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WHO-UNICEF estimates now indicate that over 250 million children still suffer from vitamin A deficiency with many millions ______ are at risk.









更多 “单选题WHO-UNICEF estimates now indicate that over 250 million children still suffer from vitamin A deficiency with many millions ______ are at risk.A moreB lessC leastD most” 相关考题
考题 填空题____

考题 问答题What word of five letters has six left after you take two away?

考题 单选题Larry: Excuse me. I’m trying to find the post office. Can you help me?  Woman: Yes. Let’ see now. Go down this street to the corner.______. Go right on Broadway. Just past the grocery store.  Larry: I see. Straight to the corner, ______.A Turn right until you come to Broadway; Left and then rightB Turn left until you come to Broadway; Left and then rightC Turn left and you can see it; Right and then leftD Turn left and you can see the grocery; Right and then left

考题 问答题A spy is trying to send a secret message, we’re trying to decode his message, and we need your help!  If (guzo luzo suzu) means (Apache assistance needed)  And (wuzu guzo vuzo) means (Back up needed now)  And (wuzu zuzu buzu) means (Mission going on now)  Then what does “vuzo”mean?

考题 单选题At the beginning of the 20th century, people made coffee ______ a cloth bag full of coffee grounds into boiling water.A by dumpingB to dump C for dumping D that dumped

考题 问答题根据我们的调查,西雅图(Seattle)现在是设立企业的最佳地点,取代了亚特兰大(Atlanta)作为最热门地点的地位。(elbow out)

考题 问答题I wish my memory worked differently. I’d like to be able to conjure up an accurate image of my (1)____(conscious) from, say, 25 years ago. You know what 25 years means? No cellphones, no e-mail, no Internet, no social networking (except with an actual drink in hand), and only the most primitive of personal computers. What I want to answer is a single (2)____: Was I as addicted to the future than as I seem to be now?  I ask this because I really enjoy a new update to my operating system, like the one I (3) down ____ from Apple earlier this week. I find it (4) ____(surprise) pleasing when one of my iPhone applications requests an update too. Every day I await, with anticipation, a long list of e-mail messages that could arrive at any second, and there are several people I’m really eager to get a text message (5)____. Those, too, could come at any time. Soon—even now—I could find my feed-list in Google Reader delightfully stuffed with newness. I am not a Twitterer, but I understand the dismay the Twitter world must have felt during its service (6)____(disrupt) last week.  When I think back 25 years, there just wasn’t that much to be waiting (7)____. The phone might ring—and if you left home, you had to leave without it. The mail would come, and so might UPS or Federal Express. Someone might stop by on the spur of the moment. A fax perhaps? That was about it.  I’ve always looked forward to the mail coming. I don’t know why, and now where the mail comes constantly, (8) cease____, a world where I find myself dismayed by the slowdown in blog feeds over the weekend. I consider myself a moderate user of personal electronics. I almost never wear earbuds, and yet this constant foretaste of the future, this hunger for the next electronic blip, feels to me like a full-blown (9)____(addict).  Which is why I’d like a clearer picture of my old self. Was I a little more serene 25 years ago? Was there a little more silence inside my head? A little less (10)____(expect)? Or was I leaning headlong into the future even then?

考题 单选题Libraries have reference books ______ you can check out a physician’s educational background, training, and other credentials.A from thatB in which C through thatD by which

考题 单选题How does the British Queen feel about the Internet?A She is enthusiastic about the Internet.B She thinks the Internet is boring.C She dislikes the Internet.

考题 填空题____

考题 问答题他未能回答出这些问题使警察起了疑心。(suspicious)