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How can you best()in your students the speech habits of the English language?









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更多 “单选题How can you best()in your students the speech habits of the English language?A civilizeB cultivateC evolveD train” 相关考题
考题 D)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(10分)New rules and behaviour standards(行为规范) for middle school students came out(颁布) in March. Middle schools are going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students won’t only have high marks. The following are some of the new rules.Tell the truth. Have you ever cheated(作弊) in an exam? Don’t do it again! That’s not something honest students should do.Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Birdloving Month in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate it? You should join! In that way, you can learn more about animals and how to protect(保护) them.Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought people could live on the moon? Maybe you’ll find another earth in space in the future. Everyone’s new ideas are important.Protect yourself. Has a thief ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don’t let it happen to you. If you have to go back home late, you should let your parents know.Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your study. But some things on the Internet aren’t for kids, so try to look at the good web pages(网页). You can use the web pages for fun or homework.36. What should the best students do in an exam? _______________________________________________________________--

考题 You can send them gifts ______ your best clients. A、in reply toB、with regard toC、in honor of

考题 - Let me show you how to use the printer. -() A、Thanks for your help.B、I’ll do my best.C、No, I can use it myself.

考题 Learning how to write is like taking a course in public speaking. I’ d ask whether anyone in class had ever taken such a course. Invariably a few hands would go up.“What did you learn in that course?” I’d ask.“Well, the main thing was learning how to face an audience ... not to be inhibited( 拘谨 )... not to be nervousExactly, when you take a course in public speaking nowadays, you don’ t hear much about grammar and vocabulary. Instead, you’ re taught how not to be afraid or embarrassed, how to speak without a prepared script, how to read out to the live audience before you. Public speaking is a matter of overcoming your long-standing nervous inhibitions.The same is true of writing. The point of the whole thing is to overcome your nervous inhibitions, to break through the invisible barrier that separates you from the person who’ ll read what you wrote. You must learn to sit in front of your typewriter or dictating machine and read out to the person at the other end of the line.Of course, in public speaking, with the audience right in front of you, the problem is easier. You can look at them and talk to them directly. In writing, you’ re alone. It needs an effort of your experience or imagination to take hold of that other person and talk to him or her. But that effort is necessary -- or at least it’ s necessary until you’ve reached the point when you quite naturally and unconsciously “talk on paper1、The topic of the passage is ________A、how to be a good writerB、how to be a good speakerC、how to express yourself with your wordsD、how to get rid of nervousness in public speaking2、The public speech course mainly teaches students ______A、how to make an attractive speech using perfect grammar and vocabularyB、how to express themselves exactly and vividlyC、how to collect data needed and organize itD、how to get over their nervousness when making a speech3、The similarity between making a public speech and writing is that _______A、you have to do a lot of preparation work beforehandB、 you should get over your nervous inhibitionsC、 you should know grammar and vocabulary well to accomplish themD、 both of them have audience4、In the opinion of the author, public speaking is much easier than writing because _______A、public speaking requires less effort than writingB、 it’ s unnecessary for you to write a lot for speech and you can say anything as you likeC、 you face the audience directly in public speaking; while writing is otherwiseD、 in public speaking, the audience have to listen to you whether they like it or not5、The author of this passage probably is a ________A、bossB、 politicianC、 writerD、 professor

考题 Do you have any idears about how to deliver a speech.___________ A.Molly,are you ready for the weekend speechB.The point of speech is not totally depending on the contentC.First, you should remember to keep eye-contact with your audience.

考题 How can you get along well with your classmates?___________

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water.You can solve the problem by activating the saliva(唾液)in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or,press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow.Or you can imagine that you are slicing(切片)a big juicy lemon and sucking(吮吸)the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted(稀释的)fruit juice. If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech. You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer.In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking.The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime. Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating sinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.if you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.The writer cites Goethe to prove that one can change one's habits.A:RightB:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or, press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow. Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech.Youmay feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor.perhaps you can get some advice from a orofessional singer. In the meantime,do not even talk ina low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advise you not to touch alcohol before speaking.The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice, but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime.Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able. to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.The writer's advice about alcohol before you make a speech is to take one or two drinks so as to give yourself some confidence.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or,press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flows.Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice,Avoid milk or creamy drinks which dry your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.Save your voice for your health.You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If it is necessary,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime .Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,“We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter”.Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body. The first paragraph mentions three ways of activating the saliva in the mouth.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or, press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow. Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech.Youmay feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor.perhaps you can get some advice from a orofessional singer. In the meantime,do not even talk ina low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advise you not to touch alcohol before speaking.The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice, but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime.Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able. to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.Goethe often did outdoor skating and swimming.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or,press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flows.Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice,Avoid milk or creamy drinks which dry your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.Save your voice for your health.You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If it is necessary,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime .Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,“We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter”.Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body. Due to the effect of alcohol,your thought and your mouth will not coordinate properly.A: RightB: WrongC:.Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or, press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow. Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech.Youmay feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor.perhaps you can get some advice from a orofessional singer. In the meantime,do not even talk ina low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advise you not to touch alcohol before speaking.The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice, but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime.Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able. to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.The writer suggests that you go to see a doctor when you feel you are losing your voice.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water.You can solve the problem by activating the saliva(唾液)in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or,press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow.Or you can imagine that you are slicing(切片)a big juicy lemon and sucking(吮吸)the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted(稀释的)fruit juice. If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech. You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer.In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking.The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime. Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating sinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.if you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.The writer's advice about alcohol before you make a speech is to take one or two drinks so as to give yourself some confidence.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or,press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flows.Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice,Avoid milk or creamy drinks which dry your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.Save your voice for your health.You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If it is necessary,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime .Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,“We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter”.Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body. The writer's advice about alcohol before you make a speech is to take one or two drinks so as to give yourself some confidence.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or, press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow. Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech.Youmay feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor.perhaps you can get some advice from a orofessional singer. In the meantime,do not even talk ina low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advise you not to touch alcohol before speaking.The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice, but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime.Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able. to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.The writer cites Goethe to prove that one can change one's habits.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or,press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flows.Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice,Avoid milk or creamy drinks which dry your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.Save your voice for your health.You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If it is necessary,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime .Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,“We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter”.Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.The writer cites Goethe to prove that one can change one's habits.A: RightB: WrongC:.Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or, press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow. Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech.Youmay feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor.perhaps you can get some advice from a orofessional singer. In the meantime,do not even talk ina low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advise you not to touch alcohol before speaking.The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice, but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime.Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able. to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.Due to the effect of alcohol,your thought and your mouth will not coordinate properly.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water.You can solve the problem by activating the saliva(唾液)in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or,press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow.Or you can imagine that you are slicing(切片)a big juicy lemon and sucking(吮吸)the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted(稀释的)fruit juice. If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech. You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer.In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking.The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime. Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating sinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.if you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.Due to the effect of alcohol,your thought and your mouth will not coordinate properly.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water.You can solve the problem by activating the saliva(唾液)in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or,press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow.Or you can imagine that you are slicing(切片)a big juicy lemon and sucking(吮吸)the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted(稀释的)fruit juice. If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech. You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer.In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking.The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime. Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating sinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.if you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.The writer suggests that you go to see a doctor when you feel you are losing your voice.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or,press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flows.Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice,Avoid milk or creamy drinks which dry your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.Save your voice for your health.You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If it is necessary,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime .Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,“We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter”.Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body. The writer suggests that you go to see a doctor when you feel you are losing your voice.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned

考题 小学英语?听说 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students will master some phrases about hobbies and the sentence structure about how to talk about hobbies Ability aim: Students will improve their speaking ability in talking about hobbies. Emotional aim: Students will be more confident in speaking English. Students will arouse their interest in learning oral English. Key and difficult point: Key Point: How to talk about hobbies. Difficult Point: Students will be more confident in speaking English. Students will arouse their interest in learning oral English. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greeting. 2. Chant: Dog, dog, what can you do? I can run after you. Panda, panda, what can you do? I can eat so much bamboo. Mouse, mouse, what can you do? I can hide in the shoe. Mike, Mike, what can you do? I can draw animals in the zoo! Step 2: Presentation 1. Read the dialogue by the teacher, and ask what the dialogue is about. (It’s about Peter’s hobbies) 2. Let the students find what Peter’s hobbies are. And tell them we can use what’s ..’s hobbies? to ask others’ hobby. He likes reading stories, doing Kung fu and swimming and he also like singing. Meanwhile I will use pictures and actions to help them understand these phrases and add -s after like when we meet he/she/it and v-ing follows the verb like. Step 3: Practice 1.Listen to the tape and try to follow it. Then give them 5 minutes to role play the conversation in pairs. 2.Invite volunteer to answer my question: who is your best friend? What are his/her hobbies. Step 4: Production Work in group of four to do a survey ask group members two questions: who is your best friend? What are his/her hobbies. Fill in the chart and then do a report in 7mins. Step5: Summary and Homework Summary: make a brief summary of what we have learned today. Homework: Ask their parents what their hobbies are and draw their hobbies down. Blackboard design: 1.Please talk about your teaching aims. 2.How to lead students master the phrases in real class? What activities will you design?

考题 小学英语?阅读 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students can master the sentence :”what time is it? it is ..” and you can/ can not ...” Ability aim: Students can improve their reading skills including scanning and skimming skills Emotional aim: Students can be more interested in English and take part in activities. Key and difficult point: Key Point: know how to ask about the time and master the sentences::”what time is it? it is ..” and you can/ can not ...” Difficult Point: use the sentence structure in daily life. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Ask students how did they spend their weekend. 3. Ask students “do you know wangfujing street in Beijing” Step 2: Pre-reading 1. show a picture about wangfujing street and ask “what can you see in this picture” 2. draw a clock and ask students “Do you know how to ask about time?” and “what can you do at this time? Step 3: While-reading Global reading: Ask students :”how many characters in the dialogue?” and “where are they” Detailed reading: what does Jenny buy and who will get the gift? Step4: Post-reading 1. Role-play: two students in a group. One student act as traveller and one student is tour guide. Give them 5 minutes to make dialogue with what we have learnt today. Step5: Summary and Homework Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class. Homework: ask students to practice the sentence structure learned today with desk mates after class. Blackboard design: 1. What will you do if the students don't finish your homework? 2. What reading skills are used in the passage?

考题 共用题干 第三篇Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in you mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow.Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat.Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that your are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech. You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer. In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a life- time.Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.What did Goethe say about skating and swimming?A:He said people could learn to skate when it was hot and swim when it was cold.B:He said people could learn to skate and swim when it was hot.C:He said people could learn to skate and swim when it was cold.D:He said people could learn to skate when it was cold and swim when it was hot.

考题 共用题干 第三篇Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in you mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow.Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat.Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that your are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech. You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer. In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a life- time.Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.All the following are mentioned in the passage about how to solve the problem of dry mouths EXCEPT__________.A:to bite the edges of your tongueB:to ask for a glass of waterC:to imagine you are having a sour fruit D:to take cool milk

考题 共用题干 第三篇Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in you mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow.Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat.Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that your are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech. You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer. In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a life- time.Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.What does the writer suggest when you feel you are losing your voice?A:Rest your voice.B:Drink some alcohol.C:Ask a singer to teach you how to protect your voice.D:Never go to see a doctor.

考题 共用题干 第三篇Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in you mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow.Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat.Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that your are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech. You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer. In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a life- time.Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.What is the writer's advice about alcohol before you give a speech?A:Drink a little of it to feel all-powerful.B:Don't drink it.C:Dilute it with water.D: Drink it two hours before you make a speech.

考题 共用题干 Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth .Or,press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flows.Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind'to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which dry your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that you are losing your voice,stop talking completely.In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.Save your voice for your health.You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If it is necessary,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alco- hol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime .Of course you can .Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,“We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter”.Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body. The writer suggests that you go to see a doctor when you feel you are losing your voice.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned