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The new order means()overtime.









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更多 “单选题The new order means()overtime.A worksB workedC toworkD working” 相关考题
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考题 If you are stuck, change to a new point.‘To be stuck’ means to be sure of something. () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 The new launch date is very tight.‘Tight’ here means not leaving enough time. () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

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考题 阅读以下说明和 Java 代码,填补代码中的空缺,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。 【说明】 在股票交易中,股票代理根据客户发出的股票操作指示进行股票的买卖操作。其类图如图 6-1 所示。相应的Java 代码附后。图6-1 类图【 Java 代码】 import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; class Stock { private String name; private int quantity; public Stock(String name ,int quantity) { this.name = name; this.quantity = quantity; } public void buy() { System.out.println([ 买进]: + name + ,数量. + quantity);} public void sell() { System.out.println([ 卖出]: + name + ,数量. + quantity);} } interface Order { void execute(); } class BuyStock (1) Order { private Stock stock; public BuyStock(Stock stock) { (2) = stock; } public void execute() { stock.buy();} } //类SellStock实现和BuyStock 类似,略 class Broker { private ListOrder orderList = new ArrayListOrder(); public void takeOrder( (3) order) { orderList.add(order); } public void placeOrders() { for ( (4) order : orderList) { order.execute(); } orderList.clear(); } } public class StockCommand { public static void main(String[] args) { Stock aStock = new Stock(股票 A ,10); Stock bStock = new Stock(股票 B ,20); Order buyStockOrder = new BuyStock(aStock); Order sellStockOrder = new SellStock(bStock ); Broker broker = new Broker(); broker.takeOrder(buyStockOrder); broker.takeOrder(sellStockOrder); broker. (5) ; } }

考题 They bought the land in order to build a new office block.A:with a purpose to B:with a view to C:with a goal to D:with a reason to

考题 The new communication system is by no means a minute invention.A:small B:accidental C:significant D:timely

考题 The new launch date is very tight.‘Tight’ here means not leaving enough time.A对B错

考题 If you are stuck, change to a new point.‘To be stuck’means to be sure of something.A对B错

考题 Can I take your order now?()AThank you for you offer.BSorry, it‘s beyond my order.CBy no means.DJust a moment. Tow friends are coming.

考题 The new order means()overtime.AworksBworkedCtoworkDworking

考题 The new launch date is very tight.‘Tight’ here means not leaving enough time.

考题 Can I take your order now?()A、Thank you for you offer.B、Sorry, it‘s beyond my order.C、By no means.D、Just a moment. Tow friends are coming.

考题 A new VLAN needs to be created for an existing network. Which of the following are the minimum tasks that must be accomplished in order to create the new VLAN?()A、The VLAN must be createdB、The VLAN must be namedC、An IP address and subnet mask must be configured for the new VLAND、The desired ports must be added to the new VLANE、The VLAN must be added to the existing VTP Domain

考题 Choose the correct order to package and upload data for an incident to Oracle Support.()  A、 Schedule,create new package,view manifest,view contentsB、 Create new package,view manifest,view contents,scheduleC、 Schedule,create new package,view contents,view manifestD、 Create new package,view contents,view manifest,scheduleE、 None of the above.

考题 单选题The new order means()overtime.A worksB workedC toworkD working

考题 判断题If you are stuck, change to a new point.‘To be stuck’means to be sure of something.A 对B 错

考题 单选题On notification by Admiralty Notice to Mariners that a new edition of one of the books,or a new supplement to one,has been published,it should be obtained().A as soon as possibleB prior to its publicationC in advance of any possible accidentD by means of other than airmails

考题 单选题The order “Bow thrust stop” means “()”.A Bow thrust full to pertB Bow thrust full to starboardC No bow thrust revolutionsD No stern thrust revolutions

考题 单选题The order “()” means “Maximum maneuvering engine revolution for ahead propulsion”.A Full AheadB Half AheadC Full AsternD Half Astern

考题 单选题Can I take your order now?()A Thank you for you offer.B Sorry, it‘s beyond my order.C By no means.D Just a moment. Tow friends are coming.

考题 单选题The car salesman took the customer for a drive in the new model in order to _____ its improved features.A advocateB demonstrateC exhibitD reveal

考题 问答题Practice 2  (1) In order to communicate thoughts and feelings, there must be a conventional system of signs or symbols which mean the same to the sender and the receiver. The means of sending communications are too numerous and varied for systematic classification. Therefore, the analysis must begin with the means of receiving communication. (2) Reception of communication is achieved by our senses.