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He was one of the boys who _____ late for class.









更多 “单选题He was one of the boys who _____ late for class.A areB isC wereD was” 相关考题
考题 He is one of the students who____ always on time. A.isB.areC.wasD.be

考题 Class one has 23 _________.() A.boy studentsB.boys studentsC.boy’s studentsD.students of boys

考题 In___________(共有的)with other boys ,he likes basketball.

考题 He is the__________ (thin) student in our class.

考题 24. What would happen to a student who often goes to bed late and gets up early?A. He would fall asleep in class.B. He would do well in study.C. He would finish his homework fast.D. He would have good health.

考题 What is considered to be a good student? He is the one who______.A. aims at getting good scoresB. is planning to get a degreeC. is capable of memorizing knowledgeD. has the motivation to learn

考题 missed in class. The doctor says he is recovering fast than

考题 The boys got ____________ very late this morning. They watched too much TV last night.A. inB. upC. together

考题 When I first knew Mike, we lived in a small village in Scotland. It was very different from Mike’s life in London now. We went to school together on our bicycles. Every morning I went to his house and knocked on the door. Every morning Mike’s mum said, “I’m sorry, he’s a bit late this morning”, and so I had to wait. Each day we were late for school, and I remember the teacher got very annoyed with us. I never told her we were late because of Mike. Now, 25 years later, I play tennis with Mike. I usually drive him to the tennis club. I go to his flat and he opens the door and says, “I’m sorry. I’m a bit late today.” The only reason he wasn’t late for his own wedding is that we lied to him about the time! As boys we spent a lot of time out exploring on our bikes. We went walking and fishing. I didn’t like fishing because I couldn’t swim. Probably the funniest thing we did was when we stole a bottle of whiskey from my Dad. We cycled about 5 miles away to drink it in one of our favorite places. When we finished drinking it, we couldn’t cycle back – it was a long, slow walk. I’m sure we looked awful. We still do, when we come back from the pub on Friday nights. Nothing’s changed really. Oh, and I still can’t swim.1.Mike now lives in __________.A.a village in ScotlandB.a village near LondonC.London2.__________ got up late every morning.A.Mike’mumB.MikeC.I3.25 years later, Mike __________.A.is early in doing everythingB.still is late as in the pastC.is never late again4.As boys both of us liked __________.A.fishingB.swimmingC.riding bicycles5.We walked 5 miles back home because we __________.A.were drunkB.were tiredC.enjoyed walking

考题 Eponyms is a process that puts an existing word of one class into another class.()

考题 The teacher was so angry that he sent ( ) out of class. A、his and hersB、he and herC、him and herD、he and she

考题 He is one of the persons who ( )the ( )to this question. A、knows/ replyB、know/ answerC、knowing/ secretD、has known/ key

考题 I was not late for class yesterday, just having no time to hand in my homework before class. (英译汉)

考题 ____ right now, she would not be late for the class. A.Would she leaveB.If she leaveC.Were she to leaveD.If she had left

考题 He interacts well() other children in the class. A、toB、withC、asD、of

考题 He is one of the students who , I am sure, always do _____ best. A. hisB. one'sC. myD. their

考题 He got up so late that he missed the school bus.(改为同义句)He got up________ late________ ________the school bus.

考题 According to the passage, it is true that ________.[A] in the late 19th century in the United States the dividing line between adolescence and adulthood no longer existed[B] no one can marry without the permission of his parents until the age of twenty-one[C] one is considered to have reached adulthood when he has a driver’s license[D] one is not free from the restrictions of child labor laws until he can join the arm

考题 Why did the professor study the Brazilian students' behavior?A. He felt puzzled at the students' being late.B. He felt angry at the students' rudeness.C. He wanted to make the students come on time later.D. He wanted to collect data for one of his studies.

考题 To Edward Hall the principal difference between cultures is whether they are monochromic or polychromic.In monochromic cultures(United States,Northern Europe)people do things one by one.They follow schedules because time can be squandered or saved.Promptness is essential,and one who is late has_________a grave offense.A.made B.committed C.done D.taken

考题 根据下面资料,回答 A proverb from ancient China was widely spread in the West: "If you want to be happy for a few hours, go to get drunk; if you want the happiness to last three years, get married; if you want lifetime happiness, take up gardening." The reason for the last is this: Gardening is not only useful, but it helps you to identify yourself with nature, and thus brings you new joy each day besides improving your health. A research of a US university that I′ve read gives a definition of happiness as what makes a person feel comfortably pleased. To put it simply, happiness is an active state of mind where one thinks one′ s life is meaningful, satisfactory and comfortable. This should be something lasting rather than transitory. Lots of people regard it the happiest to be at leisure. But according to a study, it is not a person with plenty of leisure but one at work that feels happy, especially those busy with work having little time for leisure. Happiness does not mean gains one is after but a desire to harvest what one is seeking for. People often do not treasure what they already have but desire what they cannot get. That is somewhat like a man with fond dreams of numerous lovers while unwilling to settle down with the woman beside him. Happiness is a game balancing between two ends--what one has and what one wishes for, i.e. one′s dream and the possibility to realize it. The study comes to this conclusion: A happy man is one who aims high but never forgets his actual situation; one who meets challenges that develop his ability and potentiality; one who′s proud of his achievements and the recognition given to him. He has self-respect and self-confidence; treasures his own identity and loves freedom. He is sociable and enjoys wide range communication with others; he′s helpful and ready to accept assistance. He knows he is able to bear sufferings and failures; he is sensible enough to get fun from daily work. He is a man capable of love and passion. Who is more likely to be unhappy according to the study?A.The man who is ambitious regardless of his actual situation. B.The one who has self-esteem and has confidence in himself. C.The one who can take pleasure in communicating with others. D.The one who always helps others and also accepts help from others.

考题 Miss Wang wanted to know()for the film.Awhy was he lateBwhy is he lateCwhy he is lateDwhy he was late

考题 单选题He was one of the boys who _____ late for class.A areB isC wereD was

考题 单选题He is one of those men who, I am sure, always do ______ best even in most trying circumstances.A themB hisC theirD one’s

考题 问答题One hundred boys went on a school outing. Eighty-one percent of the boys lost a shoe, 82 percent of the boys lost a sock, 77 percent of the boys lost a handkerchief and 68 percent of the boys lost a hat.  What is the minimum percentage who lost all 4 items?

考题 问答题Practice 1  ●You have just received a telephone call for your colleague, Sue Benton, who is away from her desk. A sales representative, John Smith, from Barton’s Co has been delayed. He cannot get to a meeting with Sue, but thinks he can get there later. He has given you his mobile number and would like Sue to call him back.  ● Write a message for your colleague saying:  ● who has called  ● why he will be late  ● when he can get there  ● what he wants Sue to do  ● Write 30-40 words.

考题 单选题Miss Wang wanted to know()for the film.A why was he lateB why is he lateC why he is lateD why he was late

考题 单选题No one except two students _____ the meeting.A has been late forB have been late forC was late forD were later for