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Most of the machines in the workshop _____ next month.

are repaired


have been repaired


were repaired


will be repaired


句意:车间的大部分机器将于下月进行维修。本题考查的是将来时的被动语态。一般的由“will be+动词的过去分词”构成。由句中的next month可知是将来时,所以应该用一般将来时,因此D选项正确。
更多 “单选题Most of the machines in the workshop _____ next month.A are repairedB have been repairedC were repairedD will be repaired” 相关考题
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考题 单选题_____A Install more machines.B Test the machines.C Buy more machines.D Sell the machines.

考题 单选题Most of the machines in the workshop _____ next month.A are repairedB have been repairedC were repairedD will be repaired

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