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英译中:Inland container depot


更多 “ 英译中:Inland container depot” 相关考题
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考题 以下程序的输出结果是_____。 include class object {private:int val; public:objec 以下程序的输出结果是_____。include<iostream.h>class object{ private:int val;public:object( ) ;object(int i) ;~object( ) ;};object: :object( ){ val=0;cout < < "Default constructor for object" < < endl;}object: :object(int i){ val=i;cout < < "Constructor for object" < < val < < endl;}object: :~object( ){ cout < < "Destructor for object" < < val < < endl;}class container{ private:object one;object two;int data;public:container( ) ;container(int i,int j,int k) ;~container( ) ;};container: :container( ){ data=0;cout < < "Default constructor for container" < < endl;}container: :container(int i,int j,int k) :two(i) ,one(j){ data=k;cout < < "Constructor for container" < < endl;}container: :~container( ){ cout < < "Destructor for container" < < endl;}void main( ){ container anObj(5,6,10) ;}

考题 You are a database developer for a container manufacturing company. The containers produced by your company are a number of different sizes and shapes. The tables that store the container information are shown in the Size, Container, and Shape Tables exhibit:SizeSizeIDSizeNameHeightContainerContainerIDShapeIDSizeIDShapeShapeIDShapeNameMeasurementsA sample of the data stored in the tables is shown below:Size TableSizeID SizeName Height1 Small 402 Medium 603 Large 804 Jumbo 100Shape TableShapeID ShapeName Measurement1 Triangle 102 Triangle 203 Triangle 304 Square 205 Square 306 Square 407 Circle 158 Circle 259 Circle 35Periodically, the dimensions of the containers change. Frequently, the database users require the volume of a container. The volume of a container is calculated based on information in the shape and size tables.You need to hide the details of the calculation so that the volume can be easily accessed in a SELECT query with the rest of the container information. What should you do?A. Create a user-defined function that requires ContainerID as an argument and returns the volume of the container.B. Create a stored procedure that requires ContainerID as an argument and returns the volume of the container.C. Add a column named volume to the container table. Create a trigger that calculates and stores volume in this column when a new container is inserted into the table.D. Add a computed column to the container table that calculates the volume of the container.

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考题 What purpose does a bridge fitting serve when lashing containers ________.A.Ties a container stack to the deckB.Ties a container to the container below itC.Restrains racking loadsD.Restrains the container against horizontal motion

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考题 名词解释题英译中:Inland container depot

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考题 单选题What purpose does a bridge fitting serve when lashing containers?().A Ties a container stack to the deckB Ties a container to the container below itC Restrains racking loadsD Restrains the container against horizontal motion