Earth.The authors of a study,published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,conclude that between 14 and 30 out of every 100 stars,with a mass and temperature similar to the Sun,may host a planet that could support life as we know it.Such a planet would have a diameter at least as large as Earth's,but no more than twice that big.The planet also would have to orbit in a star's habitable zone.That's where the surface temperature would allow any water to exist as a liquid.The new estimate of how many planets might fit these conditions comes from studying more than 42,000 stars and identifying suitable worlds orbiting them.The scientists used those numbers to extrapolate(推算) to the rest of the stars that the telescope could not see.The estimate is rough,the authors admit.If applied to the solar system,it would define as habitable a zone starting as close to the Sun as Venus and running to as far away as Mars.Neither planet is Earthlike (although either might have been in the distant past).Using tighter limits,the researchers estimate that between 4 and 8 out of every 100 sunlike stars could host an Earth-sized world.These are ones that would take 200 to 400 days to complete a yearly orbit.Four out of every 100 sunlike stars doesn't sound like a big number.It would mean,however,that the Milky Way could host more than a billion Earth-sized planets with a chance for life.The planet that could support life might be a little bit smaller than Earth.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 So Many"Earths"The Milky Way(银河)contains billions of Earth-sized planets that could support life.That's the finding of a new study.It draws on data that came from NASA's top planet-hunting telescope.A mechanical failure recently put that Kepler space telescope out of service.Kepler had played a big role in creating a census of planets orbiting some 170,000 stars.Its data have been helping astronomers predict how common planets are in our galaxy.The telescope focused on hunting planets that might have conditions similar to those on Earth.The authors of a study,published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,conclude that between 14 and 30 out of every 100 stars,with a mass and temperature similar to the Sun,may host a planet that could support life as we know it.Such a planet would have a diameter at least as large as Earth's,but no more than twice that big.The planet also would have to orbit in a star's habitable zone.That's where the surface temperature would allow any water to exist as a liquid.The new estimate of how many planets might fit these conditions comes from studying more than 42,000 stars and identifying suitable worlds orbiting them.The scientists used those numbers to extrapolate(推算) to the rest of the stars that the telescope could not see.The estimate is rough,the authors admit.If applied to the solar system,it would define as habitable a zone starting as close to the Sun as Venus and running to as far away as Mars.Neither planet is Earthlike (although either might have been in the distant past).Using tighter limits,the researchers estimate that between 4 and 8 out of every 100 sunlike stars could host an Earth-sized world.These are ones that would take 200 to 400 days to complete a yearly orbit.Four out of every 100 sunlike stars doesn't sound like a big number.It would mean,however,that the Milky Way could host more than a billion Earth-sized planets with a chance for life.The new finding is based on a thorough study of 170,000 stars in the Milky Way.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Where Did the Earth's Water Come From?Earth is located within the"snow line"of the solar system,the region closest to the Sun where H2 0 is primarily in liquid or gaseous form,if at all.______(46)The snow line phenomena is reflected in the water content of planets like Mercury,Venus,and Mars. Water is absent on Mercury.On Venus,H2O only exists as a trace element in the atmosphere.Mars only has a thin veneer of ice in its polar regions.In general,water is rare within the snow line.Why does Earth have so much water relative to the other inner planets?71%of the surface is covered in the oceans,more than half of which is deeper than 3,000 meters,with an approximate total volume of 1.3 billion cu km.______(47)There are various theories as to where all the Earth's water came from,but several theories have fared better than the others.______(48)When the Earth was in the process of forming,with a radius just 40%smaller than at present,it would have had enough gravity to hold on to a tenuous atmosphere with water vapor. The first water vapor on the planet would have come from the planet's internals,where volatile(low weight)chemicals would have a tendency to float to the top,and heavy chemicals(iron and nickel)would sink.Though the first of Earth's water came about through volcanism,this alone probably didn't produce enough to form stable pools on the surface.______(49)Comparing the isotope ratios of water on Earth and water from comets and asteroids has revealed that the majority of the Earth's water comes from asteroids.Throughout its history,Earth's water has increased in volume due to biological processes. In the early seas of Earth,hydrogen sulfide would have been in great supply,which,when reacted with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis in sulfide-reducing bacteria,would have produced hydrogen,sulfur,and water.______(50)________(49)A: More water was added to the planet during several hypothesized large impacts from asteroids from the outer asteroid belt.B:We know that the oceans existed as early as 100 million years after the formation of the Earth.C:Still,the oceans only make up 0.023%of the Earth's total mass.D:Astronomers say Earth s water may have come from space.E:The snow line is located in the outerasteroid belt,between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. F: Many geologists believe that the majority of Earth's water generated through this process.

考题 --The situation was in a mess. --What a pity! It ___________ in a dramaticallydifferent way. A.should develop B.would develop C.must have developed D.could have developed

考题 The fifth-generation computers,with artificial intelligence,( )and perfected now. A.developed B.have developed C.are being developed D.will have been developed

考题 单选题Stephen Hawking believes that earth is unlikely to be the only planet ______ life has developed gradually.A thatB whereC whichD whose

考题 单选题The greatest chance for the existence of extraterrestrial life is on a planet beyond our solar system. The Milky Way galaxy alone contains 100 billion other suns, many of which could be accompanied by planets similar enough to Earth to make them suitable abodes of life.  The statement above assumes which of the following?A Living creatures on another planet would probably have the same appearance as those on Earth.B Life cannot exist on other planets in our solar system.C If the appropriate physical conditions exist, life is an inevitable consequence.D More than one of the suns in the galaxy is accompanied by an Earth-like planet.E It is likely that life on another planet would require conditions similar to those on Earth.

考题 单选题And, of course. I’m most indebted _____ my wife for her help—without her support the book would never have been written.A onB atC toD for

考题 问答题Not so long ago, people talked about global warming in apocalyptic terms—imagining the Statue of Liberty up to its chin in water or an onslaught of tropical diseases in Oslo. Recently, however, advances in our understanding of climate have moved global warming from a subject for a summer disaster movie to a serious but manageable scientific and policy issue. The greenhouse effect is nothing new; it has been operating ever since the earth formed. Without it, the surface of the globe would be a frigid –20 ℃ (–4 °F), the oceans would have frozen, and no life would have developed.

考题 填空题One million Earths could fit inside the Sun.____

考题 单选题We had to submit our project without a bibliography, because listing our sources would have took Jose and I another day to complete.A would have took Jose and IB would have taken Jose and IC would have taken Jose and meD would have took Jose and meE would be taking Jose and me

考题 填空题Which command (without options) would you use to display how much space is available on all mounted partitions?()

考题 单选题Without the sun’s light ______ the earth’s surface, it would be so cold that life could not exist on the earth.A warmsB warmedC warmingD to warm

考题 单选题Without permission of(), a ship earth station can not enter the system.A ITUB IMOC INMARSAT ORGANIZATIOND the nearest CES

考题 单选题While some military planners claimed that it would be possible to win a war fought with nuclear weapons, many scientists argued that such a war could not truly be won, because the fallout from nuclear warfare would create a nuclear winter and it also would be rendering the earth uninhabitable.A it also would be rendering the earth uninhabitableB rendering the earth uninhabitableC might have uninhabitably rendered the earthD render the earth uninhabitableE would also have rendered the earth uninhabitable

考题 单选题We can safely conclude that ______.A people in the 19th century were eager to eat sugarB if shipwrecked sailors had drunk fresh water, things would have been even worseC one or more scientists have been hired to cheat in regard to sugarD scientists can do nothing without the money subsidized secretly