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Three weeks ago.


Last month.


Last week.


Last Monday.


细节题。从选项可知,该题提问时间,听时注意时间名词,根据关键句“we finished installing them last week”可知,时间为上个星期。
更多 “单选题_____A Three weeks ago.B Last month.C Last week.D Last Monday.” 相关考题
考题 Last year we had no rain for weeks _________, so there was a serious drought. A.in endB.on endC.at endD.by end

考题 This year's yield will be( ). A. high as last yearB. high as last year'sC. as high as last year'sD. as high as last year

考题 I lent her a book. She()it last Monday. A.giveB.returnedC.brought

考题 They've won their last three matches,_________I find a bit surprising.A.thatB.whenC.whatD.which

考题 Mother bought( )last week. A、three dozen eggsB、dozens eggsC、dozen of eggsD、three dozens eggs

考题 The newspaper ___ the rain will last for another three days. A.saysB.is sayingC.is saidD.is being said

考题 Three people were killed in this car ( ) happened last week. A、wreckB、crashC、hitD、crush

考题 YouneedtogeneratealistofallcustomerlastnameswiththeircreditlimitsfromtheCUSTOMERStable.Thosecustomerswhodonothaveacreditlimitshouldappearlastinthelist.Whichtwoquerieswouldachievetherequiredresult?() A.SELECTcust_last_name,cust_credit_limitFROMcustomersORDERBYcust_credit_limitDESCB.SELECTcust_last_name,cust_credit_limitFROMcustomersORDERBYcust_credit_limitC.SELECTcust_last_name,cust_credit_limitFROMcustomersORDERBYcust_credit_limitNULLSLASTD.SELECTcust_last_name,cust_credit_limitFROMcustomersORDERBYcust_last_name,cust_credit_limitNULLSLAST

考题 Import for the first three months this year is larger than that for the__________period last year. A.relating B.concerning C.corresponding D.regarding

考题 My new glasses cost me__the last pair that I bought.A.three times B.three times as much as C.three times as much D.three times much as

考题 There’s been a lot of contention in the last couple of weeks about the future______of the company. A.direction B.decision C.condition D.orentation

考题 What time does our plane leave?()A、Saturday.B、Eight o'clock in the morningC、Last week.D、This week

考题 This year's sales in many companies were lower than ().A、lat year'sB、which of last year'sC、last yearD、in last year

考题 栈的特性是后进先出又称为LIFO表,那么后进先出的英文是()。A、First In Last OutB、First In First OutC、Last In Last OutD、Last In First Out

考题 You need to display the last names of those employees who have the letter "A" as the second character in their names. Which SQL statement displays the required results? ()A、SELECT last_name FROM EMP WHERE last_ name LIKE '_A%';B、SELECT last_name FROM EMP WHERE last name ='*A%'C、SELECT last_name FROM EMP WHERE last name ='_A%';D、SELECT last_name FROM EMP WHERE last name LIKE '*A%'

考题 What is the result of this command?() RMAN Report need backup days 3;A、 Lists all datafiles created in the last three days that are not backed up.B、 Lists all datafiles not recoverable based on the current retention criteria.C、 Lists all datafiles not backed up in the last three days. The datafile is not recoverable. D、 Lists all datafiles that need to be backed up due to unrecoverable operations.E、 Lists all datafiles not backed up in the last three days. It does not imply that the datafile is not recoverable.

考题 单选题The wind was so strong last night that it tore the _____ of the ship into two or three pieces.A maskB mineC sailD satellite

考题 单选题How long must the GMDSS radio log be retained on board?()A At least two years after the last entryB At least one year after the last entryC At least 90 days after the last entryD At least 30 days after the last entry

考题 单选题Which method loads the configuration which was active before your last commit?()A load replace last-activeB load rollback 1C rollback 1D rollback last-active

考题 单选题If your asphalt barge has operated more than 12 months in saltwater in the 24 month period since it was last dry-docked,when is it required to be hauled out again? ()A 12 months since last dry-dockingB 18 months since last dry-dockingC 24 months since last dry-dockingD 36 months since last dry-docking

考题 单选题What is the result of this command?() RMAN Report need backup days 3;A  Lists all datafiles created in the last three days that are not backed up.B  Lists all datafiles not recoverable based on the current retention criteria.C  Lists all datafiles not backed up in the last three days. The datafile is not recoverable. D  Lists all datafiles that need to be backed up due to unrecoverable operations.E  Lists all datafiles not backed up in the last three days. It does not imply that the datafile is not recoverable.

考题 单选题In order to meet the steady demand of the market, the factory has turned out ______A twice more TV sets this year as last yearB TV sets this year twice as many as last yearC twice as many TV sets this year as last yearD TV sets twice more this year than last year

考题 单选题How long do the English courses last?A 4 days.B 2 weeks.C 3 weeks.D 4 weeks.

考题 单选题The last time I saw her was () my brother"s wedding ceremony three years ago.A toB atC inD during

考题 单选题Given the following query:SELECT last_name, first_name, age, hire_date FROM employee WHERE age 40Which of the following clauses must be added to return the rows sorted by AGE, oldest first, and by LAST_NAME, from A to Z?()A SORT BY age ASC, last_nameB SORT BY age DESC, last_nameC ORDER BY age DESC, last_nameD ORDER BY age ASC, last_name

考题 单选题You need to display the last names of those employees who have the letter "A" as the second character in their names. Which SQL statement displays the required results? ()A SELECT last_name FROM EMP WHERE last_ name LIKE '_A%';B SELECT last_name FROM EMP WHERE last name ='*A%'C SELECT last_name FROM EMP WHERE last name ='_A%';D SELECT last_name FROM EMP WHERE last name LIKE '*A%'

考题 单选题Written in central Canada in the early part of the twentieth century, _____, depicts life in Manitoda.A The Midnight Sun was Victor Frank’s last novelB Victor Frank’s last novel was The Midnight SunC The Midnight Sun, which was Victor Frank’s last novelD Which was Victor Frank’s last novel, The Midnight Sun

考题 单选题Import for the first three months this year is larger than that for the_____ period last year.A relatingB concerningC correspondingD regarding