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The fuel pipes and ducts should be blown with ().



the fresh water


compressed air


chemical compounds


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更多 “单选题The fuel pipes and ducts should be blown with ().A atmosphereB the fresh waterC compressed airD chemical compounds” 相关考题
考题 If you suspect a diesel engine is misfiring due to air leakage into the fuel system, you should begin looking for the leak at theA.fuel line connections to the cylinder injection valvesB.gasket surfaces of the fuel oil filtersC.discharge fittings of the fuel injector pumpsD.suction side of the fuel oil transfer pump

考题 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?A.There may be oil vapor in the engine roomB.Pipes and fittings may be damaged if explosion takes placeC.The cooler should be drainedD.Bursting caps must be fitted

考题 When an auxiliary boiler is panting and emitting(发出) black smoke, you should______.A.increase the fuel oil temperatureB.decrease the fuel oil temperatureC.decrease the fuel oil supply pressureD.increase the air supply

考题 Gasoline fuel tank vents should terminate ______.A.In the engine compartmentB.In the fuel tank spaceC.Above or outside the hullD.At the most convenient location

考题 Tony stops him with news that a plane has ______ over the Mojave Desert.A.blown off B.blown in C.blown down D.blown up

考题 单选题If the overflow tank high-level alarm sounds while the fuel oil tanks are being topped off, the engineer should ().A close the static leg filling valveB close the overflow tank falling valveC reduce the fuel oil pumping rateD stop the fuel oil pumping operation

考题 单选题The remaining oil in the lubricating pipes and ducts should be blown out with ().A atmosphereB the fresh waterC compressed airD chemical compounds

考题 单选题The lubricating pipes and dusts should be blown out with ().A atmosphereB the fresh waterC compressed airD chemical compounds

考题 单选题All items such as steam pipes, exhaust pipes and fittings which, because of their location and operating temperature, present a hazard should be adequately lagged.That means the items should()A not be put into operation too earlyB be pay adequate attention toC be used only when necessaryD be coated with certain material

考题 单选题While a ship with twin screw is making a turn, in order to prevent overload, the duty engineer should ()A reduce the fuel feeding of main engine of inner propellerB reduce the fuel feeding of main engine of outer propellerC firstly reduce the fuel of main engine of inner propeller, then reduce the fuel feeding of engine of outer propellerD reduce fuel feeding of two engines at the same time

考题 单选题If a fire ignites in the engine room as a result of a high pressure fuel oil leak, you should FIRST ().A secure the ventilationB find a soda acid extinguisherC shut off the fuel oil supplyD secure the generator

考题 单选题If a tow-stroke/diesel engine is over-speeding due to leakage of lube oil into the cylinders, what should you do to stop the engine?()A Move the fuel control mechanism to the no fuel positionB Block the fuel supply by closing the master fuel valveC Shut off the fuel supply and block the flow of intake airD Relieve all pressure in the fuel system

考题 单选题When an auxiliary boiler is panting and emitting black smoke, you should ().A increase the fuel oil temperatureB decrease the fuel oil temperatureC decrease the fuel oil supply pressureD increase the air supply

考题 单选题Your vessel has run aground and upon taking fuel oil tank soundings, you find that a fuel tank level has increasedYou therefore should suspect ().A condensation in the fuel tankB a crack in the hull portion of the fuel tankC a load of bad fuelD contamination from the saltwater flushing system

考题 单选题When fuel oil has seriously contaminated a diesel engine lubricating oil, you should ().A filter to remove the fuel oilB use the settler to remove the fuel oilC remove the fuel oil by centrifugingD drain and then renew the lube oil supply

考题 单选题For optimum results, centrifugal purification of heavy fuel oil should be accomplished with the fuel at the lowest practicable()A throughputB additive percentC cetane numberD TBN number

考题 单选题The fuel booster pump and steam to fuel heater, together with fuel pipe heater tracer line should be shut off as soon as the () order is acknowledged.A finished with enginesB stopC stand byD full ahead

考题 单选题To successfully reduce an excessively high diesel engine exhaust gas temperature, you should ().A reduce the engine driven fuel pump outlet pressureB retard the fuel injector timing to reduce powerC increase the fuel rack settingD reduce the load on the engine

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE concerning the ventilation of engine and fuel tank compartments on uninspected towing vessels using fuel with a flash point of 100°F?()A There shall be at least 3 ventilator ducts open to the atmosphereB At least one exhaust duct shall extend from the open atmosphere to the lower portion of the bilgeC At least one intake duct shall extend from the open atmosphere to the lower portion of the bilgeD Only vessels using fuel with a flash point above 110°F need ventilate engine and fuel compartments

考题 单选题After taking on fuel oil, the hoses should be disconnected and ().A draped over the fantail to dry outB drained over the side and washed outC drained into the bilges and washed outD drained into buckets or fuel tanks

考题 单选题When fueling has been completed().A the fuel tank fill pipe should be left open to allow vapors to vent from the tankB the engine should be started immediately to prevent vapor lock in the fuel lineC all hatches should be opened and all compartments should be ventilatedD open the fuel line and drain a small amount of gasoline into the bilge to clear the line of sediment

考题 单选题Gasoline fuel tank vents should terminate().A in the engine compartmentB in the fuel tank spaceC above or outside the hullD at the most convenient location

考题 单选题If you suspect a diesel engine is misfiring due to air leakage into the fuel system, you should begin looking for the leak at the ()A fuel line connections to cylinder injection valvesB gasket surfaces of the fuel oil filtersC discharge fitting of the fuel injector pumpsD suction side of the fuel oil tran

考题 单选题What should you set the Client Configuration to when configuring the ODBC Data Source for the Database Subsystem?()A TCP/IP  B Multiprotocol  C Named Pipes  D NWLink IPX/SPX

考题 单选题Air compressor receivers should be “blown down” at least ().A yearlyB quarterlyC monthlyD daily

考题 单选题When restarting a heavy fuel diesel engine that has been stopped for some time, the engine should()A increase the starting air pressureB use a higher than normal cranking speedC increase the fuel injection pressureD use a fuel having a lower ignition temperature

考题 单选题It is usual to identify the fluids in pipes by bands of paint at intervals, and the engineer should familiarize himself with the code in use.According to the above sentence, which of the following statements is true?()A People can know the types of fluids in pipes by feeling with handsB There are series of rings painted in the pipes to show various fluidsC Engineers should wear cards standing for ranksD Engineer knows his own code very well