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更多 “单选题____A BesidesB HoweverC WhereasD Nevertheless” 相关考题
考题 单选题This sign warns()ahead.A people the dangerB people of the dangerC people about the dangerD the danger

考题 单选题What()of blood does Tom have?A kindB typeC sortD category

考题 单选题The accident was()to careless driving.A forB likelyC dueD because

考题 单选题— Can I get you a cup of tea—()A That's very nice of you.B With pleasure.C You can, please.D Thank you for the te

考题 单选题It's()novel I've ever read.A betterB the bestC goodD best

考题 单选题Some areas, () their severe weather conditions, are sparsely populated.A due toB but forC in spite ofD with regard to

考题 问答题医学创新者;医学改革者

考题 问答题进出口总额

考题 单选题The injury to his head in the accident he had last week in the expressway seems to have _____ his thought of process.A postponedB concealedC retardedD cancelled

考题 单选题That is the dog()name is Henry.A whoseB whoC whomD which

考题 单选题The manager of our company asked me if was possible for me to()the marketing plan within a week.A set outB work outC make outD put out

考题 单选题I'd rather stay at home than()a walk.A takingB to takeC takeD to be taking

考题 单选题____A projectB planC promiseD propose

考题 单选题Help yourself to the steak, Maggie? ()A Sorry, I‘ve had enough.B Thank you, Helen.C Yes. But it isn‘t cooked wellD Help yourself to it, too.

考题 单选题What do you think of my new dress?()A It's on saleB It's a birthday present for youC You really need oneD It looks very good on you

考题 单选题I don't suppose he will attend the meeting,()A won’t heB will heC do ID don’t I

考题 单选题Would you like to join me for a quick lunch before class? () but I promised Tom to go out with him.A I'd love toB I like itC I don'tD I will

考题 单选题Mary forgot()a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.A writingB to writeC to have written

考题 单选题The passage is mainly about _____.A how people celebrate Valentine’s DayB how Valentine’s Day originated and evolvedC what is the best way to promote Valentine’s DayD why people have different attitudes toward Valentine’s Day

考题 单选题During the Colonial period, it was _____ expensive to ship anything across the Appalachian Mountains.A momentarilyB tolerablyC abruptlyD prohibitively

考题 单选题I wonder if I could use your dictionary?()A Go on.B Go ahead.C Go up.D Go away.

考题 问答题玉衣

考题 单选题Must we hand in our homework now?()A Yes, you willB Yes, you mustn‘tC No, you needn‘tD No, you mustn‘t

考题 单选题Users tend to buy a computer that conforms to the manufacturer’s advertising claims.A go beyondB agree withC interact withD point to

考题 单选题Would you like to come to my birthday party next? Oh, thanks a lot.()A Yes, pleaseB Yes, I wouldC I'd love toD I've no idea

考题 单选题You can see()on the table.A a packet of prawnB two packets of prawnC a packet of prawns

考题 单选题A national authority is to conduct on-site inspections of these laboratories and _____ legal penalties for violations.A composeB exposeC imposeD suppose

考题 单选题Jack enjoys()Peking Opera.A listen toB listeningC listenD listening to