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Bush's farm()is said to be at bottom of the state of Texas in north America.









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更多 “单选题Bush's farm()is said to be at bottom of the state of Texas in north America.A streetB roadC laneD avenue” 相关考题
考题 –This is the worst film ever produced.–()! A、You said itB、I don’t mindC、Not at allD、No, that’s not real

考题 Bushs farm( )is said to be at bottom of the state of Texas in north America. A.streetB.roadC.laneD.avenue

考题 (b) (i) State the condition that would need to be satisfied for the exercise of Paul’s share options in Memphisplc to be exempt from income tax and the tax implications if this condition is not satisfied.(2 marks)

考题 In the 2000presidential election, the most important state which decides the political fates of Bush and Gore is ________. A.CaliforniaB.FloridaC.MaineD.Texas

考题 —You haven’t said a word about my new coat, BrendA. Do you like it?—I’m sorry I ______ anything about it sooner. I certainly think it’s pretty on you. A wasn’t sayingB don’t sayC won’t sayD didn’t say

考题 -- Excuse me. I didn’t hear what you said. A、Not at all.B、That’s OK.C、Yes, please.D、I asked you if you needed some help.

考题 I don't know the park, but it's ________ to be quite beautiful. A.toldB.talkedC.spokenD.said

考题 –– How is your brother these days?–– He hasn’t been too well recently.–– ______What’s the matter?–– I think he ’s been overworking.A: It ’ll be pleased to hear you ask after him.B: That ’s not too bad.C: I ’m sorry to hear that.D: I ’ te ll him what you said.

考题 At a party or social occasions, how would you indicate that it was time for you to leave someone's house?A、I would say, "It's getting late and I'd better be going."B、I would say, "I'm sorry. I have to leave now."C、I would wait until the host said something.D、I would make up an excuse (e.g. I have to get up early tomorrow, etc.) and thank the hosts.

考题 -How's your brother these days?-He hasn't been too well just recently.-________. What's the matter?-I think he's been overworking.A、It'll be pleased to hear you ask after himB、That's not too badC、I'm sorry to hear thatD、I'll tell him what you said

考题 BGood evening, ladies and gentlemen, I’m Roy , and this is my show. This is a television show for all families, and I know you’ll enjoy it.Let’s start with a story. Once there was a proud pig on a farm . He thought he was the most important of all the animals on the farm. But it was not enough that he himself thought this: he had to be sure that other animals thought it, too. So he went up to a chicken and asked, “ Who is the most important animal on the farm?” The chicken answered, “ You are, Mr. Pig .” Then he asked a dog, and he got the same reply.Next, he asked a cow. When the cow seemed uncertained of the right answer, the pig looked angry, and showed his teeth, “ Oh, you are, of course, Mr. Pig.” said the cow. “ Of course, ” the pig said, “ there is no doubt about it. ”At last the pig asked a big horse the same question. The horse lifted one foot, rolled the pig over and placed his foot on the pig’s head. “ I think you know the answer now. ” said the horse.61. The Roy show is _________ .A. a family show on TV B. for kids only C. a sports show

考题 Upon underwater detection,there were no apparent defects on the bottom plates,bilge keels,rudder and propeller of the said vessel.This kind of wording usually appeared on ______.A.ship surveyor's reportB.a ship's certificateC.a cargo inspection reportD.a diver survey report

考题 共用题干 Farmers' MarketsCharlotte Hollins knows she faces a battle. The 23-year-old British farmer and her 21- year-old brother Ben are fighting to save the farm from developers that their father worked onsince he was 14.________(1)"You don't often get a day off.Supermarkets put a lot of pressure on farmers to keep prices down.With fewer people working on farms it can be isolating," she said,"There is a high rate of suicide and farming will never make you rich!"Oliver Robinson,25,grew up on a farm in Yorkshire.________(2) "l,m sure dad hoped I'd stay,"he said."I guess it's a nice,straightforward life,but it doesn't appeal .For young,ambitious people,farm life would be a hard world."For Robinson, farming doesn't offer much"in terms of money or lifestyle".Hollins agrees that economics stops people from pursuing farming rewards:"providing a vital human need,while working outdoors with nature."Farming is a big political issue in the UK.__________(3)The 2001 foot and mouth disease closed thousands of farms,stopped meat exports,and raised public consciousness of troubles in UK farming.Jamie Oliver's 2005 campaign to get children to eat healthily also highlighted the issue. This national concern spells(带来)hope for farmers competing with powerful supermarkets.__________(4)"I started going to Farmers' Markets in direct defiance(蔑视)of the big supermarkets. __________(5)It's terrible,"said Londoner Michael Samson.__________(2)A: But he never considered staying on his father and grandfather's land.B: While most people buy food from the big supermarkets,hundreds of independent Farmers' Markets are becoming popular.C: While confident they will succeed,she lists many challenges of farming.D: Young people prefer to live in cities.E: I seriously objected to the super-sizing of everything-what exactly do they put on our apples to make them so big and red?F:"Buy British"campaigns urge(鼓励)consumers not to buy cheaper imported foods.

考题 共用题干 Farmers' MarketsCharlotte Hollins knows she faces a battle. The 23-year-old British farmer and her 21- year-old brother Ben are fighting to save the farm from developers that their father worked on since he was 14._________(1)"You don't often get a day off.Supermarkets put a lot of pressure on farmers to keep prices down.With fewer people working on farms it can be isolating,"she said."There is a high rate of suicide and farming will never make you rich!"Oliver Robinson,25,grew up on a farm in Yorkshire._________(2)"I'm sure dad hoped I'd stay,"he said."I guess it's a nice,straightforward life,but it doesn't appeal.For young,ambitious people,farm life would be a hard world."For Robinson,farming doesn't offer much"in terms of money or lifestyle."Hollins agrees that economics stops people from pursuing farming rewards:"providing for a vital human need,while working outdoors with nature."Farming is a big political issue in the UK._________(3)The 2001 foot and mouth crisis closed thousands of farms,stopped meat exports,and raised public consciousness of troubles in UK farming.Jamie Oliver's 2005 campaign to get children to eat healthily also highlighted the issue. This national concern spells(带来)hope for farmers competing with powerful supermarkets. ________(4)"I started going to Farmers' Markets in direct defiance(蔑视)of the big supermarkets. _________(5)It's terrible",said Londoner Michael Samson.__________(2)A:But he never considered staying on his father and grandfather's land.B:While most people buy food from the big supermarkets,hundreds of independent Farmers' Markets are becoming popular.C:While confident they will succeed,she lists farming's many challenges:D:Young people prefer to live in cities.E:I seriously objected to the super-sizing of everything一what exactly DO they put on our apples to make them so big and red?F:"Buy British" campaigns urge(鼓励)consumers not to buy cheaper imported foods.

考题 —There‘s been an earthquake. —I know.At least a hundred people________.A.were to be killed B.are said to have been killed C.said to have been killed D.are said to kill

考题 Of the fifty states,the smallest state in America is( ) A.Rhode Island B.Virginia C.Texas D.Montana

考题 现有:  class  Ifs  {  public  static void main (String  []  args)  {      boolean state=false;      int i=2;  if( (++i2)  &&  (state=true))     i++;  if( (++i4)  l l  (state=false))      i++;  System.out .println (i);     }     } 结果为:()     A、  6B、  5C、  4D、编译失败

考题 从水线到船底是“吃水”。()A、“From the centerline to the ship’s bottom” is “draft”.B、“From the keel to the ship’s bottom” is “draft”.C、The maximum distance from the waterline to the ship’s bottom is “draft”.D、“From the centerline to the ship’s main deck” is “draft”.

考题 单选题Jean: Mike, I’m exhausted. How much further is it?  Mike: Not far, I promise.  Jean: ______  Mike: Oh, come on, Jean.A That’s great. B But you said that half an hour ago.C Let’s quicken our pace.D Now, I’m as energetic as you.

考题 填空题三(sān)个(gè)鸡蛋(jīdàn),是不是(shìbushì)太(tài)少(shǎo)了(1e)?____

考题 单选题Upon underwater detection, there were no apparent defects on the bottom plates, bilge keels,rudder and propeller of the said vessel. This kind of wording usually appeared on().A ship surveyor's reportB a ship's certificateC a cargo inspection reportD a dive survey report

考题 单选题Upon underwater()by divers,there are no apparent()on the bottom plates of the said vessel.A detection,defectsB defection,defectsC defects,defectionD defects,detection

考题 单选题Salesperson: Can I help you, sir?  Customer: Yes, I bought this watch from you last week and I’ve been having a few problems with it.  Salesperson: ______  Customer: Well, the salesperson said it was waterproof, but when I wore it in the swimming pool it was filled with water.A That’s impossible. B I’m sure it’s all right.C Did you buy it here? D What’s the trouble?

考题 单选题现有:  class  Ifs  {  public  static void main (String  []  args)  {      boolean state=false;      int i=2;  if( (++i2)  &&  (state=true))     i++;  if( (++i4)  l l  (state=false))      i++;  System.out .println (i);     }     } 结果为:()A   6B   5C   4D 编译失败

考题 单选题Perhaps the last word is best left to his father. Bill Hayes:“When Mike first told me about his ______ , I just laughed and said that I thought it was foolish—Which shows you that he’s smarter than I am.”A dreamB ideaC problemD study

考题 单选题从水线到船底是“吃水”。()A “From the centerline to the ship’s bottom” is “draft”.B “From the keel to the ship’s bottom” is “draft”.C The maximum distance from the waterline to the ship’s bottom is “draft”.D “From the centerline to the ship’s main deck” is “draft”.

考题 单选题Stan: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my little girl’s life.  John: ________.  Stan: I can’t tell you how much I appreciate what you’ve done.  John: I’m just happy I could help.A There’s nothing to be afraid of.B This is a wonderful day.C Anybody would have done the same.D I am glad to save her.