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Metal detectors were installed in 88 city schools, mainly to keep ______ out of Schools.

cell phones








细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The detectors were installed to keep weapons out of schools”可以得知,安装探测器是为了保证武器不进入校园。因此正确答案为B。
更多 “单选题Metal detectors were installed in 88 city schools, mainly to keep ______ out of Schools.A cell phonesB weaponsC alcoholD drugs” 相关考题
考题 The main idea of paragraph 4 shows us______.A. some examples of shooting in the US schools.B. the American's feeling.C. some famous schools.D. that some teachers were killed by students.

考题 How many students were shot dead in 1997 in the US schools?A. 9B. 10C. 12D. 22

考题 The city failed to look after its schools,_________ it spent over $ 1 billion on its museums and stadiums.A. now thatB. whereasC. becauseD. as long as

考题 Schools were created_________ to prepare children for socialization.A.in the partB.on the partC.in partD.as a part

考题 Why did American city residents want to live in the suburbs after World War Ⅱ?A. Because older American cities were dying.B. Because they were richer and needed more space.C. Because cities contained the wont pare of society.D. Because they could hardly afford a live in the city.

考题 Which of the following statement is true?A. Mark played an active part in community activities.B. the city councilwoman was responsible for the decrease of life quality.C. people were encouraged to give advice to solve these city problems.D. many people were discouraged by the many problems facing them.

考题 Old English was an inflected language in which relations of the words in the sentence were mainly indicated by the use of case endings.()

考题 Visitors were amazed at the achievements in the car manufacture of the city during the past ____. A. bunchB. presentC. relationD. decade

考题 Refer to the exhibit. Which two statement s are correct?() A. All the routes were redistributed into BGP from an IGPB. All the routes were originated by BGP with the network commandC. All six routes will be installed in the routing tableD. Four routes will be installed in the routing ta bleE. Two routes will be installed in the routing table

考题 Many investors were drawn to the city by its growing economy.A:fetched B:carried C:attracted D:pushed

考题 共用题干 The City PlanningIn the past,cities usually grew in a disorderly way because few cities were built according to a plan.In the late 1 800s,the idea of a"beautiful city"came into_______(51).People felt that a city should have wide street,parks,and a civic centre.People_______(52)to realize that cities need to be planned.In the first part of the 1900s,cities began to_______(53)zoning laws.Zoning laws say what kind of building can be put up in different parts of a city.A factory cannot be put up on land _______(54)for apartments.Apartments,_______(55),cannot be built on land for houses.Meanwhile,cities were growing rapidly and changing almost_______(56).They faced many problems.Sometimes the streets in a city caused traffic_______(57).Sometimes there were not enough schools or hospitals for all the people who needed them. As people moved_______(58)to new areas of the city,older parts of town often became run-down.At first,citizens_______(59)groups that tried to solve the problems a city faced.Today, most large cities have city planning board_______(60)part of their city government. On the board are city_______(61)who have special training. Many of them have college_______(62)in city planning. They must know how a city's land can be_______(63)used.They_______(64)new areas of the city and decide how to improve older_______(65).City planing boards help the city meet the needs of all the people who live there._________(65)A:square B: divisionC:centers D:section

考题 共用题干 The City PlanningIn the past,cities usually grew in a disorderly way because few cities were built according to a plan.In the late 1 800s,the idea of a"beautiful city"came into_______(51).People felt that a city should have wide street,parks,and a civic centre.People_______(52)to realize that cities need to be planned.In the first part of the 1900s,cities began to_______(53)zoning laws.Zoning laws say what kind of building can be put up in different parts of a city.A factory cannot be put up on land _______(54)for apartments.Apartments,_______(55),cannot be built on land for houses.Meanwhile,cities were growing rapidly and changing almost_______(56).They faced many problems.Sometimes the streets in a city caused traffic_______(57).Sometimes there were not enough schools or hospitals for all the people who needed them. As people moved_______(58)to new areas of the city,older parts of town often became run-down.At first,citizens_______(59)groups that tried to solve the problems a city faced.Today, most large cities have city planning board_______(60)part of their city government. On the board are city_______(61)who have special training. Many of them have college_______(62)in city planning. They must know how a city's land can be_______(63)used.They_______(64)new areas of the city and decide how to improve older_______(65).City planing boards help the city meet the needs of all the people who live there._________(64)A:put out B:lay outC:give out D:hard out

考题 An administrator installed new components on a server. After the device installation, two of the components fail.Which of the following is the cause of the problem?()A、The server was not powered off correctly.B、The proper ESD procedures were not used.C、The devices were installed in the incorrect sequence.D、The devices are incompatible with the system.

考题 多选题Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are correct? (Choose two.)()AAll six routes will be installed in the routing table.BTwo routes will be installed in the routing table.CFour routes will be installed in the routing table.DAll the routes were redistributed into BGP from an IGP.EAll the routes were originated by BGP with the network command.

考题 问答题Practice 1  There is no great difference between city, suburb and village schools in the United States. Public schools teach the same subjects in the same grades across the land. Most school buildings look the same and have the same types of rooms inside.  There is always a gym, a large room for basketball and other sports. There is a lunchroom, a school library, and an auditorium, a very large room where all the students and teachers can meet. Most schools also have rooms for the school band to practice in. They have rooms for students to type and use computers. There are usually workshops for students to work with paint, wood, metal, and other materials. These are all part of most American public schools, no matter where they are.  Each school serves a neighborhood, and neighborhoods are different. In some, the parents take an interest in what their children are doing at school. They give their time, their ideas, and they may give gifts to their schools.  That's what makes a good school in America. Generally, it doesn't matter whether the neighborhood is rich or poor, whether it is in the city, the suburbs, or the countryside. What matters is the interest the neighborhood takes in its school.

考题 单选题In context, what is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 10 (reproduced below)?For instance, in some schools they paid kids to read books one summer.A in some schools where theyB some schools are where theyC some schools implemented programs thatD programs in some schools were where theyE in some school programs they

考题 单选题An administrator installed new components on a server. After the device installation, two of the components fail.Which of the following is the cause of the problem?()A The server was not powered off correctly.B The proper ESD procedures were not used.C The devices were installed in the incorrect sequence.D The devices are incompatible with the system.

考题 单选题According to the growth pattern of Los Angeles, homes were mainly built _____.A in the city centerB along the main roadsC around business districtsD within the business districts

考题 单选题When the farmers visited the city for the first time, they were _____ by its complicated traffic system.A evokedB bewilderedC divertedD undermined

考题 单选题In this passage about secondary schools, the author is mainly concerned about ______.A academic standardsB the role of specialist teachersC the training of the individual teachersD the personal development of pupils

考题 多选题Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are correct?()AAll six routes will be installed in the routing tableBTwo routes will be installed in the routing tableCFour routes will be installed in the routing tableDAll the routes were redistributed into BGP from an IGPEAll the routes were originated by BGP with the network command

考题 问答题Practice 7  The city government recognizes that citizens have certain new needs. To better meet your needs, we have made several changes in community facilities in 2009. Three stations for the suburbs have been added to the western train service. Broadband(宽带) cable is now available to all parts of the city. 5,000 new books were bought for the City Library. Some new facilities at the city hospitals have been installed. Next year, we will try our best to make your life even better.

考题 单选题This passage is mainly about ______.A relations between the employer and employeesB Jack Welch’s view of business managementC development history of GE companyD courses taught in business schools

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A After the cell-phone ban is ended, students can use their phones during class.B The cell-phone ban is equally enforced in all public schools.C The cell-phone ban was put into place in 2008 under mayor Bill de Blasio.D A phone-storage industry has appeared outside the 88 metal-detector campuses.

考题 单选题Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?A New York City will give financial aid to poor students.B New York City plans to restrict cell phone use in libraries.C New York City plans to install metal detectors in all public schools.D New York City will soon end a ban on cell phones in schools.

考题 单选题“The city grew outward instead of upward” (Para. 2) means _____.A the city became more spread out instead of growing tallerB there were fewer small houses than tall buildingsC rapid development took place in the city centerD many tall buildings could be found in the city

考题 单选题It is reasonable to suppose that the author wishes that _____.A American schools provided fewer outside activitiesB more money were available to finance the exchange programC the program were government sponsoredD visiting foreign students will completely accept the culture of America