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Practice 2  Private school does not mean better. But it does mean expensive. Public schools in the US are paid for by money from everyone; private schools are not. Parents who send their children to private schools must pay to do so.  Parents may have enough money to pay for private schools. But these schools do not have to accept their children. Most private schools accept only children who are already doing well in school and are able to work quietly, Some take only boys or only girls. Classes are often quieter and less crowded than classes in public schools. This gives children a chance to learn more of what their teachers are trying to teach them.  Public schools do not teach religion. So some parents choose private religious schools for their children. These schools each belong to a church. 6 They give lessons about that religion. They give lessons in all the usual school subjects as well.  Children at many private schools wear special school uniforms, all exactly the same. At public schools, students wear what they want. They often dress in bright colors and tennis shoes. They sometimes invent new and wonderful fashions.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “问答题Practice 2  Private school does not mean better. But it does mean expensive. Public schools in the US are paid for by money from everyone; private schools are not. Parents who send their children to private schools must pay to do so.  Parents may have enough money to pay for private schools. But these schools do not have to accept their children. Most private schools accept only children who are already doing well in school and are able to work quietly, Some take only boys or only girls. Classes are often quieter and less crowded than classes in public schools. This gives children a chance to learn more of what their teachers are trying to teach them.  Public schools do not teach religion. So some parents choose private religious schools for their children. These schools each belong to a church. 6 They give lessons about that religion. They give lessons in all the usual school subjects as well.  Children at many private schools wear special school uniforms, all exactly the same. At public schools, students wear what they want. They often dress in bright colors and tennis shoes. They sometimes invent new and wonderful fashions.” 相关考题
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