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Which of the following can be adopted as a post-reading activity?

Guessing word meaning from context.


Concluding the main idea.


Clearing up linguistic and cultural barriers.


Rehearse the reading material.


更多 “单选题Which of the following can be adopted as a post-reading activity?A Guessing word meaning from context.B Concluding the main idea.C Clearing up linguistic and cultural barriers.D Rehearse the reading material.” 相关考题
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考题 Which of the following can be adopted at the pre-reading activity? A.Rearranging the materials. B.Brainstorming the topic. C.Writing a similar text. D.Giving summary and comment.

考题 When the teacher is presenting a new language, giving explanations, checking answers,which of the following should be adopted? A.Whole class work. B.Pair work. C.Group work. D.Individual work.

考题 Which of the following can be adopted as a post-reading activity?A.Guessing word meaning from context. B.Concluding the main idea. C.Clearing up linguistic and cultural barriers. D.Rehearse the reading material.

考题 When the teacher is presenting a new language, giving explanations, checking answers,which of the following should be adopted?A.whole class work B.pair work C.group work D.individual work

考题 Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage A.Re-arranging the materials. B.Brainstorming the topic. C.Writing a summary of the text. D.Locating the specific information.

考题 When the teacher is presenting a new language, giving explanations, checking answers,which of the following should be adopted?A.whole class work B.pair work C.group work D.individual work

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考题 单选题Which of the following can be adopted at the pre-reading activity? _____A Rearranging the materialsB Brainstorming the topicC Writing a similar textD Giving summary and comment

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考题 单选题Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?A Re-arranging the materials.B Brainstorming the topic.C Writing a summary of the text.D Locating the specific information.