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nuclear pore complexs,NPCs (核孔复合物)


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更多 “名词解释题nuclear pore complexs,NPCs (核孔复合物)” 相关考题
考题 It forms ________ of the novel. (A) a nuclear(B) a nucleus(C) the nuclear(D) the nucleus

考题 The children stay in the nuclear family ____ they grow up and marry. Then they form. new nuclear families.A: becauseB: asC: untilD: since

考题 有关真核细胞核孔,下列错误的描述是()A、是一种环状复合结构B、核孔的大小是可以调控的C、基因转录旺盛的细胞核孔数目较少D、核孔的边缘有蛋白颗粒E、核孔中央有蛋白质颗粒

考题 核孔复合体

考题 简述核孔复合物的作用。

考题 以下关于核孔复合体的说法错误的是()A、核孔复合体通过主动运输的方式运输蛋白质和RNA等大分子B、核孔复合体具有向细胞核内外双向运输的功能C、核孔复合体靠相应的受体识别大分子后进行运输D、核孔复合体只存在于细胞核的外膜上,内膜上没有核孔复合体

考题 对于不同物质,核孔怎样进行运输?核孔蛋白常有一段什么序列有助于物质输入核孔?

考题 核孔复合物的主动运输具有严格的双向选择性,这种选择性表现在哪些方面?

考题 核孔

考题 广义的核骨架包括()A、核基质B、核基质、核孔复合物C、核纤层、核基质D、核纤层、核孔复合体和一个不溶的网络状结构(即核基质)

考题 nuclear pore complexs,NPCs (核孔复合物)

考题 (膜)孔蛋白(pore proteins)

考题 单选题Although no proof yet exists of the electromagnetic disturbances observed being the results of nuclear weapons testing, diplomats are treating the situation with utmost delicacy.A of the electromagnetic disturbances observed being the results of nuclear weapons testingB regarding the observed electromagnetic disturbances having been the results of nuclear weapons testingC that the electromagnetic disturbances observed were the results of nuclear weapons testingD that nuclear weapons testing resulted in the electromagnetic disturbances having been observedE that the electromagnetic disturbance observed were resulting from nuclear weapons testing

考题 单选题In the second paragraph, the author mainly discusses ______. .A the nuclear accidents in Japan last MarchB nuclear power policies in GermanyC German attitude towards nuclear powerD the safety levels of nuclear power plants in Germany

考题 单选题Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?A Japan's Nuclear Crisis Causes Fear in Europe.B The Chernobyl Disaster Helps Europe Better Understand Nuclear Power Energy.C German Governments Supports Nuclear Power Energy.D Germany Has Learnt a Lesson From Japan.

考题 名词解释题核孔

考题 问答题核孔复合物的主动运输具有严格的双向选择性,这种选择性表现在哪些方面?

考题 名词解释题(膜)孔蛋白(pore proteins)

考题 单选题有关真核细胞核孔,下列错误的描述是()A 是一种环状复合结构B 核孔的大小是可以调控的C 基因转录旺盛的细胞核孔数目较少D 核孔的边缘有蛋白颗粒E 核孔中央有蛋白质颗粒

考题 名词解释题通透性转换孔(permeability transition pore)

考题 单选题关于核孔复合体的描述,错误的是()。A 捕鱼笼模型是描述其超微结构的一种学说B 中央栓可能是正在通过核孔复合体的物质C 核孔复合体在进化上高度保守D 核孔复合体是单向选择性亲水通道E 细胞合成蛋白质功能越旺盛,核孔越多

考题 单选题After several nuclear disasters, a _____ has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.A quarrelB suspicionC verdictD controversy

考题 单选题关于核孔的描述不正确的是()。A 核孔的数目在代谢旺盛的细胞中较多B 核孔复合体是不对称结构C 核孔复合体是可以用“捕鱼笼”模型来解释D 在高等真核生物的细胞核上均匀分布有核孔

考题 单选题According to Nishida, the current buying decision by Toshiba is a response to ______A fierce competition in nuclear power businessB failure in other businesses like semiconductors and DVD playersC popularity of nuclear power around the worldD expected increase in market demand for nuclear power generation

考题 单选题What does the passage mainly discuss?A The acquisition of British Nuclear Fuels by Toshiba.B The acquisition of Westinghouse Electric by Toshiba.C Toshiba’s expansion in nuclear power business.D Toshiba’s embarking on nuclear power business.

考题 单选题广义的核骨架包括()A 核基质B 核基质、核孔复合物C 核纤层、核基质D 核纤层、核孔复合体和一个不溶的网络状结构(即核基质)

考题 单选题关于核孔复合体,下列描述中哪项是不正确的()。A 在代谢或增殖不活跃的细胞中核孔数目较多B 核孔复合体是一种复合性结构C 核孔复合体由内外两层核被膜融合形成D 核孔复合体是胞质和核内物质交换的主要通道E 广为人们接受的核孔复合体的结构模型是捕鱼笼式结构模型