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When a ship is in port, ()must keep a gangway watch.



crew members






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更多 “单选题When a ship is in port, ()must keep a gangway watch.A officersB crew membersC sailorsD motorman” 相关考题
考题 You are offloading garbage to another ship. Your records must identify that ship by name and show her ________.A.home portB.next port-of-callC.official numberD.Master

考题 As soon as the ship gets alongside the___(码头),you should lower the gangway and put a safety net below it.A.shoreB.wharfC.harbourD.port

考题 When anchoring in unsheltered anchorage, chief engineer should consult with captain ____.A.if the ship must be stand byB.if take bunkeringC.if keep-watching as in voyageD.if the ship must anchor two anchors

考题 Where the Shipowner has accepted the port of discharge named by the Charterer,he must go there although it is not prospectively safe,and claim damages for injury ______ the ship by reason of the port not being safe.A.byB.onC.toD.in

考题 How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage system “A”?______.A.keep the buoy on the vessel’s starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s port side when leavingB.keep the buoy on the vessel’s port side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s starboard side when leavingC.keep the buoy on the vessel’s starboard side when approaching and leavingD.keep the buoy on the vessel’s port side when approaching and leaving

考题 If a ship will call at four ports for discharging, i.e.A.B.C and D consecutively, the cargo for ______ must generally be loaded first.A.Port AB.Port BC.Port CD.Port D

考题 When facing the bow on a ship, the left side is called the().A、left sideB、starboard sideC、port sideD、port bow

考题 As soon as the ship gets alongside the()(码头),you should lower the gangway and put a safety net below it.A、shoreB、wharfC、harbourD、port

考题 “Stand by the gangway” means “()”.A、Stand at the gangwayB、Wait at the gangwayC、Get the gangway readyD、Keep on the gangway

考题 You must keep a gangway watch.()A、你必须值甲板班。B、你必须接待来访者。C、你必须值班。D、你必须值舷梯班。

考题 When a ship is in port, who will keep gangway watch?()A、An officer.B、A sailor on duty.C、Wharf man.D、An engineer.

考题 When you keep a ()(舷梯班), what are your duties?A、deck watchB、navigational watchC、gangway watchD、engine watch

考题 当船舶停靠码头时,为了保证船货安全,有必要24小时值班。()A、When a vessel is alongside the wharf, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour deck watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.B、When a vessel is alongside the wharf, t’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.C、When a vessel is alongside the port, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour deck watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.D、When a vessel is alongside the port, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.

考题 When configuring unified ports on a 5548 switch, which port ordering must be respected?()A、 Fibre Channel ports must be configured from the first port in the module.B、 Ethernet ports must be configured from the last port in the module.C、 Fibre Channel ports must be configured from the last port in the module.D、 Ethernet ports must be configured from the first port in the module.

考题 单选题A ship is side to be()when the whole ship moves bodily to port and then to starboard.A rollingB pitchingC heavingD swaying

考题 单选题When a vessel is alongside the wharf, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a ()hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.A 12B 8C 24D 48

考题 单选题When the ship causes oil pollution to the port, she will be().A finedB leviedC paidD deducted

考题 单选题The term SEAWORTHY TRIM means()the ship must be in trim to meet the perils of the passage by sea to the next port not only in the sense that she should be left with an adequate amount of cargo to keep her on an even keel,but also that where necessary part of her cargo should be bagged to stop it shifting while out at sea.A itB thatC whereD while

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE().A You need not keep a record of ground garbage dumped into the sea more than 25 miles offshoreB You must keep a record of garbage discharged in port to a shore facilityC You need not keep a record of garbage incinerated on the shipD You must keep a record of the approximate weight of the garbage dumped

考题 单选题When anchoring in open anchorage, chief engineer should consult with captain ()A if the ship must be stand byB if M-E should be stoppedC if keep-watching as in voyageD if the ship must anchor two anchors

考题 单选题当船舶停靠码头时,为了保证船货安全,有必要24小时值班。()A When a vessel is alongside the wharf, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour deck watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.B When a vessel is alongside the wharf, t’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.C When a vessel is alongside the port, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour deck watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.D When a vessel is alongside the port, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.

考题 单选题When you keep a gangway watch, you should ()the mooring lines according to the rise and fall of the tide.A adjustedB adjustingC adjustsD adjust

考题 单选题When a ship is in port, who will keep gangway watch?()A An officer.B A sailor on duty.C Wharf man.D An engineer.

考题 单选题When a ship is in port, the sailor on duty ()a gangway watch.A hasB keepsC looksD takes

考题 单选题When a ship is in port, ()must keep a gangway watch.A officersB crew membersC sailorsD motorman

考题 单选题A ship can request completion of a () when the ship is at a higher security level than the port facility or another ship it is interfacing with.A DOCB DOSC SSPD SMC

考题 单选题The loading of the ship must be done in accordance with().A the ship’s instructionsB the terminal’s instructionsC the port captain’s instructionsD the charterer’s instructions

考题 单选题You must keep a gangway watch.()A 你必须值甲板班。B 你必须接待来访者。C 你必须值班。D 你必须值舷梯班。