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What will passengers have to do if their baggage is over the free allowance?

To pay extra money.


To carry it themselves.


To ask for special permit.


To drop the excessive item.


由题干关键词over the free allowance定位至文章标题3。标题3提到超过标准的行李要额外的收费(An excess charge will be made for each piece of baggage over the free allowance),选A。其它选项均与语意不符。
更多 “单选题What will passengers have to do if their baggage is over the free allowance?A To pay extra money.B To carry it themselves.C To ask for special permit.D To drop the excessive item.” 相关考题
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考题 单选题How()do you have?A many baggageB much baggagesC many baggagesD much baggage

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