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Chafing gear is normally used().

for portable fenders


for ground tackle


on the inside of the hawsepipe


on mooring lines


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更多 “单选题Chafing gear is normally used().A for portable fendersB for ground tackleC on the inside of the hawsepipeD on mooring lines” 相关考题
考题 A magnetic strainer is used in the diesel engine reduction gear oil system to remove small particles ofA.waterB.babbittC.iron or steelD.acids

考题 A power-driven fishing vessel is underway on the high seas and is not engaged in fishing. Which of the following factors determines what lights she will show?A.Whether she is normally a fishing or a trawling vesselB.Her gross tonnageC.Her lengthD.The type of gear she carries

考题 A storm is forecast for the area where your vessel is moored. For its safety you should put ______.A.more slack in the mooring linesB.a strain on the mooring linesC.chafing gear on the mooring linesD.grease on the mooring lines

考题 Chafing gear ______.A.reduces and prevents corrosion of standing riggingB.prevents corrosion of running riggingC.reduces and prevents wear caused by the rubbing of one object against anotherD.protects the body against extreme cold

考题 Chafing gear(防摩擦装置) is used to______.A.anchor the boatB.pick up heavy loadsC.protect fiber rope from abrasionD.strengthen mooring lines

考题 Cribbing is ______.A.wooden blocks or dunnage placed between a deck load and the deckB.the chains and shackles used to secure a deck cargoC.a crate in which a deck cargo is packagedD.cardboard separation pieces placed between deck loads to prevent chafing

考题 GENCON form is normally used for a bareboat charter.

考题 单选题What is NOT a responsibility of the tankerman in charge of loading an unmanned tank barge? ()A Enforcement of smoking restrictionsB Restricting vessels from coming alongside the bargeC Insuring that a combustible gas indicator is aboardD Protecting cargo hose with chafing gear

考题 单选题Which is normally used to hold wire rope for splicing().A Come alongB JiggerC Rigger's screwD Sealing clamp

考题 单选题Where are the test certificates,for wire rope used as cargo runners,and loose gear certificates usually maintained? ()A With the Cargo Gear Register on the shipB In the Official LogC At the Coast Guard Marine Safety Office with the vessel's inspection recordsD At the central records center of the agency testing the cargo gear

考题 单选题In astern towing,a tow span,also called the tow bar or towing arch,is used to().A insure that the hawser leads directly aft as it passes over the stern of the towing vesselB increase the stability of the towing vessel by raising the hawser off the deckC reduce chafing of the towing hawserD prevent fouling of the hawser on deck gear located on the stern of the towing vessel

考题 判断题GENCON form is normally used for a bareboat charter.A 对B 错

考题 单选题()are used for anchor gear in marine work where the chains must withstand the corrosive effects of seawater.A ChainsB WiresC RopesD Lines

考题 单选题Freon 12 which is used to produce intense cold is normally a () when at atmospheric pressure and temperature.A liquidB gasC solidD water only

考题 单选题What is commonly used to create turbulence in a diesel engine combustion system?()A Shape of the piston crownsB Increasing the compression ratiosC Increasing the piston crownsD Increasing the turbocharger gear ratio

考题 单选题A power-driven fishing vessel is underway on the high seas and is not engaged in fishing. Which of the following factors determines what lights she will show?().A Whether she is normally a fishing or a trawling vesselB Her gross tonnageC Her lengthD The type of gear she carries

考题 单选题On board supply vessels, a centrifuge is normally used to purify()A cooling waterB fuel oilC sea waterD diesel intake air

考题 单选题Which lashing gear used aboard Ro-Ro vessels should be painted or soaked in oil when not in use().A ChainB Wire ropeC WebbingD All of the above

考题 单选题Chafing gear is used to().A anchor the boatB pick up heavy loadsC protect fiber rope from abrasionD strengthen mooring lines

考题 单选题Chafing gear().A reduces and prevents corrosion of standing riggingB prevents corrosion of running riggingC reduces and prevents wear caused by the rubbing of one object against anotherD protects the body against extreme cold

考题 单选题Chafing gear should be placed().A at all wearing points of mooring linesB at the bitter ends of all standing riggingC around running riggingD on wire rope only

考题 单选题Connecting rods in a diesel engine are used to connect the ().A engine to the bedB rocker arm to the camshaftC crankshaft to the gear trainD piston to the crankshaft

考题 单选题With reference to operating a four-ram steering gear system under emergency conditions, which one of the following statements is incorrect?()A Only one pump should be used at any timeB The ship speed should be reduced to 70% of the normalC Watch keeping of the steering gear should be increasedD Limitations of the steering gear should be logged but the bridge need not be informed

考题 单选题What is TRUE concerning frapping lines?()A They are used to steady a lifeboat when loweredB They are normally attached to the davit spanC They are needed only on radial davitsD They are used to clear the puddings

考题 单选题Cribbing is().A wooden blocks or dunnage placed between a deck load and the deckB the chains and shackles used to secure a deck cargoC a crate in which a deck cargo is packagedD cardboard separation pieces placed between deck loads to prevent chafing

考题 单选题Peck and Hale gear is used most commonly for securing().A automobilesB baled cargoC large wooden cratesD palletized cargo

考题 单选题What is normally used to pass a mooring line to a dock?()A Distance lineB GantlineC Heaving lineD Tag line