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According to the passage, “They don’t talk the same language” (Paragraph 1), can refer to problems in ______.

understanding metaphor.


learning foreign languages.


understanding dialect or style.


dealing with technological change.


题干中已经明确指出答案出自第一段,因此根据题干关键词They don’t talk the same language可定位到最后一句“‘They don’t talk the same language’ has a major metaphorical meaning alongside its literal one”, 可知本题考查的应该是这句话的隐喻意思,因此应该在第一段中进行概括总结,这时会发现倒数第二句“‘Common language’ here usually means a foreign language, but the same point applies in principle to any encounter with unfamiliar dialects or styles within a single language”,意思是“共同语言指的是一门外语,但是说同一语言下的不熟悉的方言或文体内也会有类似的问题”,由此可知,这里They don’t talk the same language应该理解为在方言和文体上存在的问题。该句先是说通常情况下,所以该题选C。
更多 “单选题According to the passage, “They don’t talk the same language” (Paragraph 1), can refer to problems in ______.A understanding metaphor.B learning foreign languages.C understanding dialect or style.D dealing with technological change.” 相关考题
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考题 "What awareness understanding are they expected to develop? " ?Which of the following learning aims does this sentence refer to?A.ability aims B.affect aims C.cultural aims D.knowledge aims

考题 资料:What if you were told there was a way you may strengthen your cognitive skills and heighten your intelligence, and all you had to do was was learn to strike up basic conversations in another language? It probably sounds great, because if you’re like most you would love to be able to speak a second language. But then, you recall your experience in high school foreign language-boring tote memorization and long hours with little progress-and perhaps it doesn’t sound so good any more. But, what if you were told it would take only 10 days to be on your way to becoming bilingual? Most people recognize the many benefits of learning a foreign language: You can travel to foreign countries and fell comfortable, be a more productive and enticing employee in today’s competitive job market, and immerse yourself in the vast cultures that surround you. But now, the collective evidence from a number of recent studies suggests that the bilingual experience improves the brain’s so-called executive function-a command system that directs the attention processes that we use for planning, solving problems, and performing various other mentally demanding tasks. These processes include the ability to ignore distractions to stay focused, switching attention willfully from one thing to another, and holding information in the mind-like remembering a sequence of directions while driving. Even better, new approaches to learning mean you can learn a new language without the endless repetition, homework, and memorization. One of the most powerful actually trains people to start speaking a new language in as little as 10 days! In fact, it’s so powerful, even the FBI has purchased it! Want to know more about this amazing approach? Click here! According to the passage, which of the following may help you heighten your intelligence?A.Strengthen your cognitive skills. B.Improve your basic conversations. C.Begin to learn a foreign language. D.Talk with others as often as possible.

考题 资料:What if you were told there was a way you may strengthen your cognitive skills and heighten your intelligence, and all you had to do was was learn to strike up basic conversations in another language? It probably sounds great, because if you’re like most you would love to be able to speak a second language. But then, you recall your experience in high school foreign language-boring tote memorization and long hours with little progress-and perhaps it doesn’t sound so good any more. But, what if you were told it would take only 10 days to be on your way to becoming bilingual? Most people recognize the many benefits of learning a foreign language: You can travel to foreign countries and fell comfortable, be a more productive and enticing employee in today’s competitive job market, and immerse yourself in the vast cultures that surround you. But now, the collective evidence from a number of recent studies suggests that the bilingual experience improves the brain’s so-called executive function-a command system that directs the attention processes that we use for planning, solving problems, and performing various other mentally demanding tasks. These processes include the ability to ignore distractions to stay focused, switching attention willfully from one thing to another, and holding information in the mind-like remembering a sequence of directions while driving. Even better, new approaches to learning mean you can learn a new language without the endless repetition, homework, and memorization. One of the most powerful actually trains people to start speaking a new language in as little as 10 days! In fact, it’s so powerful, even the FBI has purchased it! Want to know more about this amazing approach? Click here! The passage is most likely ________. A.attracting readers to a new approach that will help them become bilingual in 10 days B.introducing various ways of learning a foreign language C.explaining the benefits of learning a foreign language D.making readers pay attention to the importance of learning foreign languages

考题 In what sense can an understanding of the context of education contribute to language teaching and learning?

考题 单选题How do people look at telecommuting according to the first paragraph?A They are against it.B They don’t care about it.C They share the same view.D They differ in their opinions.

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考题 单选题What is the premise of “customer satisfaction level”, according to the passage?A Good service and quality.B Different treatments to different customer groups.C Making money.D Full understanding of customer needs.

考题 单选题A suitable title for this passage would be ______.A Overcoming the Language Barrier.B How to Survive in an English-speaking World.C Global Understanding—the Key to Personal Progress.D The Need for a Common Language.

考题 单选题Carroll’s statement cited in Lines 2-3, Paragraph 2 shows ______.A the absence of a proper understanding in the nature of language learning.B his anxiety over the situation in the studies of language learning.C the necessity for psychological research on language learning.D his promise of what he could offer for psycholinguistic studies.

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考题 单选题The greatest value of the program is that each visiting student _____.A has a chance to travel in foreign countriesB shares what he learned with othersC learns a new languageD gains a new understanding of world problems

考题 单选题It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about schools?A They should present political information according to carefully planned, schematic arrangements.B They themselves constitute part of a general socio-political system that adolescents are learning to understand.C They are ineffectual to the degree that they disregard adolescents’ political naves.D Because they are subsidiary to government, their contribution to the political understanding of adolescents must be limited.

考题 单选题What’s Puck’s characteristic according to your understanding of the passage?A Rude, rush and impolite.B Happy, interesting and full of fun.C Dull, absurd and ridiculous.D Shrewd, cunning and tricky.

考题 问答题What is the significance to understanding the sunspot component according to the passage?

考题 单选题We don't think __________ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A thisB thatC itsD it

考题 问答题In what sense can an understanding of the context of education contribute to language teaching and learning?

考题 单选题According to Paragraph 1, what has been unsettled about language learning is ______.A the way of proving Penfield’s suggestions.B the theoretical value of Penfield’s argument.C the intensity of language training programs.D the best age for second language learning.

考题 单选题According to the passage, driving can be safe if ______.A you are patientB you obey all the traffic rulesC you don’t cut another car offD you wait in line at a red light

考题 单选题From the passage, we know that ______A Billy can’t hearB Billy can’t seeC Billy can’t walkD Billy can’t talk

考题 单选题According to Paragraph 1, Cardus observed that.A a composer can separate his language and harmonies from his own mind and sensibilityB a composer can separate his language and harmonies from the mind and sensibility of an artistC some people can separate the language and harmonies of a composer from his mind and sensibilityD the language, harmonies, rhythms, melodies, colors and texture of a composer cannot be separated from each other