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wafer size


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更多 “名词解释题wafer size” 相关考题
考题 fwrite函数的一般调用形式是A.fwrite(buffer,count,size,fp);B.fwrite(fp,size,count,buffer);C.fwrite(fp,count,size,buffer);D.fwrite(buffer,size,count,fp);

考题 “我们这有许多1号到12号不同大小的包装箱。”译成英文是()。 A、We have a lot of packaging tape from size 1 to size 12.B、We have a lot of mailing tubes from size 1 to size 12.C、We have a lot of padded envelopes from size 1 to size 12.D、We have a lot of packing boxes from size 1 to size 12

考题 Yourecentlycreatedadatabaseandconfiguredthe&ensp YourecentlycreatedadatabaseandconfiguredtheSPFILEwiththefollowingparametersettingstoensurethatOracleautomaticallyadjuststhememoryfortheProgramGlobalArea(PGA):SORT_AREA_SIZE=150MHASH_AREA_SIZE=150MBITMAP_MERGE_AREA_SIZE=150MCREATE_BITMAP_AREA_SIZE=150MWORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY=AUTOYouhavenotincludedthePGA_AGGREGATE_TARGETinitializationparameterintheSPFILEandtheSystemGlobalArea(SGA)iscurrentlysizedat4G.WhatisthetotalPGAmemoryallocatedacrossalldatabaseserverprocesses?()

考题 YousetthevalueoftheSGA_TARGETinitializationparameterto1GtoenableOracletoautomaticallyresizemostofthememorycomponentsaccordingtothecurrentworkloadinthedatabase.Youissuethefollowingstatement:SQLSELECTname,value,isdefault2FROMv$parameter3WHEREnameLIKE’%size%’;TheoutputofthisstatementdisplaysthattheDB_CACHE_SIZE,SHARED_POOL_SIZE,LARGE_POOL_SIZE,andJAVA_POOL_SIZEinitializationparameterscontainazerovalue.Whatdoesthisimply?()A.TheSGA_TARGETinitializationparametercannotbesettoavaluelessthan1GB.TheSGA_TARGETinitializationparametercannotbesettoavaluegreaterthan1GC.TheMemoryAdvisoroftheOracleEnterpriseManager10gcannotbeusedtoobtainadviceontheimportantmemorycomponentsoftheSGAD.ThevaluesoftheDB_CACHE_SIZE,SHARED_POOL_SIZE,LARGE_POOL_SIZE,andJAVA_POOL_SIZEinitializationparameterscannotbesetmanually.E.NominimumlimitsareimposedontheDB_CACHE_SIZE,SHARED_POOL_SIZE,LARGE_POOL_SIZE,andJAVA_POOL_SIZEinitializationparameters.F.TheAutomaticSharedMemoryManagementfeaturecannotbedisabledunlessyouspecifyvaluesfortheDB_CACHE_SIZE,SHARED_POOL_SIZE,LARGE_POOL_SIZE,andJAVA_POOL_SIZEinitializationparametersintheinitializationparameterfile.

考题 VBA中用实际参数a和b调用有参过程size(c,d)的正确形式是( )。A.size c,dB.size a,bC.Call size(c,d)D.Call size a,b

考题 下列程序的运行结果为______。 #define MS DOS #ifdef MS DOS #define INTEGER SIZE 32 #else #define INTEGER SIZE 16 #endif main () { printf ("integer_size=%d\n", INTEGER_SIZE); }A.integersize=32B.integer_size=16C.integersize=32,integer_size=16D.错误

考题 What is the maximum size that can be specified when creating an XML column in a DB2 table?() A.No size is specifiedB.The buffer pool sizeC.The page size for the table spaceD.The extent size for the table space

考题 Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between a logical volume and a journaled file system (JFS)?() A.Increasing the size of a logical volume also increases the size of the file systemB.Reducing the size of a logical volume requires reducing the size of the file system firstC.Increasing the size of a file system requires increasing the size of the logical volume firstD.Increasing the size of a file system also increases the size of the logical volume when necessary

考题 fwrite函数的一般调用形式是()。A、fwrite(buffer,count,size,fp)B、fwrite(fp,size,count,buffer)C、fwrite(fp,count,size,buffer)D、fwrite(buffer,size,count,fp)

考题 A specialist is monitoring performance on a server. The data is on another partition within the same array as the OS. The following information is available:       (1)The average record written to disk is 16KB       (2)The I/O block size is 2KB   (3)The stripe size on the RAID array is 16KB  Which of the following will improve performance without rebuilding the operating system?()A、Change the I/O block size to match the RAID Stripe size.B、Change the RAID stripe size to match the I/O block size.C、Change the record size of the database to match the RAID stripe size.D、Change the record size of the database to match the I/O transfer rate.

考题 Your database block size is 4 KB. In this database, you are required to create a tablespace with a block size of 8 KB. Which is the prerequisite for creating this tablespace?()A、 The parameter DB_CACHE_SIZE must be a multiple of 8.B、 The value of the parameter SGA_MAX_SIZE must be increased.C、 The tablespace must be created with a uniform extent size of 8 KBD、 The parameter DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE must be defined in the parameter file.

考题 What is the maximum size that can be specified when creating an XML column in a DB2 table?()A、No size is specifiedB、The buffer pool sizeC、The page size for the table spaceD、The extent size for the table space

考题 问答题Wafer的中文含义是什么?目前常用的材料有哪两种?

考题 多选题You are configuring the PROD database to use an internal tuning algorithm to monitor the performance of the workload. To achieve this configuration, you specify the following parameter settings in the SPFILE://        SGA_TARGET = 512M        SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 256M   Which two statements are true when modifying the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter in the SPFILE? ()AModifying the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter cannot be accomplished if the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter is set to a non-zero value.BModifying the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter to zero is not allowed if the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter is set to a nonzero value.CIncreasing the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter does not increase the shared pool component size. It sets the lower limit for the size of this component.DDecreasing the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter does not reduce the size of the shared pool component immediately. It sets the lower limit for the size of this component.EIncreasing the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter immediately increases the shared pool  component to the desired size by reallocating the additional memory from the auto-tuned memory components.FDecreasing the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter immediately shrinks the shared pool component to the desired size while reallocating the released memory to the memory components that are not auto-tuned.

考题 问答题200mm,300mm Wafer 代表何意义?

考题 单选题You have executed this command to change the size of the database buffer cache: SQL ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_CACHE_SIZE=2516582; System altered.  To verify the change in size, you executed this command: SQL SHOW PARAMETER DB_CACHE_SIZE NAME TYPE VALUE  ------------------- ----------- ------------------  db_cache_size big integer 4194304  (4M)  Why is the value set to 4194304 and not to 2516582()A because 4194304 is the granule sizeB because 4194304 is the standard block sizeC because 4194304 is the largest nonstandard block size defined in the databaseD because 4194304 is the total size of data already available in the database buffer cache

考题 问答题工厂中硅片(wafer)的制造过程可分哪几个工艺过程(module)?

考题 多选题You set the value of the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter to 1G to enable Oracle to automatically resize most of the memory components according to the current workload in the database. You issue the following statement:   SQL SELECT name, value, isdefault  2 FROM v$parameter   3 WHERE name LIKE ’%size%’;   The output of this statement displays that the DB_CACHE_SIZE, SHARED_POOL_SIZE,  LARGE_POOL_SIZE, and JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameters contain a zero value.  What does this imply?()AThe SGA_TARGET initialization parameter cannot be set to a value less than 1GBThe SGA_TARGET initialization parameter cannot be set to a value greater than 1GCThe Memory Advisor of the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g cannot be used to obtain advice on the important memory components of the SGADThe values of the DB_CACHE_SIZE, SHARED_POOL_SIZE, LARGE_POOL_SIZE, and JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameters cannot be set manually.ENo minimum limits are imposed on the DB_CACHE_SIZE, SHARED_POOL_SIZE, LARGE_POOL_SIZE, and  JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameters.FThe Automatic Shared Memory Management feature cannot be disabled unless you specify values for the  DB_CACHE_SIZE, SHARED_POOL_SIZE, LARGE_POOL_SIZE, and JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameters in the initialization parameter file.

考题 多选题在linux系统中,在当前目录下查找以d开头的,并且大小在0~200个字节之间的文件,以下命令正确的是()。Afind -name 'd*' -size -0c –size +200cBfind -name 'd*' -size +0c -200cCfind -size +0c –size -200c -name 'd*'Dfind -name 'd*' -size +0c –size -200cEfind -name 'd*' -size [0c-200c]

考题 问答题一般的硅片(wafer)基材(substrate)可区分为N,P两种类型(type),何谓 N, P-type wafer?

考题 问答题一般硅片的制造(wafer process)过程包含哪些主要部分?

考题 问答题Wafer下线的第一道步骤是形成start oxide 和zero layer? 其中start oxide的目的是为何?

考题 单选题Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between a logical volume and a journaled file system (JFS)?()A Increasing the size of a logical volume also increases the size of the file systemB Reducing the size of a logical volume requires reducing the size of the file system firstC Increasing the size of a file system requires increasing the size of the logical volume firstD Increasing the size of a file system also increases the size of the logical volume when necessary

考题 问答题Laser mark是什么用途? Wafer ID 又代表什么意义?

考题 问答题目前中芯国际现有的三个工厂采用多少mm的硅片(wafer)工艺?未来北京的Fab4(四厂)采用多少mm的wafer工艺?

考题 名词解释题Wafer

考题 名词解释题Wafer晶元