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Given the following two tables: TAB1 C1 C2 1 Antarctica 2 Africa 3 Asia 4 Australia TAB2 CX CY 5 Europe 6 North America 7 South America Which of the following SQL statements will insert all rows found in table TAB2 into table TAB1?()

INSERT INTO tab1 SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2


INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (tab2.cx, tab2.cy)




INSERT INTO tab1 (c1, c2) VALUES (SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2)


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Given the following two tables: TAB1 C1 C2 1 Antarctica 2 Africa 3 Asia 4 Australia TAB2 CX CY 5 Europe 6 North America 7 South America Which of the following SQL statements will insert all rows found in table TAB2 into table TAB1?()A INSERT INTO tab1 SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2B INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (tab2.cx, tab2.cy)C INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2)D INSERT INTO tab1 (c1, c2) VALUES (SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2)” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following statements is used to grant user TOM and Application team APPGRP the ability to add data to table TAB1?() A.GRANT ADD DATA ON TABLE tab1 TO GROUP tom appgrpB.GRANT INSERT TO USER tom, GROUP appgrp ON TABLE tab1C.GRANT INSERT ON TABLE tab1 TO USER tom, GROUP appgrpD.GRANT ADD DATA ON TABLE tab1 TO USER appgrp, GROUP tom

考题 Given the following statements:CREATE TABLE tab1 (col1 INT); CREATE TABLE tab2 (col1 INT); CREATE TRIGGER trig1 AFTER UPDATE ON tab1 REFERENCING NEW AS new1 FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL INSERT INTO tab2 VALUES(new1.col1); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES(2),(3);What is the result of the following query? SELECT count(*) FROM tab2;()A.3B.2C.1D.0

考题 Given the following tables: CONTINENTS ID NAME COUNTRIES1 Antarctica 02 Africa 533 Asia 474 Australia 145 Europe 436 North America 237 South America 12REGION ID LOCATION 1 East 2 WestHow many rows would be returned using the following statement? SELECT location FROM continents, region()A.2B.7C.9D.14

考题 下列哪个语句将赋予用户John向表tab1中插入数据的权限?()A、GRANT ADD ON TABLE tab1 TO JohnB、GRANT INSERT ON tab1 TO JohnC、GRANT ADD ON TABLE tab1 TO USER JohnD、GRANT INSERT ON TABLE tab1 TO USER John

考题 Table TAB1 was created using the following statement: CREATE TABLE tab1 (c1 INT, c2 INT, c3 INT, c4 INT, c5 INT); If column C1 is unique and queries typically access columns C1, C2 and C3 together, which statement(s) will createindex(es) that will provide optimal query performance?()A、CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c1); CREATE INDEX xtab2 ON tab1 (c2) INCLUDE (c3)  B、CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c1) INCLUDE (c2, c3) C、CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c3, c2, c1)  D、CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c2) INCLUDE (c1, c3)

考题 Which of the following statements is used to grant user TOM and Application team APPGRP the ability to add data to table TAB1?()A、GRANT ADD DATA ON TABLE tab1 TO GROUP tom appgrpB、GRANT INSERT TO USER tom, GROUP appgrp ON TABLE tab1C、GRANT INSERT ON TABLE tab1 TO USER tom, GROUP appgrpD、GRANT ADD DATA ON TABLE tab1 TO USER appgrp, GROUP tom

考题 Table TAB1 was created using the following statement: CREATE TABLE tab1 (c1 INT, c2 INT, c3 INT, c4 INT, c5 INT); If column C1 is unique and queries typically access columns C1 and C2 together, which statement(s) will create index(es) that will provide optimal query performance? ()A、 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c1) include (c2)B、 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c1);  CREATE INDEX xtab2 ON tab1 (c3) INCLUDE (c2) C、 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c2, c1)D、 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c2) INCLUDE (c1)

考题 Given the following tables: CONTINENTS ID NAME COUNTRIES 1 Antarctica 0 2 Africa 53 3 Asia 47 4 Australia 14 5 Europe 43 6 North America 23 7 South America 12 REGION ID LOCATION 1 East 2 West How many rows would be returned using the following statement? SELECT location FROM continents, region()A、2B、7C、9D、14

考题 Which of the following statements is used to prevent user TOM from adding and deleting data in table TAB1?()A、REVOKE ADD, DELETE FROM USER tom ON TABLE tab1B、REVOKE ADD, DELETE ON TABLE tab1 FROM USER tomC、REVOKE INSERT, DELETE FROM USER tom ON TABLE tab1D、REVOKE INSERT, DELETE ON TABLE tab1 FROM USER tom

考题 Given the following two tables: TAB1 R1 A A A B B C C D E TAB2 R2 A A B B C C D Which of the following queries returns the following result set? RETVAL E()A、SELECT r1 AS retval FROM tab1 INTERSECT SELECT r2 AS retval FROM tab2B、SELECT r1 AS retval FROM tab1 EXCEPT SELECT r2 AS retval FROM tab2C、SELECT DISTINCT r1 AS retval FROM tab1, tab2 WHERE r1 r2D、SELECT r1 AS retval FROM tab1 UNION SELECT r2 AS retval FROM tab2

考题 Given the following statements: CREATE TABLE tab1 (col1 INT); CREATE TABLE tab2 (col1 INT); CREATE TRIGGER trig1 AFTER UPDATE ON tab1 REFERENCING NEW AS new1 FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL INSERT INTO tab2 VALUES(new1.col1); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES(2),(3); What is the result of the following query? SELECT count(*) FROM tab2;()A、3B、2C、1D、0

考题 Given the following two tables: TAB1 C1 C2 A 11 B 12 C 13 TAB2 CX CY A 21 C 22 D 23 The following results are desired: C1 C2 CX CY A 11 A 21 C 13 C 22 -- --D 23 Which of the following queries will yield the desired results?()A、SELECT * FROM tab1 INNER JOIN tab2 ON c1=cxB、SELECT * FROM tab1 LEFT OUTER JOIN tab2 ON c1=cxC、SELECT * FROM tab1 FULL OUTER JOIN tab2 ON c1=cxD、SELECT * FROM tab1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN tab2 ON c1=cx

考题 Given the following two tables: TAB1 C1 C2 1 Antarctica 2 Africa 3 Asia 4 Australia TAB2 CX CY 5 Europe 6 North America 7 South America Which of the following SQL statements will insert all rows found in table TAB2 into table TAB1?()A、INSERT INTO tab1 SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2B、INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (tab2.cx, tab2.cy)C、INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2)D、INSERT INTO tab1 (c1, c2) VALUES (SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2)

考题 单选题Given the following two tables: TAB1 C1 C2 1 Antarctica 2 Africa 3 Asia 4 Australia TAB2 CX CY 5 Europe 6 North America 7 South America Which of the following SQL statements will insert all rows found in table TAB2 into table TAB1?()A INSERT INTO tab1 SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2B INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (tab2.cx, tab2.cy)C INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2)D INSERT INTO tab1 (c1, c2) VALUES (SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2)

考题 单选题Table TAB1 was created using the following statement: CREATE TABLE tab1 (c1 INT, c2 INT, c3 INT, c4 INT, c5 INT); If column C1 is unique and queries typically access columns C1, C2 and C3 together, which statement(s) will createindex(es) that will provide optimal query performance?()A CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c1); CREATE INDEX xtab2 ON tab1 (c2) INCLUDE (c3)  B CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c1) INCLUDE (c2, c3) C CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c3, c2, c1)  D CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c2) INCLUDE (c1, c3)

考题 单选题Given the following two tables: TAB1 C1 C2 A 11 B 12 C 13 TAB2 CX CY A 21 C 22 D 23 The following results are desired: C1 C2 CX CY A 11 A 21 C 13 C 22 -- --D 23 Which of the following queries will yield the desired results?()A SELECT * FROM tab1 INNER JOIN tab2 ON c1=cxB SELECT * FROM tab1 LEFT OUTER JOIN tab2 ON c1=cxC SELECT * FROM tab1 FULL OUTER JOIN tab2 ON c1=cxD SELECT * FROM tab1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN tab2 ON c1=cx

考题 单选题Given the following two tables: TAB1 R1 A A A B B C C D E TAB2 R2 A A B B C C D Which of the following queries returns the following result set? RETVAL E()A SELECT r1 AS retval FROM tab1 INTERSECT SELECT r2 AS retval FROM tab2B SELECT r1 AS retval FROM tab1 EXCEPT SELECT r2 AS retval FROM tab2C SELECT DISTINCT r1 AS retval FROM tab1, tab2 WHERE r1 r2D SELECT r1 AS retval FROM tab1 UNION SELECT r2 AS retval FROM tab2

考题 单选题下列哪个语句将赋予用户John向表tab1中插入数据的权限?()A GRANT ADD ON TABLE tab1 TO JohnB GRANT INSERT ON tab1 TO JohnC GRANT ADD ON TABLE tab1 TO USER JohnD GRANT INSERT ON TABLE tab1 TO USER John

考题 单选题Given the following two tables: TAB1 R1 A A A B B C C D E TAB2 R2 A A B B C C D Which of the following queries returns the following result set? RETVAL E()A SELECT r1 AS retval FROM tab1 INTERSECT SELECT r2 AS retval FROM tab2B SELECT r1 AS retval FROM tab1 EXCEPT SELECT r2 AS retval FROM tab2C SELECT DISTINCT r1 AS retval FROM tab1, tab2 WHERE r1 r2D SELECT r1 AS retval FROM tab1 UNION SELECT r2 AS retval FROM tab2

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is used to grant user TOM and Application team APPGRP the ability to add data to table TAB1?()A GRANT ADD DATA ON TABLE tab1 TO GROUP tom appgrpB GRANT INSERT TO USER tom, GROUP appgrp ON TABLE tab1C GRANT INSERT ON TABLE tab1 TO USER tom, GROUP appgrpD GRANT ADD DATA ON TABLE tab1 TO USER appgrp, GROUP tom

考题 单选题你定义了一个对象类型myOBJ,要基于该类型来创建表tab1,语句为()。A CREATE TABLE tab1 OF myOBJB CREATE TABLE myOBJ OF tab1C CREATE TABLE tab1 AS myOBJD CREATE TABLE tab1 TYPE OF myOBJ

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is used to prevent user TOM from adding and deleting data in table TAB1?()A REVOKE ADD, DELETE FROM USER tom ON TABLE tab1B REVOKE ADD, DELETE ON TABLE tab1 FROM USER tomC REVOKE INSERT, DELETE FROM USER tom ON TABLE tab1D REVOKE INSERT, DELETE ON TABLE tab1 FROM USER tom

考题 单选题Given the following statements: CREATE TABLE tab1 (col1 INT); CREATE TABLE tab2 (col1 INT); CREATE TRIGGER trig1 AFTER UPDATE ON tab1 REFERENCING NEW AS new1 FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL INSERT INTO tab2 VALUES(new1.col1); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES(2),(3); What is the result of the following query? SELECT count(*) FROM tab2;()A 3B 2C 1D 0

考题 单选题Given the following tables: CONTINENTS ID NAME COUNTRIES 1 Antarctica 0 2 Africa 53 3 Asia 47 4 Australia 14 5 Europe 43 6 North America 23 7 South America 12 REGION ID LOCATION 1 East 2 West How many rows would be returned using the following statement? SELECT location FROM continents, region()A 2B 7C 9D 14

考题 单选题Given the following two tables: TAB1 C1 C2 1 Antarctica 2 Africa 3 Asia 4 Australia TAB2 CX CY 5 Europe 6 North America 7 South America Which of the following SQL statements will insert all rows found in table TAB2 into table TAB1?()A INSERT INTO tab1 SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2B INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (tab2.cx, tab2.cy)C INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2)D INSERT INTO tab1 (c1, c2) VALUES (SELECT cx, cy FROM tab2)

考题 单选题Table TAB1 was created using the following statement: CREATE TABLE tab1 (c1 INT, c2 INT, c3 INT, c4 INT, c5 INT); If column C1 is unique and queries typically access columns C1 and C2 together, which statement(s) will create index(es) that will provide optimal query performance? ()A  CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c1) include (c2)B  CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c1);  CREATE INDEX xtab2 ON tab1 (c3) INCLUDE (c2) C  CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c2, c1)D  CREATE UNIQUE INDEX xtab1 ON tab1 (c2) INCLUDE (c1)

考题 单选题Given the following tables: CONTINENTS ID NAME COUNTRIES 1 Antarctica 0 2 Africa 53 3 Asia 47 4 Australia 14 5 Europe 43 6 North America 23 7 South America 12 REGION ID LOCATION 1 East 2 West How many rows would be returned using the following statement? SELECT location FROM continents, region()A 2B 7C 9D 14

考题 单选题Given the following two tables: TAB1 C1 C2 A 11 B 12 C 13 TAB2 CX CY A 21 C 22 D 23 The following results are desired: C1 C2 CX CY A 11 A 21 C 13 C 22 -- --D 23 Which of the following queries will yield the desired results?()A SELECT * FROM tab1 INNER JOIN tab2 ON c1=cxB SELECT * FROM tab1 LEFT OUTER JOIN tab2 ON c1=cxC SELECT * FROM tab1 FULL OUTER JOIN tab2 ON c1=cxD SELECT * FROM tab1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN tab2 ON c1=cx