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We do餐厅的目标客户不包括()。









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更多 “单选题We do餐厅的目标客户不包括()。A 大学生B 公司白领C 情侣D 空巢老人” 相关考题
考题 We have no choice in () we should do next. A、whateverB、thatC、whicheverD、what

考题 Why do we use English songs in class?

考题 The true value of life is not in_________, but in_________.() A.which we get, which we giveB.what we get, what we giveC.which do we get, which do we giveD.how we get, how we give

考题 None of us called the police when the two cars collided, ____?A didn’t we B don’t we C did we D do we

考题 We laugh at jokes,but seldom about how they work.A.we thinkB.think weC.we do thinkD.do we think

考题 Breathing is something we do ________ and we rarely think about it..A enthusiasticallyB thoughtfullyC eventuallyD spontaneously

考题 We are interested in the weather because it ______ us so directly — what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel. A.benefitsB.affectsC.affectsD.effects

考题 Let’s go to the cinema, ( ) A、will youB、shall weC、do youD、do we

考题 Rarely ()the opportunity to inform. our customers of such good news.A、had we haveB、do we haveC、we will haveD、did we had

考题 Without the instrument,we__________A.cannot’hardly do nothingB.cannot hardly do anythingC.can hardly do nothingD.can hardly do anything

考题 __succeed in everything we do.A.Only by working hard can we B.By only working hard we can C.Only we can by working hard D.Only by working hard we can

考题 When we read,we construct a mental _______ of the text in our minds,much as we do when we took at an area of land and create a mental map in our heads. A.representation B.imagination C.interpretation D.identification

考题 We cannot compel you to do it,but we think you should.A:advise B:command C:encourage D:force

考题 据We do 餐厅调查显示大学生每月平均外出就餐消费几次?()A、4B、8C、12D、16

考题 We do餐厅是一个DIY餐厅。

考题 “午餐准备什么菜肴”用英文表示为()。A、What are we going to prepare?B、What is my job for today?C、What dishes do we prepare for lunch?D、What are we do for lunch?

考题 We do 餐厅预测的投资回收期是几个月()A、6.0B、12.0C、22.0D、27.0

考题 We do餐厅的目标客户不包括()A、大学生B、公司白领C、情侣D、空巢老人

考题 We do 餐厅预测的投资回收期是()个月 。A、6B、12C、22D、27

考题 单选题据We do 餐厅调查显示大学生每月平均外出就餐消费几次?()A 4B 8C 12D 16

考题 判断题We do餐厅是一个DIY餐厅。A 对B 错

考题 单选题_____ doubt there are a lot of natural resources in this country.A Little do weB Little weC Seldom did we D Few do we

考题 单选题We do 餐厅预测的投资回收期是几个月()A 6.0B 12.0C 22.0D 27.0

考题 单选题水手长,我们为什么要开舱盖?()A Bosun, why do we open hatch covers?B Officer, why do we open hatch covers?C Bosun, why do we close hatch covers?D Bosun, why do we open hatches?

考题 单选题Goldfish and hamsters all die.().A So do usB So we doC So are weD So do we

考题 单选题We do 餐厅预测的投资回收期是()个月 。A 6B 12C 22D 27

考题 单选题We do餐厅的目标客户不包括()A 大学生B 公司白领C 情侣D 空巢老人

考题 单选题Surveys show that ______ less sleep than we think, ______ too much sleep could even harm our health.A not only do we need, but thatB not only we need, but alsoC not only we need, but thatD not only do we need, but also