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Technology is to the development of the modern society a matter of()importance.









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更多 “单选题Technology is to the development of the modern society a matter of()importance.A depressingB compellingC suppressingD supreme” 相关考题
考题 Robert H Goddard is the founder of modern rocketry technology. He made the first liquid propellant rocket.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Besides, modern technology also encourages_________ and creativity in the business world. A.indicationB.innovationC.information

考题 Protestantism has been the most dominant form. of religion in Australia over the first two hundred years of modern Australia society.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Nowadays, more new technology is being introduced to the fields of IT with the development of science.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 The development of information technology has begun to have profound ( ) on all aspects of social life.A、affectsB、effectsC、infectsD、injects

考题 Modern technology offers us an easy ( )to internet. A.pathB.passC.roadD.access

考题 The pace of modern society get increasingly fast, but it get even faster when mobile phone comes into play.()

考题 EJB technology enables rapid and simplified development of distributed,(19),secure and portable applications based on Java technology.A.stand-aloneB.integrationC.transactionalD.international

考题 The best title for this passage might be______.A.Hegel,the Great German PhilosopherB.The Learning Situation in the Modern UniversityC.HOW to Study at a Modern UniversityD.The Rapid Development of Science

考题 共用题干 Science Fiction1 Amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction.Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people.Furthermore,some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.2 It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature,but its ancestors can be found in books written hundreds of years ago.These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society,a theme which is still often found in modern stories.3 Most of the classics of science fiction,however,have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G.Wells,to mention just two well-known authors,have been translated into many languages.4 Modern science fiction writers don ' t write about men from Mars(火星)or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future worlds which are a reflection of the world which we live in now.Because of this,their writing has obvious political undertones(含义).5 In an age where science fact frequently overtakes(超过)science fiction , the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances.Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going,however,may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology.Paragraph 3______A:Popularity of Science FictionB:A Fairly New DevelopmentC:Classics of Science FictionD:Difficulty in Keeping Ahead of Scientific AdventureE:Its OriginF:Themes of Modern Science Fiction

考题 共用题干 Science Fiction1 Amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction.Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people.Furthermore,some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.2 It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature,but its ancestors can be found in books written hundreds of years ago.These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society,a theme which is still often found in modern stories.3 Most of the classics of science fiction,however,have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G.Wells,to mention just two well-known authors,have been translated into many languages.4 Modern science fiction writers don ' t write about men from Mars(火星)or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future worlds which are a reflection of the world which we live in now.Because of this,their writing has obvious political undertones(含义).5 In an age where science fact frequently overtakes(超过)science fiction , the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances.Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going,however,may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology.Some form of ideal society is______.A:concerned with the problems to solve in the futureB:to keep ahead of scientific advancesC:have political implicationD:a current themeE:read worldwideF:a reciirrent theme

考题 Nowadays with the development of science, more and more new technology__________to the fields of IT.A.has introduceD.B.was introduceD.C.will introduce D.is being introduceD.

考题 Among the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction. Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people. Furthermore, some of the most successful films in recent years have been based on science fiction stories. It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but it can be found in books written hundreds of years ago. These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society, a theme which is still often found in modern stories. Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages. Modern science fiction writers don't write about men from Mars or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future world which are a reflection of the world which we live in now. Because of this their writing has obviously political undertones. In an age where science fact frequently overtakes science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances. Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology. The best title of the passage may probably be查看材料A.Science Fiction B.The Popularity of Science Fiction C.The Origin of Science Fiction D.The Themes of Science Fiction

考题 Among the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction. Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people. Furthermore, some of the most successful films in recent years have been based on science fiction stories. It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but it can be found in books written hundreds of years ago. These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society, a theme which is still often found in modern stories. Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages. Modern science fiction writers don't write about men from Mars or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future world which are a reflection of the world which we live in now. Because of this their writing has obviously political undertones. In an age where science fact frequently overtakes science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances. Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology. According to the passage, we know that查看材料A.science fiction is a fairly new development in literature B.the history of science fiction is less than a hundred years C.the science fiction in the past is more popular than modern science fiction D.modern science fiction usually has obviously political undertones

考题 问答题In this section, you are asked to write a composition on “Competition in a Modern Society” with no less than 140 words. Your composition should be based on the following outline given in English.  1.Some people believe that it is very necessary to encourage competition in a modern society.  2.Other people think that it is not necessary, especially in our society.  3.Your comments on these two views, and give examples to support your opinion.

考题 单选题What is the main idea of this passage?A How is multitasking define(定义) in the information age?B How do people see new technology and the social change it brings about?C How does technology change modern family life?D What's the impact of multitasking on young people?

考题 单选题According to Charles Muscatine, most universities in the U. S. ______.A place less emphasis on technology.B are ready to make informed moral decisions.C attend to society’s need for technology.D are the right places for students with high moral standards.

考题 单选题It can be concluded from the passage that the author’s major concern is ______.A the continuing social progress and prosperityB the development of western philosophyC corporate, civic and personal responsibilitiesD general well-being of the society

考题 单选题The development of industry has been _____ gradual process throughout _____ human existence, from stone tools to modern technology.A 不填; theB the; aC a; 不填D a; a

考题 单选题Small farms and the lack of modern technology have _____ agricultural production.A blunderedB tangledC bewilderedD hampered

考题 单选题With the help of modern technology, ships are able to receive automated broadcast of safety messages().A by day or at nightB almost round the clockC somewhat and sometimeD from sunrise and sunset

考题 单选题Modern science and technology has ()communication between people far apart.A made convenientB made it convenientC made it convenient forD made it convenient to

考题 单选题The examples given in Para.2 are used to illustrate that _____.A people’s handwriting would have been better without computersB artists are those who like new technology for its own sakeC technical improvements enable tennis players to defeat their opponentsD people rely too much on modern technology

考题 单选题What is the best title for this passage?A Globalization of the WorldB Rapid Development of High-tech Communication Equipment and Overseas MarketC Secret of Success for Modern BusinessD Key Factors for Business and Business People in Modern World

考题 单选题While the development of the suburbs has created problems, it has also provided() modern housing for millions of people.A excessiveB immenseC memorableD substantia

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?A Transporting goods and people is the most important technology in the history of mankind.B Technology in transporting goods and people has changed human conditions more than anything else.C Technology in spreading information has changed human conditions more than transportation technology.D Technology in spreading information can’t change the economic development of society.

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT the reason for investing money in software developer training?A There are huge numbers of technology and skills in modern society.B It takes a short period to introduce a new technology.C The serviceable period of a new skill is quite short in modern society.D Technology develops quickly.