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LD *AR1+, A  || MAC *AR2-, B;  Before Instruction               After Instruction  A         00 0000 0000       A         ()       B         00 0000 1000       B         ()       T                 0100       T             0100              AR1                0030     AR1            ()         AR2                0040     AR2            ()         Data Memory     0030H              2345     0030H                 2345     0040H              5432     0040H                 5432


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “填空题LD *AR1+, A  || MAC *AR2-, B;  Before Instruction               After Instruction  A         00 0000 0000       A         ()       B         00 0000 1000       B         ()       T                 0100       T             0100              AR1                0030     AR1            ()         AR2                0040     AR2            ()         Data Memory     0030H              2345     0030H                 2345     0040H              5432     0040H                 5432” 相关考题
考题 The instruction reads:() the bottle before you take the medicine. A、shakeB、shiver

考题 (e) Job instruction. (3 marks)

考题 Choose the right structure of the computer which is general used,such as PC8086,Z-80, IBM360/3A.Single Instruction Single DataB.Single Instruction Multiple DataC.Multiple Instruction Single DataD.Multiple Instruction Multiple Data

考题 The instruction describes completely the ____ and its safety basis. A faculty ;B facilitate ;C facility

考题 An instruction is made up of operations that (1) the function to be performed and operands that represent the data to be operated on. For example, if an instruction is to perform. the operation of (2) two numbers,it must know (3) the two numbers are. The processor's job is to.(4) instructions and operands from memory and to perform. each operation. Having done that, it signals memory to send it (5) instruction.A.skipB.smileC.smokeD.specify

考题 Shipping instruction(短语翻译)

考题 执行下面的程序段后,(AX)=______。ORG 0024HAR1 DW 4,5, $+4MOV AX,AR1+$

考题 Each instruction is processed(75),and several instructions are at varying stages of execution in the processor at any given time,this is called instruction pipelining.A.exactlyB.sequencingC.sequentiallyD.intermittently

考题 refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch.A.SoftwareB.HardwareC.HardshipD.Instruction

考题 An instruction is made up of operations that(68)the function to be performed and operands that represent the data to be operated on. For example, if an instruction is to perform. the operation of(69)two numbers, it must know(70)the two numbers are. The processor's job is to(71)instructions and operands from memory and to perform. each operation. Having done that, it signals memory to send it(72)instruction.A.smileB.skipC.smokeD.specify

考题 Please follow the steps on your instruction manual.A:process B:procedure C:handbook D:direction

考题 MAC是用来表示吸入麻醉药作用强度的()A、LD50B、LD95C、ED5D、ED50E、ED95


考题 Instruction Decode Unit

考题 Instruction pointer

考题 MAC是()。A、效能B、效价强度C、LD50D、治疗指数E、安全范围

考题 A user connecting a laptop to a wall jack is prompted for user credentials before being grantedaccess to the network. Which of the following is MOST likely implemented on the switch?()A、MAC filteringB、PoEC、IP filteringD、802.1X

考题 ZXCTN9004设备上MAC地址表中的MAC地址分为()类型A、动态MAC地址B、静态MAC地址C、永久MAC地址D、聚合MAC地址

考题 最大指示空速用海里/时表示.()A、The maximum instruction airspeeds are shown in nm per hour.B、The maximum indicated airspeeds are shown in nm per hour.C、The maximum instruction airspeeds are shown in knots.D、The maximum indicated airspeeds are shown in knots.

考题 问答题说明“LD100、LC100、LD50、LC50、LD0、LC0、MAC、TLV-TWA”所代表的含义。

考题 单选题()social instruction on cargo securing.A HasB HadC HaveD Having

考题 单选题Have ()(特别)instruction on heavy lifts.A basicB specialC mainD relevant

考题 问答题读以下程序,分别写出运行结果。  .bss x,4  .data  table:.word 4,8,16,32  ……  STM #x,AR1  RPT #2  MVPD table,*AR1+

考题 判断题______The advertiser gave the man the first instruction through a letter.A 对B 错

考题 单选题_____ refers to the learning and development of a language.A Language acquisitionB Language comprehensionC Language productionD Language instruction

考题 填空题MAC  *AR5+,A  Before                                    After  A      00 0000 1000                   A    ()  T         0400                       T      0400  FRCT      1                         FRCT    1  AR5      0100                       AR5    0101 Data Memory  0100h    1234                       0100h   1234

考题 以下针对MAC in MAC.MAC in UDP.MAC in TCP,描述正确的选项是: (1.0分) [多选] A. MAC in MAC典型协议是TRILL B. MAC in MAC典型协议是VxLAN C. MAC in UDP典型协议是VxLAN D. MAC in TCP典型协议是STT E. MAC in TCP典型协议是TRILL