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更多 “单选题Steer()(北)!A southB northC eastD west” 相关考题
考题 在航海上自差是_____。A.罗北偏离真北的角度B.真北偏离磁北的角度C.磁北偏离真北的角度D.罗北偏离磁北的角度

考题 You’d better steer () of these sensitive issues. A、clearB、aboutC、awayD、through

考题 I steer my ship with hope,________ fear ________ . A. leaving⋯awayB. leaving⋯behindC. leave⋯behindD. leave ⋯away

考题 ________the carpenter steer the ship?A.DoB.IsC.DoesD.Are

考题 在长江下游的航行图中,通常有两个指北向,它们表示()A.坐标北和真北B.真北和罗经北C.磁北和真北D.磁北和坐北

考题 Steer __ (北)!A.southB.northC.eastD.west

考题 磁罗经磁差是()之间的夹角。A.真北与罗北B.真北与磁北C.磁北与罗北D.真北与陀螺北

考题 罗经差是()之间的夹角。A.真北与罗北B.真北与磁北C.磁北与罗北D.真北与陀螺北

考题 罗经差是______与______之间的夹角,以______为基准。A.磁北/真北/磁北B.磁北/真北/真北C.罗北/真北/罗北D.罗北/真北/真北

考题 If help has not arrived in 10-12 hours after abandoning a vessel in a rescue boat,you should ______.A.go in one direction until the fuel runs outB.steer a course for the nearest landC.steer a course for the nearest sea laneD.shut down the engines if installed and put out the sea anchor

考题 A vessel is equipped with twin propellers,both turning outboard with the engines half ahead.If there is no wind or current and the rudders are amidships,what will happen?A.The bow will swing to starboardB.The bow will swing to portC.The vessel will steer a zigzag courseD.The vessel will steer a fairly straight course

考题 EASE THE RUDDER means to ______.A.Decrease the rudder angleB.Move the rudder slowly in the direction of the most recent rudder commandC.Bring the rudder amidshipsD.Steer the course which is your present heading

考题 What should be used to steer an open lifeboat if the rudder becomes lost or damaged ________.A.Sea anchorB.Steering oarC.Spare rudderD.Daggerboard

考题 装在远洋船上的磁罗经的磁针所指的北叫做()A、真北B、磁北C、罗北D、极北

考题 单选题Steer the wheel carefully and keep a sharp lookout () .A look outB look aroundC look at

考题 单选题All our ()steer the ship well.A quartermastersB seamenC DockersD officers

考题 单选题磁罗经自差是指()与()的水平夹角。A 真北,磁北B 真北,罗北C 磁北,罗北D 船首基线,罗北

考题 单选题A tug would NOT assist a ship to steer if the tug is made up to the large vessel().A by a tow line ahead of the vesselB forward on either bow of the vesselC approximately amidships of the vesselD on the vessel's quarter

考题 单选题在长江下游的航行图中,通常有两个指北向,它们表示()A 坐标北和真北B 真北和罗经北C 磁北和真北D 磁北和坐北

考题 单选题罗经差是()之间的夹角。A 真北与罗北B 真北与磁北C 磁北与罗北D 真北与陀螺北

考题 单选题In case of accidents()the risk of sinking,all effective measures shall be taken to steer clear of the fairway to avoid()the traffic.A involving/impedingB involved/to impedeC involving/to impedeD involved/impeding

考题 单选题A sweep oar is an oar that is().A generally shorter than the others and is used to steer withB is longer than the others and is used as the stroke oarC is raised in the bow of the boat for the steersman to steer byD longer than the others used for steering

考题 单选题What should be used to steer an open lifeboat if the rudder becomes lost or damaged?()A Sea anchorB Steering oarC Spare rudderD Daggerboard

考题 单选题A vessel is equipped with twin propellers,both turning outboard with the engines half ahead. If there is no wind or current and the rudders are amidships,what will happen?()A The bow will swing to starboardB The bow will swing to portC The vessel will steer a zigzag courseD The vessel will steer a fairly straight course.

考题 单选题我国近的海雾呈带状分布,其特点是()A 南早北晚,南多北少B 南晚北早,南多北少C 南晚北早,南少北多D 南早北晚,南少北多

考题 单选题In heavy seas the helmsman should steer the motor lifeboat().A into the seasB broadside to the seasC in the same direction as the seasD in a series of figure-eights

考题 单选题The quartermasters()steer the ship and help the officer keep lookout.A dutyB on dutyC at dutyD in duty