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混合机务段 combined depot


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更多 “名词解释题混合机务段 combined depot” 相关考题
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考题 混合式客运站 combined-type passenger station

考题 混合机务段 combined depot

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考题 机车出入段线 track for going out and coming into the depot

考题 机务段按照其工作性质的不同分为()、客运段及客货混合段。

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考题 机务折返段 return depot

考题 双向混合式编组站 bidirectional combined type marshalling station

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考题 英译中:Inland container depot

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考题 名词解释题混合式客运站 combined-type passenger station

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考题 名词解释题机车出入段线 track for going out and coming into the depot

考题 名词解释题双向混合式编组站 bidirectional combined type marshalling station

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考题 名词解释题英译中:Inland container depot

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考题 名词解释题机务段 depot

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考题 问答题The combined age of Frasier and Niles is 86 years.  The combined age of Niles and Daphne is 74 years.  The combined age of Frasier and Daphne is 78 years.  Figure out each person’s age.