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Except the Inuit people, nobody can lay claim to the Arctic.



从录音中提到的“No one can claim the Arctic as their god-given right, with the possible exception of the Inuit people…”,可知在说话者看来除了因纽特人(Inuit people),没有人可以宣称对北极的所有权,因此题干符合录音内容。
There must be a better way to respond to the opening up of new environments as the ice retreats. There is no need for a carve-up. No one can claim the Arctic as their god-given right, with the possible exception of the Inuit people, who lack the nationhood needed to stake a claim. And do we really have no better use for this near-pristine ecosystem than to plunge oil rigs down in the middle of it, especially when we know what climatic harm burning that oil will do?
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