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Which of the following can be adopted at the pre-reading activity?

A.Rearranging the materials.
B.Brainstorming the topic.
C.Writing a similar text.
D.Giving summary and comment.


更多 “Which of the following can be adopted at the pre-reading activity? A.Rearranging the materials. B.Brainstorming the topic. C.Writing a similar text. D.Giving summary and comment.” 相关考题
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考题 151 Sources for data on activity durations and resource requirements can be gathered from which of the following:A. Past project records (historical data)B. Commercial techniques (standard practices, rules of thumb)C. Past project team members knowledge (experience, oldtimers)D. All of the aboveE. A and C only

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考题 Which of the following is NOT a suitable pre-reading activity? A.Demonstrating "skimming" and "scanning" techniques. B.Writing a similar text. C.Introducing the elements of the reading text. D.Writing questions about the topic.

考题 Which of the following can be adopted as a post-reading activity?A.Guessing word meaning from context. B.Concluding the main idea. C.Clearing up linguistic and cultural barriers. D.Rehearse the reading material.

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考题 Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage A.Re-arranging the materials. B.Brainstorming the topic. C.Writing a summary of the text. D.Locating the specific information.

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考题 单选题Which of the following can be adopted as a post-reading activity?A Guessing word meaning from context.B Concluding the main idea.C Clearing up linguistic and cultural barriers.D Rehearse the reading material.

考题 单选题Which of the following can be regarded as a communicative language task?A Information-gap activity.B Dictation.C Sentence transformation.D Blank-filling.

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考题 单选题Which of the following can be adopted at the pre-reading activity? _____A Rearranging the materialsB Brainstorming the topicC Writing a similar textD Giving summary and comment

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考题 单选题Which activity is appropriate in the pre-reading step?A ScanningB SkimmingC Predict the contentD imitative writing

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考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT a suitable pre-reading activity?A Predicting the content.B Discussing a relevant picture.C Associating vocabulary with the topic.D Selecting titles for the reading material.

考题 单选题Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?A Re-arranging the materials.B Brainstorming the topic.C Writing a summary of the text.D Locating the specific information.