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in effect


as a result


for example


in a sense


上文提到设计一些胜利者多于失败者的活动,下文提到的出版学生写的书评、展示学生的艺术作品等都是在举例子,所以用for example表示举例。in effect实际上。as a result结果。in a sense从某种意义上说。
更多 “单选题______A in effectB as a resultC for exampleD in a sense” 相关考题
考题 We students have our own odds and ends. Take time _______. A. as instanceB. for instanceC. in exampleD. to example

考题 Parents and teachers should work together to ()students'lives. A、effectB、makeC、influenceD、shape

考题 Please make an ___________ to get there on time. A. effectB. effortC. efficiencyD. effects

考题 Many educators fear that an increase in the use of state exams will _________ a corresponding rise in cheating. A. lead atB. resultC. lead toD. consequent

考题 It was nearly an hour before the sleeping pill took ___________ . A.effectB.actionC.forceD.place

考题 They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no ( ). A. endB. resultC. conclusionD. judgement

考题 ●Functional testing tests whether the output is the expected (71) with the valid input.(71) A.reasonB.resultC.outcomeD.record

考题 We cannot ignore the__________ of noise on people in the factories.A. effectB. resultC. volumeD. fact

考题 66.A.mistakeB.adviceC.exampleD.joke

考题 The flight should take off at 10 p.m., but we()had to wait until twelve.A、at lastB、as a resultC、in effectD、on purpose

考题 How will the war()on his generation?A、 effectB、 affectC、 impact

考题 “ much of the power of the trade unions has been lost. _______________ , their political influence should be very great.“ A. Even soB. As a resultC. So farD. As usual

考题 The new appointment of our headmaster ________ from the very beginning of the next semester.A、takes effectB、takes placeC、takes turnsD、takes part

考题 You create a new pluggable database, HR_PDB, from the seed database. Which three tablespaces arecreated by default in HR_PDB?() A.SYSTEMB.SYSAUXC.EXAMPLED.UNDOE.TEMPF.USERS

考题 _________ of the accident last year, he had to lie in bed for 3 months. A、For a resultB、In a resultC、With a resultD、As a result

考题 Throwable类是直接从( )类继承来的。A.Exception及其子集B.Object类C.ExampleD.Class类

考题 In the fifth sentence of the first paragraph, the word "pose" can be best replaced byA.bring aboutB.resultC.lead toD.offer

考题 请在第33处填上正确答案。A.spiritB.resultC.strengthD.courage

考题 The survey will in no way ______ cargo operation,but the main engine will require four-hour notice to be ready if necessary after completion of the survey.A.effectB.influenceC.affectD.impress

考题 Foam is a very effective smothering agent and ______.A.it provides cooling as a secondary effectB.works well on extinguishing electrical firesC.can be used to combat combustible metal firesD.All of the above

考题 The outcome of the election was still in doubt.A:income B:result C:judgment D:situation

考题 There was an inclination to treat geography as a less important subject.A:point B:result C:finding D:tendency

考题 You create a new pluggable database, HR_PDB, from the seed database. Which three tablespaces arecreated by default in HR_PDB?()A、SYSTEMB、SYSAUXC、EXAMPLED、UNDOE、TEMPF、USERS

考题 ()最有特色的光效就是能够产生美丽的光晕效果。A、Fire EffectB、Rend ElementsC、泛光灯体积光D、直射灯体积光

考题 必须建立大气装置线框物体的环境效果是()A、Fire EffectB、FogC、Volume LightD、Volume Fog

考题 We have received news()that the wool market on your side is showing signs of recovery.A、to an effectB、to this effectC、to that effectD、to the effect

考题 单选题Bird and cuckoo have the sense relation of hyponymy. Which of the following pairs of words has the same sense relation?A Vowel and consonantB Mouth and tongueC Lexicon and wordD Number and gender

考题 单选题A The right sense of direction.B The sense of judgment.C The skill of maneuvering.D The size of vehicles.