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A benefit performance is a performance for which a charitable organization has bought out at a discounted price and _____ funds by selling tickets at a full price.









句意:慈善演出是指由慈善机构以折价的方式购得演出票,再以全价售出,以筹集慈善资金的一种演出。raise筹集,筹措与funds形成语义关系,又与selling tickets at a full price构成因果关系,因此B为正确答案。furnish提供,供给。accumulate积累,积聚。contribute捐献,捐助。三个词也都可以和funds搭配,但加在该句中则含义模糊。
更多 “单选题A benefit performance is a performance for which a charitable organization has bought out at a discounted price and _____ funds by selling tickets at a full price.A furnishesB raisesC accumulatesD contributes” 相关考题
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考题 Why do you look unhappy. What's the matter?()A. I'm satisfied with the good performance of the radio I've just bought.B. I'm glad to have bought this radio at such a price.C. I'm rather disappointed with the poor quality of the radio I've just bought.

考题 We cannot trim anything () the price.A、downB、offC、inD、out

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考题 Which of the following is a benefit of NAS over SAN?() A. Higher data integrityB. Lower cost of implementationC. Higher redundancyD. Increased performance

考题 If a container which has not been filled,packed,stuffed or loaded by the Carrier is delivered by the Carrier with the seal ______,such delivery shall be deemed as full and complete performance of the Carrier's obligation.A.IntactB.Properly usedC.PerfectD.Fully sized

考题 A systems administrator has a high performance server with a file share full of data that has not been used in a long time, but is still important and might be used in the future. Which of the following should they do to reclaim the space off the high performance server?()A、Audit the dataB、Delete the dataC、Back up the dataD、Archive the data

考题 Which of the following is a benefit of NAS over SAN?()A、Higher data integrityB、Lower cost of implementationC、Higher redundancyD、Increased performance

考题 In addition to better overall price performance, which other factor most significantly contributes to a lower three-year TCO advantage for a pSeries customer than for a SUN customer?()A、Sharing commonly used peripheralsB、Maximum capacity of CPU, Memory and I/OC、Minimum number of processors in a partitionD、Support for different versions of the operating system

考题 A customer wants to create backups at a remotely located datacenter.  Price and performance are of primary importance, so backup to disks at the remote location is selected instead of tape.  The remote location is 1 KM (0.6 Miles) away from the data center.  NAS is the solution being considered.  Which of the following is the benefit of this solution?()A、NAS runs on 2Gb fibre, which will provide better performance.B、NAS uses WAN infrastructure, which can easily span the 1 KM gap.C、NAS requires fibre storage, which allows dual paths for redundancy.D、NAS requires iSCSI routers and offers better growth environment.

考题 A network administrator wants to analyze the historical performance of the servers in the organization and forecast the system performance needs into the future.  Which add-on component of IBM Director would be used to assist with this task?()A、Capacity ManagerB、Resource MonitorsC、System AvailabilityD、System Performance Monitor

考题 A customer has a critical, performance-sensitive web application that connects to a multinode  Oracle RAC database. Which feature of WebLogic can provide significant performance benefit?()A、The Web Session Affinity feature of Active GridLink for RACB、WebLogic Clustering  C、The Transaction Affinity feature of Active GridLink for RACD、Coherence*Web Session Replication

考题 A customer has a critical, performance-sensitive web application that connects to a multimode  Oracle RAC database. Which feature of WebLogic can provide signification benefit?()A、The Web Session Affinity feature of Active GridLink for RACB、WebLogic ClusteringC、The Transaction Affinity feature of Active GridLink for RACD、Coherence*Web Session Replication

考题 单选题Which of the following is a benefit of NAS over SAN?()A Higher data integrityB Lower cost of implementationC Higher redundancyD Increased performance

考题 单选题Which of the following is a benefit of NAS over SAN?()A  Higher data integrityB  Lower cost of implementationC  Higher redundancyD  Increased performance

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true according to what was said in the recording?A The dollar rose to a new high against the curd.B The American economy has rebounded.C Japan’s economy has not bottomed out yet.D The performance of many economies in Latin America is less than expected.

考题 单选题A systems administrator has a high performance server with a file share full of data that has not been used in a long time, but is still important and might be used in the future. Which of the following should they do to reclaim the space off the high performance server?()A Audit the dataB Delete the dataC Back up the dataD Archive the data

考题 单选题A customer has a critical, performance-sensitive web application that connects to a multimode  Oracle RAC database. Which feature of WebLogic can provide signification benefit?()A The Web Session Affinity feature of Active GridLink for RACB WebLogic ClusteringC The Transaction Affinity feature of Active GridLink for RACD Coherence*Web Session Replication

考题 单选题A benefit performance is a performance for which a charitable organization has bought out at a discounted price and _____ funds by selling tickets at a full price.A furnishesB raisesC accumulatesD contributes

考题 单选题There were no tickets_______for Sunday's performance.A possibleB probableC availableD feasible

考题 单选题If a container which has not been filled,packed,stuffed or loaded by the Carrier is delivered by the Carrier with the seal(),such delivery shall be deemed as full and complete performance of the Carrier’s obligation.A intactB properly usedC perfectD fully sized

考题 单选题Which of the following configurations has the BEST performance capability?()A DDR without ECCB DDR with ECCC SDRAM without ECCD SDRAM with ECC

考题 单选题Which IBM tape interface architecture has the best performance and distance characteristics? ()A SASB SCSIC ESCOND Fibre Channel

考题 单选题A network administrator wants to analyze the historical performance of the servers in the organization and forecast the system performance needs into the future.  Which add-on component of IBM Director would be used to assist with this task?()A Capacity ManagerB Resource MonitorsC System AvailabilityD System Performance Monitor

考题 单选题A customer wants to create backups at a remotely located datacenter.  Price and performance are of primary importance, so backup to disks at the remote location is selected instead of tape.  The remote location is 1 KM (0.6 Miles) away from the data center.  NAS is the solution being considered.  Which of the following is the benefit of this solution?()A NAS runs on 2Gb fibre, which will provide better performance.B NAS uses WAN infrastructure, which can easily span the 1 KM gap.C NAS requires fibre storage, which allows dual paths for redundancy.D NAS requires iSCSI routers and offers better growth environment.

考题 单选题Which of the following is a benefit of a hot spare?()A  Lower costB  Allows two RAID 1 drives to simultaneously fail without losing any dataC  Enhanced fault toleranceD  Enhanced performance

考题 单选题A customer has a critical, performance-sensitive web application that connects to a multinode  Oracle RAC database. Which feature of WebLogic can provide significant performance benefit?()A The Web Session Affinity feature of Active GridLink for RACB WebLogic Clustering  C The Transaction Affinity feature of Active GridLink for RACD Coherence*Web Session Replication

考题 单选题In addition to better overall price performance, which other factor most significantly contributes to a lower three-year TCO advantage for a pSeries customer than for a SUN customer?()A Sharing commonly used peripheralsB Maximum capacity of CPU, Memory and I/OC Minimum number of processors in a partitionD Support for different versions of the operating system