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Practice 1 A symbol of abundance to the rest of the world, the Amazon is experiencing a crisis of overfishing. As stocks of the most popular species diminish to worrisome levels, tensions are growing between subsistence fishermen and their commercial rivals, who are eager to enrich their bottom line and satisfy the growing appetite for fish of city-dwellers in Brazil and abroad. In response, peasants up and down the Amazon, here in Brazil and in neighboring countries like Peru, are forming cooperatives to control fish catches and restock their rivers and lakes. But that effort, increasingly successful, has only encouraged the commercial fishing operations, as well as some of the peasants' less disciplined neighbors, to step up their depredations. “The industrial fishing boats, the big 20- to 30-ton vessels, they have a different mentality than us artisanal fishermen, who have learned to take the protection of the environment into account,” said the president of the local fishermen's union. “They want to sweep everything up with their dragnets and then move on, benefiting from our work and sacrifice and leaving us with nothing.”
更多 “问答题Practice 1 A symbol of abundance to the rest of the world, the Amazon is experiencing a crisis of overfishing. As stocks of the most popular species diminish to worrisome levels, tensions are growing between subsistence fishermen and their commercial rivals, who are eager to enrich their bottom line and satisfy the growing appetite for fish of city-dwellers in Brazil and abroad. In response, peasants up and down the Amazon, here in Brazil and in neighboring countries like Peru, are forming cooperatives to control fish catches and restock their rivers and lakes. But that effort, increasingly successful, has only encouraged the commercial fishing operations, as well as some of the peasants' less disciplined neighbors, to step up their depredations. “The industrial fishing boats, the big 20- to 30-ton vessels, they have a different mentality than us artisanal fishermen, who have learned to take the protection of the environment into account,” said the president of the local fishermen's union. “They want to sweep everything up with their dragnets and then move on, benefiting from our work and sacrifice and leaving us with nothing.”” 相关考题
At the party there was food_______?
A.in abundanceB.with abundanceC.of abundanceD.at abundance
SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESEDirections: Translate the following text into Chinese.This is an exciting moment, where the torch and torch relay route will be presented to the world. The Olympic flame carried by the torch and passed around the world from the torch bearer to torch bearer will stimulate the excitement in the peoples across the globe and foucus on the attention at the coming Beijing Games.By traveling along the historical "Silk Road", a symbol of ancient trade links between China and the rest of the world, crossing the five continents and going to new places, the Beijing 2008 Torch Relay will, as its theme says, be a "journey of harmony", bringing friendship and respect to people of different nationalities, races and creeds.
(Four Choices for Young People) Few unspoiled places remain in our world where the escapists can practice plain-living and high thinking.()
Racial harmony in the U.S.is essential because the rest of the world will likely follow such a model.()
将舞台上的对象转换为元件的步骤是( )
A.1.选定舞台上的元素2. 单击Insert>Convert to Symbol,打开Convert to Symbol对话框3.填写Convert to Symbol对话框,并点击确定B.1. 单击Insert>Convert to Symbol,打开Convert to Symbol对话框2.选定舞台上的元素3.填写Convert to Symbol对话框,并点击确定C.1.选定舞台上的元素,并将选定元素拖到库面板上2. 单击Insert>Convert to Symbol,打开Convert to Symbol对话框3.填写Convert to Symbol对话框,并点击确定D.1. 单击Insert>Convert to Symbol,打开Convert to Symbol对话框2.选定舞台上的元素,并将选定元素拖到库面板上3.填写Convert to Symbol对话框,并点击确定
1.I don't have a partner __________volleyball __________.A. to practice;/B. practice; withC. to practice; withD. practice;/
Which of the following is NOT true according to the author?( )[A] Tipping is a common practice in the restaurant world.[B] Waiters don't care about tipping.[C]Customers generally believe in tipping.[D]Tipping has little connection with the quality of service.
Why did she go for long walks along the country roads? __________A.Because she enjoyed the country’s fresh air
B.Because she was afraid to disturbed the rest of the family
C.Because she lived in a small house far away
D.Because she was afraid to practice the tones
The security of a country is( )related to the safety of the rest world. A.merely
Why has Australia always been a continent with few people?()ABecause Australia is too far away from Europe.BBecause Australia is the least mountainous and most level of the world.s continents.CBecause Australia is separated from the rest of the world by seas.DBecause most of the continent is hot and dry.
Why has Australia always been a continent with few people?()A、Because Australia is too far away from Europe.B、Because Australia is the least mountainous and most level of the world.s continents.C、Because Australia is separated from the rest of the world by seas.D、Because most of the continent is hot and dry.
单选题My students found the book _____, it provided them with an abundance of information on the subject.A
问答题Practice 6 Then came the First World War and the Second World War. (1) After each war, new ideas, new attitudes, new trades and occupations were revealed to villagers. The long-established order of society was no longer taken for granted. Electricity and the motorcar were steadily operating to make “village life” and “town life” almost alike. (2) Now with the highly developed science and technology and high-level social welfare for all, there is no point whatever in talking any longer about “village life.” It is just life, and that a better life.
问答题Practice 10 (1) Advertisement can be thought of “as the making known in order to buy or sell goods or services.” Advertisement aims to increase people’s awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform and to persuade. (2) There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century.
单选题Because the United States is not surrounded by many other nations, some Americans tend to _____ the rest of the world.A
问答题Practice 4 Few creations of big technology capture the imagination like giant dams. Perhaps it is humankind’s long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the ideal of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating. But to be fascinated is also, sometimes, to be blind. Several giant dam projects threaten to do more harm than good. The lesson from dams is that big is not always beautiful. It doesn’t help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achievement for nations and people striving to assert themselves. Egypt’s leadership in the Arab world was cemented by the Aswan High Dam. Turkey’s bid for First World status includes the giant Ataturk Dam.
问答题Practice 13 (1) Actually, the world’s birth rate is falling. But so is death rate, as medical advances have made it possible for man to live longer than before. Such advances have also reduced baby death rate. (2) Unless population growth is reduced, the world population may reach l2 billion in a century. Is the earth capable of providing a good life for so large a population?
单选题The symbol (GB786√1-93) at right side represents ()A
overflow valveB
reducing valveC
relief valveD
sequence valve
问答题Practice 4Your neighbor has opened a nightclub which makes your family unable to have a rest at night. Write a letter to him to(1) complain the disturbance his club brings to your family(2) suggest some solutionsWrite at least 150 words.You do NOT need to write any addresses.
单选题The writer’s analysis would have been strengthened most by the inclusion ofA
the number of people in the rest of the world who struggle with CFSB
a further explanation of yuppie fluC
the names and backgrounds of the doctors who do not comprehend CFSD
a description of experimental CFS therapiesE
more details about the symptoms and stereotypes of CFS
单选题Which SELECT statement will the result ‘ello World’ from the string ‘Hello World’?()A
SELECT SUBSTR( ‘Hello World’,1) FROM dual;B
SELECT INITCAP(TRIM (‘Hello World’, 1,1)) FROM dual;C
SELECT LOWER(SUBSTR(‘Hello World’, 1, 1) FROM dual;D
SELECT LOWER(SUBSTR(‘Hello World’, 2, 1) FROM dual;E
SELECT LOWER(TRIM (‘H’ FROM ‘Hello World’)) FROM dual;
问答题Practice 4 The line of demarcation between the adult and the child world is drawn in many ways. For instance, many American parents may be totally divorced from the church, or entertain grave doubts about the existence of God, but they send their children to Sunday school and help them to pray. American parents struggle in a competitive world where sheer cunning and falsehood are often rewarded and respected, but they feed their children with nursery tales in which the morally good is pitted against the bad, and in the end the good inevitably is successful and the bad inevitably punished. When American parents are in serious domestic trouble, they maintain a front of sweetness and light before their children. Even if American parents suffer a major business or personal catastrophe, they feel obliged to turn to their children and say, “Honey, everything is going to be all right.” This American desire to keep the children’ s world separate from that of the adult is exemplified also by the practice of delaying transmission of the news to children when their parents have been killed in an accident. Thus, in summary, American parents face a world of reality while many of their children live in a near-ideal unreal realm where the rules of the parental world do not apply, are watered down, or are even reversed.