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To protect environment.


To cool buildings.


To change the climates.


To provide drinking water.


[考点]细节题。录音提到,冷海水的另一个创新用法是给建筑降温(to cool buildings)。
更多 “单选题A To protect environment.B To cool buildings.C To change the climates.D To provide drinking water.” 相关考题
考题 66 A project manager believes that modifying the scope of the project may provide added value for the customer. The project manager should:A. Change the scope baselineB. Prepare a variance reportC. Call a meeting of the configuration control boardD. Change the project's objectivesE. Postpone the modification until a separate enhancement project is funded after this project is completed according to the original baseline

考题 ● A project manager believes that modifying the scope of the project may provide added value for the customer. The project manager should:A Change the scope baselineB Prepare a variance reportC Call a meeting of the configuration control boardD Change the project's objectivesE Postpone the modification until a separate enhancement project is funded after this project is completed according to the original baseline

考题 ● Project manager believes that modifying the project scope may provide added value for the customer. The project manager should (73) .(73) A. change the scope baselineB. contact the customer to determine if the change adds valueC. call a meeting of the change control boardD. change the project' s objectives

考题 A project manager believes that modifying the scope of the project may provide added value service for the customer.The project manager should______.A.assign change tasks to project membersB.call a meeting of the configuration control boardC.change the scope baselineD.postpone the modification until a separate enhancement project is funded after this project is completed according to the original baseline

考题 Fusible plugs are installed in fire-tube boilers to _____.A.provide a means of draining the boilerB.warn the engineer of low water levelC.cool the crown sheet at high firing ratesD.open the burners electrical firing circuits

考题 Tea drinking is a habit that greatly benefits mankind.It enables people to drink the amount of water necessary for the body.Drinking it hot warms the stomach, sooths and refreshes the inner man, and acts as an aid to digestion.Research has shown that drinking tea may help to protect against heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain cancers, slow down aging and strengthen the immune system.It can also encourage weight loss and improve oral health.It is believed that many other health benefits of different types of tea will be discovered in the future.That will be an exciting time for tea drinkers.A few tips are provided to get the most out of tea drinking and avoid its side effects on health:1.Drink a cup of tea a few times a day.In green tea drinking cultures, the usual amount is three cups per day.2.To bring out the catechins in tea, allow it to steep for three to five minutes.3.Drink freshly brewed tea.4.Give tea several minutes to cool off before sipping.5.Drink tea between meals.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each statement based on Passage B.26.Tea drinking is a ______ habit.A.badB.harmfulC.healthyD.unhealthy27.Drinking tea has ______ health benefits.A.noB.a fewC.fewD.many28.Many health benefits of different types of tea _____ known.A.wereB.areC.will beD.have been29.It is good to drink _____ of green tea per day.A.a cupB.two cupsC.three cupsD.several cups30.It is good to drink tea _____.A.before mealsB.after mealsC.between mealsD.at meals

考题 Drinking tea may help to protect against heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain cancers.(翻译)

考题 Project manager believes that modifying the project scope may provide added value for the customer . The project manager should (73).A.change the scope baselineB.contact the customer to determine if the change adds valueC.call a meeting of the change control boardD.change the project’s objectives

考题 The purpose of the "set" hand on an aneroid barometer is to ______.A.adjust the barometerB.indicate any change in the reading of the barometerC.provide a correction for height above sea levelD.provide a correction for temperature changes

考题 Why is it necessary to extend ventilators of gasoline powered vessels to the bilges ________.A.To keep them dry,and thus easier to cleanB.To remove fuel vapors which are heavier than airC.To provide adequate air to the enginesD.To cool the machinery areas

考题 A project manager believes that modifying the scope of the project may provide added value service for the customer. The project manager should ( ) A.assign change tasks to project members B.call a meeting of the configuration control board C.change the scope baseline D. postpone the modification until a separate enhancement project is fundedafter this project is completed according to the original baseline

考题 Project manager believes that modifying the project scop may provide added value for the customer.The project manager should( ) A.change the scope baseline B.contact the customer to determine if the change adds value C.call A.meeting of the change control board D.change the project's objectives

考题 The purpose of a network( )is to provide a shell around the network which will protect the system connected to the network from various threats. A. firewall B.switch C. router D. gateway

考题 The purpose of a network( )is to provide a shell around the network which will protect the system connected to the network from various threats . A.firewall B.switch C.router D.gateway

考题 共用题干 WaterEarth is like a big blue marble.From high above the Earth and from the moon,the planet gleams and shines.The blue water in the oceans and seas of the Earth makes a dramatic image.The white clouds above the Earth add beauty to the picture.Water is the source of this beauty and the source of life on Earth.It is the reason people can live on this planet. Water is everywhere.(46)_______.It is in the soil,the ground that grows the food.Water is in rock deep under the ground, in natural holding areas一in storage.In a real sense,water keeps Earth alive.Nature has an unchanging amount of water. Nature has a perfect system for recycling water. (47)_____.It falls as rain.Then it goes to one of three places.It might sink slowly through the soil into the natural holding areas in the rock.(48)_______一by becoming vapor,or gas.It might run off into streams,rivers and oceans.By itself,nature can keep the balance and provide plenty of clean water for us.Nature recycles water.However,people cause problems for this natural recycling system.Nature's recycling system can work well(49)________.Some ways that people upset nature are easy to understand.For example, dirty sewage(污水沟系统)water from homes and factories must not mix with drinking water. People get sick from drinking contaminated water. Sometimes water from factories goes into streams and rivers.It enters into the groundwater. It can flow into lakes too.This kind of contamination from industry(waste water from factories) can be dangerous for people.If water contains poisons and chemicals,it is poison.(50)________;some poisons kill people as well as birds and animals.Without knowing,people can upset nature's recycling system.Lakes and rivers add beauty to the world. People enjoy water for entertainment purposes,too. People enjoy swimming and playing in the cool water of a lake in the summer. They like to ride on boats on rivers.Many people enjoy catching fish in the rivers.They fish for food and for sport.However,in some places,the water of the lakes and rivers is no longer safe.These rivers and lakes are contaminated.The fish are dying because of the chemicals from farms and factories.People cannot swim in the polluted water._________(49)A:Poison makes people sickB:It is in the air that people breatheC:We can not live without waterD:Water is used again and againE:only if people work with the system and not against it F: It might disappear into the air quickly

考题 A site administrator is configuring Resource-level access control.  Which of the following statements about Resource-level access control are true? Resource-level access control policies:()A、are optionalB、are used to protect data beansC、provide coarse-grained access controlD、never specify a relationship

考题 Which of the following abilities does a view NOT provide?()A、Change which columns showB、Open a view from another databaseC、Contain custom controlsD、Identify a column to act as a link

考题 单选题The central idea of this passage is _____.A man’s mental abilities change from season to seasonB man’s intelligence varies from place to placeC man should take long vacation in summerD if you want to do creative thinking, go to a cool place

考题 单选题What will probably be the first stage of change as the sun becomes a red giant?A Its core will cool off and use less fuel.B Its surface will become hotter and shrink.C It will use up its thermonuclear energy.D Its center will grow smaller and hotter.

考题 单选题Which is the best title for the passage?A Climate Change in the ArcticB How to Protect the EnvironmentC The Arctic Is Home to Polar BearsD Polar Bears in Danger

考题 单选题Which information does the outer ring of a compass rose on a nautical chart provide().A variationB true directionsC magnetic directionsD annual rate of variation change

考题 单选题We can conclude from the passage that “binge drinking” means ______.A a period of excessive indulgence in drinkingB group drinking in the streetC drinking for love affairD mixed strong alcohol drinking

考题 单选题Why is it necessary to extend ventilators of gasoline powered vessels to the bilges().A To keep them dry,and thus easier to cleanB To remove fuel vapors which are heavier than airC To provide adequate air to the enginesD To cool the machinery areas

考题 单选题The objective of ISPS Code is()A to protect the marine environmentB to provide a method to avoid an accidentC to protect the ship from collisionD to keep terrorism action away from ships

考题 单选题Paints and solvents on a vessel should be().A stored safely in a cool dark non-ventilated area until work is completedB resealed and returned to a well ventilated area after each useC covered at all times to protect from ignition sourcesD stored in a suitable gear locker

考题 单选题When action to avoid a close quarter situation is taken,a course change alone may be the most effective action provide that().A it is done in a succession of small course changesB It is not done too earlyC It is a large course changeD the course change is to starboard

考题 单选题63.A protect B destroy C provide D resembleA AB BC CD D